Tom ID: 0196cf Nov. 21, 2020, 8:27 a.m. No.13448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3477








this has never been "news" and now they roll this out like it is.. wtf I agree w anon >>13410.. do et motherfucker..


>>13411, >>13419

(gets on intercom).. can we get some sauz over here please??



He is living with the rest of the Taliban in Hiding rod new.. if you have seen his "press conferences" they you can tell he is unshaven and looking like a piece of dog shit.. with a suit.. they have him back in his suit for press shit, then back in the orange and back with his loser muslim criminal friends in Getmo!



danks notetaker! WE ARE Q!



yeah. Since Venezuela was brought up, and a link to LA and them was brought up.. it makes you just say.. FUCK! So much suffering.. and in the end, they are scared of their deeds coming out into the light. FUCK THEM.

Anonymous ID: 0196cf Nov. 21, 2020, 9:54 a.m. No.13471   🗄️.is 🔗kun


sure do! VERY MUCH so. I had been baking about 6 months new at that point and was VERY much interested w the board.



I was anon that started the thread, that then anons piled on, which then Q responded to.. that turned into bread afterward.. YES Alex JONES IS A MOS FAGGOT! Funny "anon" is asking baker if reads drops then proceeds to go against what Q/anons already figured out.

Anonymous ID: 0196cf Nov. 21, 2020, 9:55 a.m. No.13472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3473


we need to look up that aspect.. do we even do that anymore? KEK


I will look into it a bit then post what I find. How doing on this beautiful Saturday fren?

Anonymous ID: 0196cf Nov. 21, 2020, 11:09 a.m. No.13487   🗄️.is 🔗kun

listening now. Election fraud pressor and media is just fucked. Each one of these fucks need to be pushing up daisies after this.

Anonymous ID: 0196cf Nov. 21, 2020, 12:27 p.m. No.13495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3548 >>3564


The DELIAN Project: Democracy through Technology


Commitment by DELIAN Project

In 2014, Dominion Voting committed to providing emerging and post-conflict democracies with access to voting technology through its philanthropic support to the DELIAN Project, as many emerging democracies suffer from post-electoral violence due to the delay in the publishing of election results. Over the next three years, Dominion Voting will support election technology pilots with donated Automated Voting Machines (AVM), providing an improved electoral process, and therefore safer elections. As a large number of election staff are women, there will be an emphasis on training women, who will be the first to benefit from the skills transfer training and use of AVMs. It is estimated that 100 women will directly benefit from election technology skills training per pilot election.

Anonymous ID: 0196cf Nov. 21, 2020, 12:33 p.m. No.13496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3497 >>3548 >>3564

NIST is supposed to set standards for voting machines. I haven't heard a damn word from them in regards to what is habbening now..


20 November 2007


[Federal Register: November 19, 2007 (Volume 72, Number 222)]


[Page 65012-65013]

From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access []







National Institute of Standards and Technology


[Docket No.: 070927542-7543-01]


Voting Equipment Evaluations Phase II


AGENCY: National Institute of Standards and Technology, Commerce.


ACTION: Notice.




SUMMARY: In accordance with the provisions of the Help America Vote Act

(HAVA), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

conducted initial benchmark research (Phase I) on voting equipment used

in the 2004 elections. (See:

Usability-Benchmarks-080907.doc). NIST is soliciting interest in Phase

II of the benchmark research for voting equipment certified or

submitted for certification to the 2005 Voluntary Voting System

Guidelines. The NIST research is designed to: (1) Determine the

realistic usability benchmarks for current and future voting system

technology to support usability performance standards in next

generation voluntary voting systems standards, and (2) develop

usability test protocols for conformance testing of such standards.

NIST may also examine relevant instructions, documentation and error

messages, without doing any direct usability studies thereon.

Manufacturers interested in participating in Phase II of this research

will be asked to execute a Letter of Understanding. Interested parties

are invited to contact NIST for information regarding participation,

Letters of Understanding and shipping.


