YOU stay safe.. we still have a camping trip talking and shooting shit about teh Great Awakening…
VIDEO: Granger Smith feat. Earl Dibbles Jr. - Merica (Official Video) (YouTube)
thanks for all the posts anon!
So.. as this ramped up, I spent a night watching breast feeding videos, and how all that works. A dig on it all. And some mothers over produce, and some under produce. And there are ways to get milk production up etc. I am a dude so I am just going off what I read, I have no working knowledge of it, but bewbs are life so..
That said. The next thing that came to mind was.. what about all those who got the jab? They are all the sudden excluded from milk production, and no patriot would want to have them produce milk for their babies!
SO this just cut down the amount of moms who are able to produce in excess to give to needy babies..
Talk about a planned attack on our children!!!!!!