Anonymous ID: 4e1a48 Nov. 25, 2020, 12:05 p.m. No.15034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5035 >>5039


Affirm, seems the clown crew made sure to leave a rear guard to keep things jacked up. So far I've seen three calls from anons asking where the bakers are because of the ebakes and split breads.

Saw one of them last night trying to play the comms division card and got called out. Seems some how the comms bakers are plotting on many different places to take over the kitchen, comms itself was listed so I looked and yep, nothing posted there since the 19th and certainly no plotting.


The same old "muh notables deleted reeee" play but there was a request to know what those notables actually were as in were they muh joo, was there sauce, that kind of thing. I shoulda made a sticky note for the bread number but meh, why bother. Once the clowns in Virginia get the federalized wedgies they deserve and the Persians find their servers can only talk to themselves there will be a chance to rebuild. I'd be happy to see more specialized boards and have old general be kind of a help desk/directory service.