Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 7:40 a.m. No.1491   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Joe Biden Forgets Trump's Name Again, Claims He Is Running Against "George Bush"


With 8 days left until Election Day, Vice President Joe Biden is still having trouble remembering exactly who he's running against.


It's definitely not the first time this has happened, but during a critical opportunity to appeal to young voters from the safety of his basement (Joe and Dr. Jill Biden were making a brief appearance during the "I Will Vote" livestream) Biden stumbled and appeared to forget President Trump's name, awkwardly referring to him as "my opponent" before stammering out "George Bush".

Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 7:43 a.m. No.1494   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wall Street Begins Hedging: JPM Says Trump Victory Is "Most Favorable Outcome", Would Push S&P To 3,900


Over the past month, Wall Street's strategists have engaged in a comprehensive campaign to "ease" client fears that a Biden administration and/or a "Blue Sweep" would be just as good for stocks if not better than a continuation of the status quo, thus avoiding a selloff should Nov 3 prove to be a rout for Republicans, to wit:

Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 7:53 a.m. No.1498   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1543

Revolver Exclusive: Inside Source Alleges Underage Photos Found On Hunter’s Laptop Were of a Member of The Biden Family


Hunter Biden is facing accusations that his laptop includes numerous suggestive images of underage girls, Rudy Giuliani announced on Newsmax TV Tuesday night. Rudy Giuliani also broke the news that a text message between Hunter and Joe indicates potentially nefarious activity, including Facetiming naked, between Hunter and an unnamed 14-year-old girl.


Giuliani said he had turned over evidence to Delaware State Police for possible investigation.


Biden Thread


Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 7:58 a.m. No.1499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1310 >>1534 >>1591 >>1624

EXCLUSIVE PHOTO: Democrat Candidate Cal Cunningham Kicked Out of Family Home


Exclusive Photo Shows Him Living With His Sister


North Carolina’s Democrat nominee for U.S. Senate, Cal Cunningham, has moved out of his family’s Raleigh home and is now living with his sister, according to photos of Cunningham taken at his sister’s house obtained by National File.


Rumors that Cunningham was kicked out of his family home have flown since National File’s Patrick Howley broke the news of his affair with the wife of a junior Army officer earlier this month – an affair that violates military rules and has sparked an official U.S. Army investigation as Cunningham serves as a Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves.


On October 2, Cunningham admitted to exchanging sexual text messages with Arlene Guzman Todd, a California resident who previously lived in Raleigh. Additionally, Todd has confirmed that she and Cunningham had sex in July of this year.


According to concerned Raleigh residents with knowledge of Cunningham’s whereabouts, he last stayed overnight at the $630,000, 3,200 square foot home he shares with his wife and two children in the city’s Cameron Village on October 10.

Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 8 a.m. No.1500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1310 >>1534 >>1591 >>1624

AOC, Ilhan Omar Team Up With Twitch Streamer Who Said ‘America Deserved 9/11’


Hasan Piker, who only a year ago claimed that "America deserved 9/11" has resurfaced to team up with democratic representatives to promote voting.


Hasan Piker, who only a year ago claimed that ‘America deserved 9/11’ has resurfaced to team up with democratic representatives to promote voting.


A Twitch stream was organized for Democratic House Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) by a streamer known as Piker. The trio were set to play the popular game Among Us, where players must attempt to detect murderous alien intruders among them while completing crucial tasks.


Piker, a former contributor to the Young Turks, is now known for playing video games and vlogging on Twitch. The live streamer also raised eyebrows when he went on a expletive-laden rant about American foreign policy and Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) last year that culminated in the streamer claiming the United States “deserved” the September 11 terrorist attacks.

Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 8:01 a.m. No.1501   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CONFIRMED: Facebook Uses Chinese Nationals To Censor Americans On ‘Hate Speech Engineering’ Team


New information reveals Facebook is using Chinese nationals in a team with the title ‘Hate Speech Engineering’ to affect censorship of political posts


As Facebook and Twitter come under fire for overtly censoring the Hunter Biden scandal, arguably the biggest political story of the last 50 years, new information reveals Facebook is using Chinese nationals to head-up their “Hate Speech Engineering” team.


The Hate Speech Engineering team – which is primarily tasked with what, in the end, constitutes censorship of certain political posts, is mostly located deep inside the secured floors of Facebook’s Seattle and has a staff that includes six Chinese nationals holding H-1B visas.


