>>13782 Thank you Baker…..and the horse you rode in on.
>>13791 Noice!
Went back to eyeball the program for the 2009 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathmatics (SIAM) conference that listed Aleksandar Lazarevic as a participant. PB research ( >>13743 PB) indicated a possible connection to U of Minnesota - there were seven additional conference participants from the U of Minnesota which may/may not tie into that research. Since Serbia is a potential connection to election fuggery, decided to look through the names - and yes, I am a xenophobic SOB for profiling - to see what I could see. One of the Program Co-Chairs at the SIAM conference attended by Lazarevic is Zoran Obradovic, Temple University. From his Temple University profile:
He mentored 45 postdoctoral fellows and Ph.D. students, many of whom have independent research careers at academic institutions (e.g. Northeastern Univ., Ohio State Univ,) and industrial research labs (e.g. Amazon, Facebook, Hitachi Big Data, IBM T.J.Watson, Microsoft, Yahoo Labs, Uber, Verizon Big Data, Spotify). Zoran is the editor-in-chief at the Big Data journal and the steering committee chair for the SIAM Data Mining conference. He is also an editorial board member at 13 journals and was the general chair, program chair, or track chair for 11 international conferences. His research interests include data science and complex networks in decision support systems addressing challenges related to big, heterogeneous, spatial and temporal data analytics motivated by applications in healthcare management, power systems, earth and social sciences. His studies were funded by AFRL, DARPA, DOE, KAUST, NIH, NSF, ONR, PA Department of Health and industry. He published about 400 articles and is cited more than 25,000 times (H-index 60).
From Obradovic's Academy of Europe Profile:
Fields of Scholarship
Healthcare informatics
Data mining
Machine learning
Computational intelligence
Complex system
Just a wild ass guess that this guy knows who the players are.
>>13802 (me) Here are Lazarevik and Obradovic co-authoring a paper:
Full (fuzzy) text of entire paper:
This lowest ranking anon does not pretend to know if the article is relevant or not - leaving that to the higher ranking…. however, boosting, algorithms, large data, distributed boosting…… At the very least, they can't claim "Don't know him, never heard of him."
>>13802 (me) Moar Obradovik papers. Seems to tie right in with his mentoring of postdoctoral fellows and PhD students with research careers at Facebook, Amazon, Yahoo, Spotify, etc…..
Surveying public opinion using label prediction on social media data
Pattern discovery in intrusion chains and adversarial movement