Anonymous ID: a82441 Nov. 25, 2020, 9:05 a.m. No.14920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4938 >>4939 >>4996 >>5036 >>5042

NEWS: Pennsylvania judge blocks state from certifying election results in presidential and all other races.





Anonymous ID: a82441 Nov. 25, 2020, 9:08 a.m. No.14924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4927 >>4928 >>4996 >>5015 >>5036 >>5042

The Trump administration is rushing to approve dozens of eleventh-hour policy changes. Among them: The Justice Department is fast-tracking a rule that could reintroduce firing squads and electrocutions to federal executions. by


Anonymous ID: a82441 Nov. 25, 2020, 9:41 a.m. No.14938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4996 >>5036 >>5042



Judge Blocks Certification of Pennsylvania Election Results

BY IVAN PENTCHOUKOV November 25, 2020 Updated: November 25, 2020 Print

A Pennsylvania judge on Wednesday ordered state officials to not certify the results of the 2020 election until her court holds a hearing on an election contest on Friday.


Commonwealth Judge Patricia McCullough ordered the state to not take any further steps to complete the certification of the presidential race, which the state announced on Tuesday. She also blocked the certification of all the other election results.


“To the extent that there remains any further action to perfect the certification of the results of the 2020 General Election for the offices of President and Vice President of the United States of America, respondents are preliminarily enjoined from doing so, pending an evidentiary hearing to be held on Friday,” the judge wrote in her order (pdf).


“Respondents are preliminarily enjoined from certifying the remaining results of the election, pending the evidentiary hearing.”


McCullough is presiding over a lawsuit brought by Republican lawmakers and candidates against the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf, Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, and the Pennsylvania General Assembly.


The plaintiffs alleged that Pennsylvania’s vote-by-mail stature—Act 77—is in violation of the state’s constitution.


“Act 77 is the most expansive and fundamental change to the Pennsylvania voting code, implemented illegally, to date,” the lawsuit, filed in the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, states.


“As with prior historical attempts to illegally expand mail-in voting by statute, which have been struck down going as far back as the Military Absentee Ballot Act of 1839, Act 77 is another illegal attempt to override the limitations on absentee voting prescribed in the Pennsylvania Constitution, without first following the necessary procedure to amend the constitution to allow for the expansion.”


The plaintiffs include Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.), Republican congressional candidate Sean Parnell, and Pennsylvania House of Representatives candidate Wanda Logan.


The office of Gov. Wolf did not respond to a request for comment. It is unclear what steps remained as of Wednesday morning to “perfect” the certification of the presidential and vice-presidential races.


After the Keystone State announced the certification of the presidential election results on Tuesday, the plaintiffs filed an emergency request (pdf) just before midnight, arguing that there was no need to act so fast. In 2016, Pennsylvania certified the presidential election on Dec. 12.


“It appears that respondents’ actions may have been accelerated in response to the application for emergency relief … in an effort to preclude any remedial action by this court faster than this court was able to evaluate the application for emergency relief and the answers to it,” the plaintiffs wrote.


Marc Elias, one of the top attorneys leading the Democrats’ post-election legal battles, called the lawsuit frivolous.


“Republican Congressman Mike Kelly has filed a new frivolous lawsuit in Pennsylvania seeking to block the state from certifying the election results and having the state legislature choose electors,” Elias wrote on Twitter on Nov. 21. “This is absolutely shameful.”


President Donald Trump responded to Elias, writing: “This is not at all frivolous. It is brought on behalf of one of the most respected members of the United States Congress who is disgusted, like so many others, by an Election that is a fraudulent mess. Fake ballots, dead people voting, no Republican Poll Watchers allowed, & more!”


Wolf signed Act 77 into law on Oct. 31, 2019. Eight of the nine sponsors of the bill in the Pennsylvania Senate were Republicans.


This is a BIG deal….

Anonymous ID: a82441 Nov. 25, 2020, 10:12 a.m. No.14954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4996 >>5036 >>5042

Huge court win lets Trump present ballot evidence, could overturn Nevada result


In its first court victory, a Nevada judge has agreed to let the Trump campaign present its evidence that fraud and illegalities plagued the state’s election, enough to reverse Joe Biden's win and set an example for other state challenges.


According to Trump officials, the judge set a Dec. 3 hearing date and is allowing 15 depositions. What’s more, the campaign plans to present its evidence that could result in the rejection of tens of thousands of mail-in ballots in Democratic Clark County where Biden ballots outnumbered Trump ballots by 91,000 in unofficial results.


“BIG news in Nevada: a Judge has allowed NV Republicans to present findings of widespread voter fraud in a Dec. 3rd hearing. Americans will now hear evidence from those who saw firsthand what happened—a critical step for transparency and remedying illegal ballots. Stay tuned,” White House chief of staff Mark Meadows tweeted.


American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp, one of those heading the Nevada case, told Secrets, “It gives us a real chance, if to do nothing else, to begin to show this historic level of fraud.”


Oddly, there has been a virtual news blackout of the Trump court victory. However, there were major headlines on the state Supreme Court’s certification of Biden’s victory Tuesday.


In its court filing from Nov. 17, the Trump team made several allegations of voter fraud, including votes by nonresidents and the dead.


But its biggest claim was that the signatures on hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots were not verified by human officials, as required by law.


What’s more, they found that officials used a machine to verify signatures, apparently against the rules, and even those machines were plagued with problems.


Schlapp said he is eager to get a chance to finally show its evidence of fraud and for the campaign to present the thousands of examples of signature machine errors. Since many states require signature verification, that is where the campaign’s fraud investigation is focused.


“The biggest thing which is true in all of these states we're talking about including in Georgia where a third of the ballots were cast in the mail Nevada half the ballots were cast in the mail, with no legal signature verification, certainly not in Clark County, that is the big treasure trove of illegal balloting in all of these states,” he said on Fox late Tuesday.


The campaign also has testimony from a blind person who claims somebody else voted for her and that she was barred from voting as a result. And they plan to present evidence that Native Americans were offered bribes of TVs and gas cards for their vote.


“Our filing said we have over 15 individual and tenss of thousands more from mail-in fraud. We have enough to switch the outcome,” Schlapp told us.


Late last night, he revealed the judge’s decision on Sean Hannity’s Fox show. Schlapp said, “For the first time in this whole tragic story of the 2020 presidential election, a state court has granted republicans in Nevada and the Trump campaign, the ability to present their case of widespread illegal balloting, and to just depose up to 15 people who know what went down in Clark County in the state of Nevada, so this is big news you know a lot of people in the national media have said, you know, if you have evidence of voter fraud, show it. Well, we have thousands and thousands of examples of real people in real-life instances of voter illegality. And I just think it's a great step that we're going to have a chance to present it. A court if we get a fair hearing. I believe the results in Nevada should be switched.”

Anonymous ID: a82441 Nov. 25, 2020, 11:19 a.m. No.15009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5036 >>5042

This is where we are on certified states….


Article link:

Anonymous ID: a82441 Nov. 25, 2020, 11:53 a.m. No.15028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5036 >>5042

Thank God for RSBN and OANN….The MSM has decided this isn't worth their time…