These six Chinese nationals include:


A research scientist who earned his master’s degree in computer engineering from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing

A software engineer for machine learning who earned his master’s degrees in computer science from Jilin University in northeast China

An engineering manager who earned his degree in computer science at Nanjing University in eastern China

A software engineer who worked for the Communist-backed communication conglomerate Huawei (a company sanctioned by the US)

A software engineer who worked for the Beijing National Railway & Design Institute of Signal & Communication


Facebook Fuckery Thread


Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 8:08 a.m. No.1506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1310 >>1534 >>1591 >>1624

DIARY: Biden’s Daughter Thought Hunter’s $2.5 Million Hollywood Mansion Would Be Scandalous – Whistleblower


Hunter Biden bought a $2.5 million home in the Hollywood Hills in June of 2019.


National File recently published several pages from what our whistleblower has identified as the 2019 diary of Ashley Blazer Biden, the 39-year-old daughter of Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden. In the diary, the author details her relationship with a person she identifies as her brother, named Hunter, who was in the process of buying a home in early 2019.


In an entry dated February 4, 2019, the author wrote, “Hunter’s birthday.” Hunter Biden turned 49-years-old on that date. The author then explains that Hunter “actually text me the first time last night to tell me he is glad I had a good day,” and reveals that she will soon attend a therapy session with him.


“I have a therapy session with him tomorrow which makes me nervous,” she wrote. At this point the author wrote that Hunter was preparing to buy a house, something she later wrote would complicate their father’s presidential campaign.


“I guess tonight I will figure out what I want to ask & what I want to say,” she wrote. “He is home today signing papers for his new house.”


Biden Thread


Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 8:11 a.m. No.1510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1310 >>1534 >>1591 >>1624

Biden's lead? Why Democrats worry they could blow it

LA Times


Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden fields media questions in Wilmington, Del., On Saturday.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden recently fields media questions in Wilmington, Del. (Associated Press)

In this final dash of the presidential race, former Vice President Joe Biden holds a solid lead and his backers are working themselves to exhaustion. Yet Democrats still find that they can’t sleep at night.


Their nightmare of 2016 — front-runner Hillary Clinton's stunning upset by Donald Trump — keeps jolting them awake.


“Everybody is anxious,” said Paul Begala, a longtime advisor to Bill and Hillary Clinton and a founder of the Democratic fundraising behemoth Priorities USA. “It is not just post-traumatic stress disorder. We have permanent traumatic stress disorder. We will never get over what happened in 2016.”


Biden Thread


Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 8:12 a.m. No.1512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1310 >>1534 >>1591 >>1624

Wisconsin Early Ballot Returns Show Polls Are Wrong–Republicans Storm The Polls, Now Ahead in WI


Republicans crash Wisconsin early vote, eating into Democrats’ lead


please share


With 1,294,660 ballots cast, the GOP leads the early vote in Wisconsin. 42% GOP to 36% DEM. About 46% of the estimated total votes for 2020 have been cast. In Wisconsin, you can register and vote the same day, so this is still a close race. Over the past few days, Republicans have stormed the polls and are beginning to take the lead in early voting in several sates. The following data is derived from actual ballots cast.


The sample size is large, and in that way make this a more accurate indicator of voting preference. This data does not account for specific demographics or segments of the electorate that still have to vote. In general, though, Republicans are more weary of casting mail-in votes, and are waiting for election day. If that assumption is correct, President Trump has the advantage in Wisconsin.

Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 8:13 a.m. No.1514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1310 >>1534 >>1591 >>1624

Michigan Election Workers Told To Dispose Of Ballots, Expel Poll Watchers


Election integrity in a vital Midwestern swing state is now in doubt.


Election workers in Michigan have been told during their official training classes that they should dispose of ballots, expel poll watchers and count challenged ballots.


The Gateway Pundit reports that election workers were provided with ways in which they can prevent poll watchers doing their jobs in affirming election integrity.


“They have to wear a mask, and they have to stay six feet. That’s important because if you don’t have six feet, they can’t come back there,” an instructor told attendees at the training session.


The instructor then joked about how social distancing guidelines could be used to obfuscate the process, as a person observing these rules cannot see or verify signatures.

Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 8:16 a.m. No.1515   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President Trump makes a bold move to weaken the Swamp’s power


By Andrea Widburg

Thanks to President Trump’s latest executive order, there’s got to be a sense of panic across every administrative agency in Washington. Last week, President Trump issued an order bearing the innocuous title, “Executive Order on Creating Schedule F In The Excepted Service.” Behind that title lurks an earthquake that may finally break the permanent bureaucracy’s stranglehold on federal politics and bring more accountability to the American government.


When the Founders ratified the Constitution, they envisioned only three branches of government: The Executive, the Legislative, and the Judiciary branches. However, as America grew, a bureaucratic class grew along with it.


In theory, the federal bureaucracy is a subset of the Executive branch. Its purpose is to act as the President’s agent in carrying out the laws that Congress passes. Also, in theory, the people working in the federal bureaucracy act strictly without partisanship, performing their work for all Americans’ benefit, not for a specific political party’s benefit.


In fact, those theories are, as Biden would say, malarky. Over the past four years, we’ve learned that agency employees believe themselves to be an unaccountable fourth branch of government. We’ve also seen that too many employees are highly partisan. Whether in the IRS, the FBI, the DOJ, the CIA, or multiple other agencies, they see their highest goal as advancing the Democrat party’s interests. This is not surprising, given that, in 2016, 95% of those federal employees who made political donations gave their money to Hillary Clinton.


There’s yet another problem with the federal bureaucracy: It acts as an unelected legislature. Congress has repeatedly ceded to administrative agencies the power to dictate how businesses and individuals can function in America. While Congress is answerable to voters (Senators must go back to their constituents every six years and House members must go back every two years), the administrative agencies aren’t answerable to anybody.


These unfettered administrative agencies, collectively, are the Swamp. The Swamp’s members have attempted a coup against the White House; they have set up an internal resistance against their constitutional boss, President Trump; and they have actively harassed people who don’t toe the Democrat party line, whether through the IRS, the BLM, or myriad other alphabet soup agencies.


That’s why it’s important that President Trump is finally acting against the policy-makers in the federal bureaucracy. His “Executive Order on Creating Schedule F In The Excepted Service” allows a presidential administration to look beyond the checkboxes of “competitive service selection procedures” to determine whether upper-level management employees in the federal service are doing a good job.


According to an article from the Washington Post,


The directive, issued late Wednesday, strips long-held civil service protections from employees whose work involves policymaking, allowing them to be dismissed with little cause or recourse, much like the political appointees who come and go with each administration.


Federal scientists, attorneys, regulators, public health experts and many others in senior roles would lose rights to due process and in some cases, union representation, at agencies across the government. The White House declined to say how many jobs would be swept into a class of employees with fewer civil service rights, but civil service experts and union leaders estimated anywhere from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands in a workforce of 2.1 million.


The same WaPo article argues that the executive order makes the bureaucracy a partisan organization, rather than a pure and nonpartisan workforce:


Still, the order, coming less than two weeks before the election, represents a stunning effort to reshape large parts of the nonpartisan government, which is supposed to serve as a cadre of subject-matter experts for every administration.


That’s a laugh. There’s nothing nonpartisan about the Swamp. Trump’s order finally gives the President – who is, after all, the boss – the power to get rid of employees who actively resist a president’s policies. This power matters because the American people have selected their president because of his policies. Those employees who “resist” implementing his policies should be fired.


But here’s the deal about this executive order: If Trump is reelected, the order will eventually go into effect, and Trump will finally be given a free hand to clean out the Swamp, getting rid of partisan actors, and keeping in place employees who are dedicated to working for the American people. However, if Biden is elected, he will immediately rescind this executive order. You can then expect the Swamp to grow even more powerful in an administration that has as its primary goal expanding the government into every area of American life.


Image: Intelligence Community logos. Public Domain (government work).


Thanks to President Trump’s latest executive order, there’s got to be a sense of panic across every administrative agency in Washington. Last week, President Trump issued an order bearing the innocuous title, “Executive Order on Creating Schedule F In The Excepted Service.” Behind that title lurks an earthquake that may finally break the permanent bureaucracy’s stranglehold on federal politics and bring more accountability to the American government.


When the Founders ratified the Constitution, they envisioned only three branches of government: The Executive, the Legislative, and the Judiciary branches. However, as America grew, a bureaucratic class grew along with it.


