Anonymous ID: 5ffe68 Oct. 26, 2020, 1:18 a.m. No.1410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1411 >>1433

~7pm Sunday 25 Oct. 2020 EST


Most haven't yet realized one important thing:  the "office" model ended about 25 years ago (~1995) with the personal computer explosion.  Once it was turned into a laptop, the office was dead in the water.


This (vacant office space beyond your imagination - )


… all started then.  The computer became the office.  The computer became the file cabinets.  The computer became the meeting place. The computer became the entire office in one small two pound piece of metal and plastic.  A 100 million pound concrete and steel building shrunk into a laptop. 


All of your work is done on the computer now.  Why go to an office tower and use the computer>…?  People sit in the office and push the same buttons on he computer that they can do at home.  Stay home and do the same work.  Zoom in for meetings.  Continue putting documents on file and email them to people at the push of a button. 


The owners of the companies that rented that space suddenly woke up and told the people to go home and they abandoned the offices.  That is why these huge behemoths are empty now.  The plan-demic was the perfect excuse that nobody could argue with….after all…it is the virus!


Same thing with Amazon.  Stores are gone.  The Computer shrunk the entire world.  No need for office buildings, stores, malls, driving to pick things up, etc. 


The computer does it all for you.  It has hit the flash point of Star Trek in one quick plan-demic.  The plan-demic was not an accident.  It just fired 40% of the workplace in a matter of months.  It will accelerate as businesses have to adapt to stay alive.  Adapt or go under. Compete or go under.  Fire or go bankrupt.  And the people will have to adapt or be fired.


BOOM!  In one generation people have largely become irrelevant.  AI took over and does all or most of the work.


First they seduced you with the shinny computer.  Then you all went out and bought several of them.  Then they fired you for the computer.  The computer doesn't talk back.  The computer doesn't take sick days.  The computer doesn't require office space, insurance, benefits, or pensions. 


Pretty soon the $Million dollar house will coast $20,000 or less.  How?  They will simply print the house on a computer, and use composite materials in as little as two days.  These houses will have solar paint on them.  They will use the trash we throw away to build them.  In fact, they are already doing it now.  The differences will be many, but the big difference is that they will last 150 years or more. They will be loaded with high-tech, free energy, etc.  And they will cost 1% of today's house.  This is just the beginning.


You do the math.


The computer is your friend. You now spend most of your day on the computer or iPhone, just like you are doing now.



Anonymous ID: 5ffe68 Oct. 26, 2020, 2:11 a.m. No.1412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1414 >>1416

Holy shit. where is everybody?


Over in the toxic zone?


(Deciding whether to suit up and have a peek. That place is dangerous, sucks you right in.)

Anonymous ID: 5ffe68 Oct. 26, 2020, 3:17 a.m. No.1416   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>"We're good folks here. Have a look at our Notables."


Well, I am, and they suck. I could spend an hour explaining, even taking many one by one …


But I won't. img related (link)


I just pick a few decent/good ones to read/ see.


There are good posts not notable, but they exist in a very toxic atmosphere. Too bad. It's sad.





Anonymous ID: 5ffe68 Oct. 26, 2020, 5:29 a.m. No.1443   🗄️.is 🔗kun

just want to share this img. It could have uses, I imagine, feel free.


Looking for something in my huge pile of oldies and it grabbed me.


Some artillery smashed village in E Ukraine/Donbas years ago.

Anonymous ID: 5ffe68 Oct. 26, 2020, 6:07 a.m. No.1449   🗄️.is 🔗kun



2:53 - 33:40 State by state in latter part.


Dan Bongino super interview w Trafalgar Polls (got it right in 2016!) guy, Cahaly, goes state by state.


Cahlay's assessment comports with what our eyes, ears and guts are telling us — not what the polls are saying…. Fraud in PA is still a worry though. Fla in the bag. …

Anonymous ID: 5ffe68 Oct. 26, 2020, 6:40 a.m. No.1462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1463 >>1469



Handy links

(nothing since "Only the beginning, Padawan."


  • ---


A Padawan, also known as a Padawan learner, Padawan apprentice, Jedi apprentice or Apprentice, was the stage of Jedi training where a Force-sensitive of the Jedi Order trained under a Jedi Knight or Master.



Anonymous ID: 5ffe68 Oct. 26, 2020, 6:53 a.m. No.1465   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Martin is cool but the one he' retweeting is, imo, full of po-po.


Martin is here - - he retweeted that some 8 hrs ago

Anonymous ID: 5ffe68 Oct. 26, 2020, 9:02 a.m. No.1568   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Perhaps her performance of "November" in the Forbidden City in 2018 is more relevant for this time?


I dunno, all this is over my head … (6m 43s)

