Timing of the CIA collecting bulk data story, connections to the FBI
How does an agency attach itself to another?
Thus far, SPYGATE has mostly focused on the FBI, which would make sense, as they are the responsible for domestic investigations. One of the things that makes the CIA story stand out is that they were collecting bulk data domestically, when their task is to provide foreign money intelligence. The CIA has the ability to work with the FBI on their special "bulk collection" given a FISA warrant or a sign off by the DNI. It appears to be outlined under Executive Order 12333. Seems to me like that would be a very convenient way to assist the FBI in ousting POTUS. The CIA can similarly ask the NSA to perform tasks and share intelligence regarding collection outside of the CIA’s (supposed) lane of foreign intelligence.
A few other updates:
The AP article mentions @Snowden, who has come up a lot in recent days.
The CIA can also link itself to the NSA
Clapper lied about knowing about the NSA surveillance back in 2013
Was CIA using the NSA data all the way back then?
I posted part of this yesterday, and apparently I did this the hard way, I didn't realize that Q Drop #4839 basically laid out the question I was asking. So there's that.
Anyway, would appreciate anons' thoughts on this.
Sources/Further information:
Senators: CIA has secret program that collects American data'''
U.S. senators say CIA data collection has been hidden from public, lawmakers
Letter to Haines, Burns
The CIA’s Updated Executive Order 12333 Attorney General Guidelines
Statement on the Release of the Central Intelligence Agency's Updated Executive Order 12333 Procedures
Central Intelligence Agency - Release Statement
Declassification of Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB) Executive Order 12333 Reviews
Office of Privacy and Civil Liberties