In theory, the federal bureaucracy is a subset of the Executive branch. Its purpose is to act as the President’s agent in carrying out the laws that Congress passes. Also, in theory, the people working in the federal bureaucracy act strictly without partisanship, performing their work for all Americans’ benefit, not for a specific political party’s benefit.


In fact, those theories are, as Biden would say, malarky. Over the past four years, we’ve learned that agency employees believe themselves to be an unaccountable fourth branch of government. We’ve also seen that too many employees are highly partisan. Whether in the IRS, the FBI, the DOJ, the CIA, or multiple other agencies, they see their highest goal as advancing the Democrat party’s interests. This is not surprising, given that, in 2016, 95% of those federal employees who made political donations gave their money to Hillary Clinton.



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Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 8:18 a.m. No.1518   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Forget the Hunter Biden sex tapes. The real news is much bigger than that.


By Andrea Widburg

See also: China’s Communist Party is backing the left’s revolution, seeking our downfall and subjugation


GTV, a Chinese dissident billionaire’s Taiwan-based media outlet, is releasing sordid, depressing videos and photographs of a person purported to be Hunter Biden engaging in sex and seemingly smoking crack. That’s not the big news. The big news is that the same outlet claims that (a) Communist China owns Joe Biden; (b) Joe Biden sold out CIA assets in China who were then executed or imprisoned; and (c) GTV has millions of images showing other presumably influential people in comprising positions. If all this is true, we may see a complete realignment in Western politics.


The Hunter Biden videos and images are at GTV’s video site. I won’t give the link here because the material is pornographic. However, the following are two cropped pictures. In both, the person appearng to be Hunter is naked and with a woman. In the second picture, Hunter appears to be lighting a crack pipe while engaged in sexual activity with the woman:





What’s more interesting than the images themselves is the story behind them and the allegations included with them. Taiwan-based GTV and GNews, which published the material, are owned by Guo Wengui, a dissent Chinese billionaire.


Guo was born in mainland China and gained his wealth doing construction work. Eventually, he ran into trouble, and the Chinese government accused him of corruption. (The reality, of course, is that anyone who has become wealthy in China was corrupt.)


Guo escaped with his wealth to America. He is a fervent enemy of the Chinese Communist Party and has made it his mission to bring it down. One of his friends is Steve Bannon, with whose help he founded GTV and GNews. In June, Bannon joined with Guo to declare a “New Federal State of China” they hope will overthrow China’s communist government.


When the New York Post, on October 14, published its first report about Hunter Biden’s hard drive, that wasn’t the first time Hunter’s computer made the news. According to the Daily Beast, on September 25, a Guo-affiliated YouTube station uploaded a Chinese-language video announcing that Guo and Bannon had sent “sent three hard disks of evidence” to both the Justice Department and Nancy Pelosi.


Three days later, Himalaya Global, a movement that Guo and Bannon started, published a tweet making the same announcement, only adding that the disks created a “big money and sex scandal.” Twitter has since suspended the account, but the Daily Beast captured the contents:



When the Daily Beast wrote its October 16 article, it labeled the Guo outlet’s claims as “absurd on their face” and added that they showed “endless conspiracy theorizing….” Since then, revelations from the New York Post, Rudy Giuliani, Tony Bobulinski, and other anonymous sources have confirmed that Hunter’s hard drive had compromising financial information. Now, thanks to GTV’s videos and photos, it looks like Guo was also telling the truth about a sex scandal.


In other words, the allegations in the tweet about disks of evidence and financial and sex scandals appear true. That makes it possible, indeed probable, that the other allegation in the tweet is true: namely, that not only has the FBI had Hunter’s computers since December 2019, but also that both Nancy Pelosi and the DOJ have been sitting on the same information since September 28, 2020.


As if that’s not shocking enough, Guo’s outlets have made a few other staggering allegations. These allegations are scattered throughout the videos and summarized in this essay at GNews (emphasis mine):


This video shows only the tip of the iceberg of what is important in the Chinese Communist Party’s Blue-Gold-Yellow (BGY) program. They take advantage of all those Western politicians, celebrities, and their families who are greedy for Chinese wealth, and threaten them by getting hold of and recording their sex and drug videos, forcing them to sell out their countries and people, and even their own national security in order to cooperate with the Chinese Communist Party’s world domination.