DATES: Manufacturers who wish to participate in the program must submit

a request and an executed Letter of Understanding by 5 p.m. Eastern

Standard Time on March 18, 2008.


ADDRESSES: Letters of Understanding may be obtained from and should be

submitted to Allan C. Eustis, National Institute of Standards and

Technology, Information Technology Laboratory Office, Technology

Building 222, Room A328, 100 Bureau Drive, Mail Stop 8970,

Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8970. Letters of Understanding may be faxed to:

Allan C. Eustis at (301) 975-6097.


FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For shipping and further information,

you may telephone Allan C. Eustis at (301) 975-5099, or e-mail:


SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with the provisions of the

Help America Vote Act (Pub. L. 107-


[[Page 65013]]


252), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will be

conducting Phase II research on voting equipment certified or submitted

for certification to the 2005 Voluntary Voting System Guidelines. NIST

Phase I and NIST Phase II research support Technical Guidelines

Development Committee Resolution 05-05, Human Performance-Based

Standards and Usability Testing, and are designed to: (1) Determine the

realistic usability benchmarks for current voting system technology to

support usability performance standards in next generation voluntary

voting systems standards, and (2) develop usability test protocols for

conformance testing of such standards. NIST may also examine relevant

instructions, documentation and error messages, without doing any

direct usability studies thereon. Phase I provided research for

determining initial benchmarks (see:

08172007/Usability-Benchmarks-080907.doc), and Phase II continues the

research to develop usability test protocols.

Interested manufacturers should contact NIST at the address given

above. NIST will supply a Letter of Understanding, which the

manufacturer must execute and send back to NIST. NIST will then provide

the manufacturer with shipping instructions for the manufacturer's


Anonymous ID: 0196cf Nov. 21, 2020, 12:33 p.m. No.13497   🗄️.is 🔗kun




The equipment provided will be returned to the manufacturer after

the NIST experiments, approximately one year from commencement of the

experiments. Manufacturers should be aware that some of the testing

could damage or destroy the equipment, although NIST expects only

normal wear and tear associated with approximately 100 to 1,000 votes

cast on the equipment by simulated voters. At the conclusion of the

experiments, the equipment will be returned to the manufacturer in its

post-testing condition. Neither NIST, nor the Election Assistance

Commission, nor the Technical Guidelines Development Committee, will be

responsible for the condition of the equipment when returned to the

manufacturer. As a condition for participating in this program, each

manufacturer must agree in advance to hold harmless all of these

parties for the condition of the equipment.

Information acquired during the tests regarding potential usability

problems will be reported to the respective manufacturer. Results for

identifiable vendor equipment will not be released. Comparative

information may be released in a blind manner. Performance standards

benchmarks and conformance test procedures will be made publicly


Participating manufacturers should include or provide a technical

tutorial on the setup and deployment of the equipment. NIST will pay

all shipping costs, and there is no cost to the manufacturer for the

testing. No modification to the equipment is permitted during the

testing process.

Voting equipment certified or submitted for certification to the

2005 Voluntary Voting System Guidelines that will be accepted for the

experiments includes Direct Recording Electronic, and Optical Scan

systems and Accessible Voting Systems used to cast and count votes as

well as software used for ballot design and creation.


Dated: November 9, 2007.

Richard F. Kayser,

Acting Deputy Director.

[FR Doc. E7-22570 Filed 11-16-07; 8:45 am]



Anonymous ID: 0196cf Nov. 21, 2020, 12:36 p.m. No.13498   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Date: Wed Jul 14, 2004 2:28:41 PM US/Eastern

To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Subject: TERRORISM AND THE ELECTION: California is the Target!





Anonymous ID: 0196cf Nov. 21, 2020, 12:40 p.m. No.13499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3507

jumping back into past elections. Of course the links don't work and most on wayback do not either, but some do:

Anonymous ID: 0196cf Nov. 21, 2020, 12:43 p.m. No.13504   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: 0196cf Nov. 21, 2020, 1:05 p.m. No.13511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3512 >>3513

anons in bad shape on QR. They are a step or 2 above sheep level.


