Thanks for freshy doughs…
Scenic route, couldn't get here from there, new bread wouldn't load. Dhen the catalog wouldn't load. RedangDiddliebooted..
Here I am - kek
Our Ouija program is holding a Proposers Day on Aug. 3. Ouija aims to quantify the high-frequency (HF) noise environment in space & improve characterization of the ionosphere. Registration deadline is July 29, 3 p.m. ET:
Can't do sheitz test…
I've started quietly taking down C0vid-19 poster ads in hotels, gyms, elevators, etc. Yes, they are ads. And they will stay up forever unless we take it upon ourselves to remove them.
Most gyms, shops, hotels, restaurants, schools, and public areas still have these dumb 'social distancing' and 'wear a mask' posters up everywhere. We don't need constant and permanent reminders of this nonsense.
Most of them have outdated or incorrect information on them anyway, so it's akin to removing litter.