U.S. presidential candidate Joe Biden is 100% controlled by the Chinese Communist Party as one of the most successful political instances of the BGY program. He is also a target of the CCP’s 3F plan, which aims to “fall, fail, and fell,” to weaken, destroy and kill America!


The Chinese Communist Party’s use of this tactic to threaten Biden and his sons and to bribe them with large amounts of wealth is one of the major causes of the disputes over the South China Sea, US-China trade, intellectual property rights, and energy prices, etc., as well as Biden’s provision of large numbers of CIA intelligence agents in China to the Chinese Communist Party.


The Chinese Communist Party has such a BGY program in the United States and in several Western countries in Europe. We will have millions of videos and photos of government officials, corrupt people, traitors, and criminals colluding with the Communist Party to dominate the world.


Again, merely because Guo’s outlets have been accurate about some things does not mean that the above allegations are true. However, the following three allegations, if true, are earth-shaking:


First: China has long owned Biden thanks to its having compromising information about his family (and possibly about him too).


Second: Biden identified CIA assets in China. The back story is that, between 2010 and 2012, China executed or imprisoned 18 to 20 assets who had bravely worked with the CIA, destroying a critical intelligence network.


Third: Guo’s outlets have “millions of videos and photos” of people who have worked with the Chinese against their own countries. If true, this implies that Guo managed to get into China’s “blackmail” database and can release that information.


If you thought Epstein’s secrets were big, these new claims, if true, could blow everything out of the water. I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say that this information – again if it’s true – could realign politics in America and elsewhere.


See also: China’s Communist Party is backing the left’s revolution, seeking our downfall and subjugation


GTV, a Chinese dissident billionaire’s Taiwan-based media outlet, is releasing sordid, depressing videos and photographs of a person purported to be Hunter Biden engaging in sex and seemingly smoking crack. That’s not the big news. The big news is that the same outlet claims that (a) Communist China owns Joe Biden; (b) Joe Biden sold out CIA assets in China who were then executed or imprisoned; and (c) GTV has millions of images showing other presumably influential people in comprising positions. If all this is true, we may see a complete realignment in Western politics.


The Hunter Biden videos and images are at GTV’s video site. I won’t give the link here because the material is pornographic. However, the following are two cropped pictures. In both, the person appearng to be Hunter is naked and with a woman. In the second picture, Hunter appears to be lighting a crack pipe while engaged in sexual activity with the woman:



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Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 8:24 a.m. No.1528   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden's oil stance jars Democrats in tough races


Alexander Bolton10/24/20 01:12 PM EDT

Joe Biden's vow to phase out the oil industry at Thursday's debate creates a problem for Democratic candidates in red-leaning states and swing House districts as it gives Republicans an opening to tie them to their party’s left wing.


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said in April of last year that he wanted to make the 2020 election “a referendum on socialism.”


That strategy ran into a big problem when Democrats nominated Biden, a candidate who developed a reputation as a moderate during his decades in Washington, for president.


Now Biden’s blunt affirmation that “yes” he “would transition” when asked by President Trump on Thursday whether he would “close down the oil industry,” gives Republican candidates ammo.


“Biden has rolled out nothing short of an entirely left-wing economic agenda and has never been forced to defend it on a public stage until Thursday,” said Josh Holmes, a Republican strategist and McConnell’s former chief of staff.


Biden Thread


Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 8:29 a.m. No.1538   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden Flees From Podium After Delaware Speech Without Taking Questions, Drops His Face Mask on the Ground (VIDEO)


Joe Biden on Friday delivered remarks on the Coronavirus from Wilmington, Delaware.


77-year-old Joe Biden said, “I’m not going to shut down the economy, I’m not gonna shut down the country” — despite vowing to ‘listen to the scientists’ and shut down the country to ‘combat the Coronavirus’ during his interview with ABC News.


The plan Biden laid out today is literally what President Trump is already doing to combat the Coronavirus (save for universal masking).


Today Biden said his administration would do the following to stop the spread of Covid:


Biden Thread


Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 8:42 a.m. No.1545   🗄️.is 🔗kun


its a full picture thing I think. Its not just one component of what is "Hunter".. he is just fucked.. and sabotaged his dad's deep state cult. More stuff coming..

Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 8:44 a.m. No.1548   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“Biden’s Staff Told Us He Misspoke” – Joe Biden Confuses His Agenda in 60 Minutes Interview so His Staff Steps in to Correct the Record (VIDEO)


Joe Biden sat down for an interview with 60 Minutes host Norah O’Donnell and it didn’t go well.