If you don't care about your house/ship.. then by all means have fun on that crazy-train sailing the seas.


Like going for a long trip and not checking fluids and tire inflation on car/truck.. "meh.. it will be okay"..


Going into battle with a compromised vehicle is not wise.

Anonymous ID: 0196cf Nov. 21, 2020, 1:10 p.m. No.13513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3517




I have seriously not been there. Its not the same as it used to be. WAY too many newfags there, and the shills have used this vector to compromise and lie to anons. Sad is anons don't give a flying fuck. So in the end, you get what you will put up with.


THAT is what gets me so much.. that anons who are supposed to be about exposing the corruption and all.. CARING WHAT IS GOING ON.. do NOT and are allowing the very board they depend on to be compromised.


Anon's are just not as "real" as they say they are. So glad we got in when we did, and did what we did when we did.


I plan on sniping a bake over there sometime soon. Just cause.


And YES.. the fuckery goes WAY back.


Looking into it still. A lot of what I have for the past is text only and recreations from websites long since taken down.

Anonymous ID: 0196cf Nov. 21, 2020, 1:12 p.m. No.13514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3515 >>3516


its fucking sad man. At this point I honestly don't want anything to do with the board (QR) but do still plan to panty-raid the bakery.. Lets say I do not succeed, it would still be fun to make them think I will.. FUGGING KEK!!

Anonymous ID: 0196cf Nov. 21, 2020, 1:32 p.m. No.13518   🗄️.is 🔗kun


fuggin KEK..


I not only used all ANON shit, I changed the way I baked, with everything made it different. There was no way they knew it was me other than tracking.. which they could do.. which brings me to who I think it is.. Freddy and Minions that are Soros backed.

Anonymous ID: 0196cf Nov. 21, 2020, 1:35 p.m. No.13520   🗄️.is 🔗kun


big time shock.. like I don't even recognize it and anons are just being lead around by their collars..


Yeah I was around. I haven't been on since MR was set up though, outside looking at some notables..


it would be exploratory if I did. And no split, planty enough e-bakes there to not have to split.


To be honest I do NOT WANT TO.. but given the chance I may pull the trigger.

Anonymous ID: 0196cf Nov. 21, 2020, 1:37 p.m. No.13522   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: 0196cf Nov. 21, 2020, 1:42 p.m. No.13526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3528 >>3532


look no further than:


Bill Gates (NERD)

Freddy Brennan (so weak his own bones break on him)

Shit.. can't think of his name, the dude that could not move and used a computer to speak.. fuck.. astronomer dude.. CDAN said he was a. pedo and CRUEL..


Look at any of the "power elite".. they were all the same as their minion followers were.. hateful, ugly, smelly, gross and yes VERY MUCH their own army!

Anonymous ID: 0196cf Nov. 21, 2020, 1:46 p.m. No.13527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3531

looking back at "Dominion" alone, there are buildings named after Dominion, there are all kinds of groups, all kinds of systems that used the word Dominion.


I think the word and the association of the word means moar to [THEM] than what it looks like on the surface.

Anonymous ID: 0196cf Nov. 21, 2020, 1:51 p.m. No.13530   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Gotta look at this. This is from a group who were pushing for fair elections.


Look the elections have been fucked, but I would say as early as 96' maybe before when PAPPY could not win an election, they have been compromised and we (everyone who cared) knew and spoke of issues, but also gave alternatives and answers to the questions "how do we get it under control"




yes. WEAK but was an asshole freak like them all.

Anonymous ID: 0196cf Nov. 21, 2020, 2:35 p.m. No.13544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3552



I dunno, seems there would be nothing left for them out there but International eyes on.. seems to be opposite these dark fucks like.



Sally Rides Bottom Scratcher outside San Cemente Island. Gottit.