Morning anons!
Thousands file sexual abuse claims against Boy Scouts as deadline in bankruptcy looms
Morning anons!
Thousands file sexual abuse claims against Boy Scouts as deadline in bankruptcy looms
I hate to say it, but this might actually be a Q proof; lol.
Holy shit; it's a nothing burger. Literally he said/she said nonsense family drama. Looks to me that, although Hunter was living it up doing international criminal business deals, and selling access to the @VP of the USA, he wasn't boning his nieces are anything of the sort.
This has gotten utterly ridiculous.
So "suggestive images of underage girls", and text messages supposedly talking about nude facetime between Hunter and a 14 y/o girl (note that it doesn't say relative). I get everyone wants to jump on Hunter for being a depraved piece of shit and selling access to his dad, but let's carefully analyze what's being said, here. What Giuliani is saying, here, is that none of what has been leaked thus far is CP, nor includes anyone in the Biden family. There's a massive effort all over here and on 4chan to suggest it was "in the family" happening as well. I wouldn't be so quick to jump on that bandwagon as it really obscures the real story, here. That is, the national security risk to the USA that Hunter imposed.
It concerns the Biden family because there were other crimes committed, and it's likely that the drug escapades and hooker stuff was in direct exchange for access to Joe when he was VP; sure. If I were Hallie and I learned of this, I'd keep him from seeing my daughter, too. That's the backstory for the text messages. Hunter probably pulled a "Weiner" a few times, sure. Hunter probably had some underage action, but none of us can prove that. Hunter definitely had/has a drug problem, a very fucked up childhood/adulthood, and was doing some really criminal shit when his daddy was VP. Outside of that, the barrage of CP charges from anons that have all seen the same pics from a Chinese "news" outlet is nothing more than a narrative, and a lot of bandwagoning.