Biden ‘confused’ his agenda during the 60 Minutes interview so his staff had to step in and correct the record.


“I can send every qualified person to a 4 year college in their state for $150 billion,” Biden said. “I can make sure every single person who qualifies for community college can go and we’d still have a lot of money left over.”


Pizza for everybody!


Biden Thread


Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 8:46 a.m. No.1553   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hack Reporter Leslie Stahl Tells Donald Trump “There Is No Biden Scandal”


It should be clear at this point that Lesley Stahl’s main job description is to lie to the American people.


On Sunday President Trump confronted Leslie Stahl from “60 Minutes” on the Biden family scandal.


Lesley’s response: “He’s not. No! C’mon!”


Stahl then denied that the Obama regime spied on the Trump campaign.


Biden Thread


Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 8:49 a.m. No.1558   🗄️.is 🔗kun

First Reported August 15 in my


Investigates "BIDEN BRIBE TAPES" Series, Part III…


Gutseriev, Luzhkov, Baturina, Podesta, Band, Biden, Heinz (Kerry), Archer… It's coming together.


TRUMP-RUSSIA was a Dem projection stunt. It was DEMS-RUSSIA from the start..


Biden Thread


Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 8:52 a.m. No.1560   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Al Qaeda's second in command on FBI's most-wanted list killed in Afghanistan: reports


The reported death of Husam Abd al-Rauf follows weeks of violence, including a suicide bombing


Associated Press1 day ago

Fox News Flash top headlines for October 24


Fox News Flash top headlines are here. Check out what's clicking on


Afghanistan claimed Sunday it killed a top Al Qaeda propagandist on an FBI most-wanted list during an operation in the country's east, showing the militant group's continued presence there as U.S. forces work to withdraw from America's longest-running war amid continued bloodshed.


The reported death of Husam Abd al-Rauf, also known by the nom de guerre Abu Muhsin al-Masri, follows weeks of violence, including a suicide bombing by the Islamic State group Saturday at an education center near Kabul that killed 24 people. Meanwhile, the Afghan government continues to fight Taliban militants even as peace talks in Qatar between the two sides take place for the first time.

Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 8:58 a.m. No.1564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1591 >>1624

Facebook Prepares Measures for Possible Election Unrest - WSJ


Oct. 25, 2020 2:47 pm ET


Facebook is tightening its rules on content concerning the U.S. presidential election next month.

Photo: Gabby Jones/Bloomberg News

By and

Facebook Inc. FB 2.40%▲ teams have planned for the possibility of trying to calm election-related conflict in the U.S. by deploying internal tools designed for what it calls “at-risk” countries, according to people familiar with the matter.

The emergency measures include slowing the spread of viral content and lowering the bar for suppressing potentially inflammatory posts, the people said. Previously used in countries including Sri Lanka and Myanmar, they are part of a larger tool kit developed by Facebook to prepare for the U.S. election.


Facebook executives have said they would only deploy the tools in dire circumstances, such as election-related violence, but that the company needs to be prepared for all possibilities, said the people familiar with the planning.


Facebook Fuckery Thread


Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 9:06 a.m. No.1570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1576 >>1583 >>1587

>>1565, >>1567

comfy as F here..


Anons won't get Q to tell them where to go, Q hasn't ever said that in the past, won't start, but what Q WILL do is see the level of fuckery and an UNTIDY SHIP.. and want to be where TIDY IS so if and when /team/ decides to move we will be ready.

Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 9:08 a.m. No.1573   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Expensify users drop company after left-wing CEO sends unsolicited email telling users to vote for Biden


News Kickby News Kick



The CEO of Expensify, a software company that developed an expense management system for businesses, made headlines last week for sending his 10 million customers an unsolicited email claiming they are voting against democracy if they support President Donald Trump.

CEO David Barrett said that "anything less than a vote for Biden is a vote against democracy."

"That's right," Barrett continued, "I'm saying a vote for Trump, a vote for a third-party candidate, or simply not voting at all — they're all the same, and they all mean: 'I care more about my favorite issue than democracy. I believe Trump winning is more important than democracy. I am comfortable standing aside and allowing democracy to be methodically dismantled, in plain sight.'"

Barrett even suggested that not supporting Biden is tantamount to risking "civil war."

What's happening now?

The mass email generated significant controversy, and now it appears Expensify is losing customers over Barrett's anti-Trump plea.

Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 9:13 a.m. No.1579   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Has Covid killed off the flu?


It was feared by many to be the perfect winter storm, a nightmare situation that would push our health service over the edge: the 'twin-demic' of flu, which kills about 10,000 Britons every year, and a second deadly wave of Covid-19.


Such was the concern that the Government rolled out the biggest flu vaccination programme in British history.


Thirty million people – 20 per cent more than normal, and now including all over-50s – are eligible for this year's jab.

Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 9:14 a.m. No.1581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1591 >>1624

US 2020 election could have the highest rate of voter turnout since 1908


Data from the US Elections Project predicts a record 150m ballots, representing 65% of eligible voters, for this election


Maanvi SinghLast modified on Mon 26 Oct 2020 05.58 EDT

Voters wait in line on the first day of in-person early voting in Durham, North Carolina.

Voters wait in line on the first day of in-person early voting in Durham, North Carolina. Photograph: Jonathan Drake/Reuters

More than 50 million Americans have cast ballots in the US presidential election with 11 days to go in the campaign, a pace that could lead to the highest voter turnout in over a century, according to data from the US Elections Project on Friday.


The eye-popping figure is a sign of intense interest in the contest between Republican Donald Trump and Joe Biden, his Democratic challenger, as well as Americans’ desire to reduce their risk of exposure to Covid-19, which has killed more than 221,000 people across the United States.

Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 9:18 a.m. No.1585   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2020 ACT scores: Asians pulling away, same as on SAT


by Steve Sailer - The Unz Review

A few weeks ago, I wrote a Taki’s column entitled “Asian Supremacy” reporting on SAT college admission test score trends for high school seniors graduating in 2020. Now the rival ACT test (12 to 36 scale) has published its 2020 average scores, and trends are fairly similar: Asians are going up, up, up, while everybody else is in decline:

Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 9:21 a.m. No.1588   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Moment Hysterical Cardi B Screamed At Cops To Release Her 'Unarmed' Husband Offset After He Was Cuffed For 'Waving Guns At People' From His Car At A Trump Rally With Her Cousin - Who's Bailed On Weapons Charges

Women System October 26, 2020 0 Comments 0 comment

Cardi B had to be physically restrained on Saturday as she pleaded with police in Beverly Hills to release her rapper husband Offset, who had been detained on suspicion of waving a gun at Trump supporters.

'That's my husband! Why are you pointing a gun at him?' she yelled, as she was held back by a friend.


The rapper appeared on the scene in her new black Rolls Royce and looked on as Offset argued with officers next to his orange Jeep.


Offset, 28, is heard telling the officers who ask him to step away from the car: 'I'm not going nowhere.'


His wife then shouts: 'Let me record this.'


As Offset is led away, she yells loudly: 'No! This is crazy! My husband is not armed. My husband is not armed.'


He is then pictured being questioned by officers, away from his car.


(Seen this on Twatter and didn't grab, but saw this article and did)

Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 9:26 a.m. No.1597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1624

Phil Matier: Rampant shoplifting leads to another (7 total) Walgreens closing in S.F.


After months of seeing its shelves repeatedly cleaned out by brazen shoplifters, the Walgreens at Van Ness and Eddy in San Francisco is getting ready to close.


a person walking down the street in front of a store © Lea Suzuki / The Chronicle

“The last day is Nov. 11,” Walgreens spokesman Phil Caruso said.


The drugstore, which serves many older people who live in the Opera Plaza area, is the seventh Walgreens to close in the city since 2019.


“All of us knew it was coming. Whenever we go in there, they always have problems with shoplifters, ” said longtime customer Sebastian Luke, who lives a block away and is a frequent customer who has been posting photos of the thefts for months. The other day, Luke photographed a man casually clearing a couple of shelves and placing the goods into a backpack.


“I feel sorry for the clerks, they are regularly being verbally assaulted,” Luke said. “The clerks say there is nothing they can do. They say Walgreens’ policy is to not get involved. They don’t want anyone getting injured or getting sued, so the guys just keep coming in and taking whatever they want.”

Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 9:28 a.m. No.1599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1602

They look scarily similar! Trump and Melania pose with two children dressed as them as they welcome crowds of excited kids to the White House for their annual Halloween party


Donald and Melania Trump skipped passing out the candy at this year's Halloween celebration at the White House and waved to the trick-or-treaters instead at a down-sized event due to the coronavirus pandemic.


The first couple came out to the music of Michael Jackson's 'Thriller,' holding hands and waving to the crowd.


They did not wear face masks as they greeted the children, who walked in a line in front of them at the South Portico of the White House.

Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 9:30 a.m. No.1601   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Germany is on the brink of modifying it’s constitution, to allow all 19 secret services to hack anyone at any time, for any reasons, secretly


The federal government has just decided to allow all 19 secret services to use state Trojans. The cabinet has adopted the draft law to adapt the constitutional protection law, which brings it to the Bundestag.


In March 2019, the Ministry of the Interior drew up a first draft law . At that time, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the Federal Intelligence Service should get the online search. The SPD was against it, saying: “You can't do that with the SPD” .


In June 2020 the Ministry of the Interior presented a second draft law . This meant that all 19 federal and state secret services should receive the source TKÜ. Parts of the SPD were in favor, party leader Saskia Esken was against.


Interior minister prevails


Interior Minister Seehofer has now prevailed with the federal government's draft law. The state trojan is not limited to the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution or the BND foreign secret service; in addition to the MAD military secret service, all 16 state offices for the protection of the constitution are allowed to hack end devices in order to divert communication.


(OG Link in German ONLY, this link translates)

Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 9:47 a.m. No.1618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1624

Grenell Drops Bombshell Announcement About Joe Biden


October 25, 2020


While he was acting as vice president, Joe Biden was busy “manipulating intelligence” so that Barack Obama’s administration could “weaponize” spy reports against incoming President Donald Trump. Richard Grenell just dropped a tactical nuclear bombshell on the Democrat’s election campaign.


Biden was deeply involved in the plot


Former acting Director of National intelligence and American hero, Richard Grenell, thought the public might want to know that during the final days of what conservatives like to call the “Kenyan usurpation,” Barack Obama’s administration “weaponized intelligence.” Joe Biden, now the assumed Democrat candidate for the White House, was deeply involved in the plot to overthrow President-elect Trump.


Biden Thread


Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 9:54 a.m. No.1631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1638

Megyn Kelly joins the backlash against California Gov. Newsom's Thanksgiving insanity that requires families to celebrate outside, wear masks when not eating and only spend two hours together


Former Fox News and NBC News host Megyn Kelly excoriated Gavin Newsom for imposing strict rules for the way Californians celebrate Thanksgiving this year

She called it the 'California Governor's Thanksgiving insanity'

Newsom released a statement issuing rules for private Thanksgiving gatherings, including 'strongly discouraging' singing and shouting

The rules say only three households can participate in one celebration and require individuals to wear masks and remain six-feet apart while eating

Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 9:58 a.m. No.1639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1645 >>1652

If Masks Don’t Work, Why Do We Keep Wearing Them?


Auguste MeyratOctober 24, 2020

Many people were wrong about the masks, even the experts. This is forgivable, and therefore forgiveness is offered.


According to a recent study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 70 percent of the people who tested positive for COVID-19 wore masks regularly. By contrast, under 4 percent of those testing positive never wore masks.


Coupled with this was an extensive review of mask studies worldwide in which the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) determined that typical cloth masks did little to stop the transmission of COVID-19. Although experts like to claim that cloth masks will prevent droplets carrying the virus from reaching others when a person sneezes or coughs, the reality is that most people are probably better off using their elbow and turning away from others. Moreover, the virus can still pass through a cloth mask, and the eyes, which aren’t covered, can act as “a portal of entry.”

Anonymous ID: f1dbf6 Oct. 26, 2020, 10 a.m. No.1641   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China unveils revenge sanctions on US firms including Boeing and Lockheed Martin after Washington's $1.8billion arms sale to Taiwan


06:46 - News

China will impose sanctions on US companies including Boeing and Lockheed Martin for supplying weapons to Taiwan, a foreign ministry spokesman said Monday.


Raytheon also will be targeted, said the spokesman, Zhao Lijian. He gave no details of what penalties might be imposed or when.


China and Taiwan split during a civil war in 1949 and have no diplomatic relations. Beijing claims the democratically led island as part of the communist mainland's territory and has threatened to invade.