Anon ID: 256b94 Oct. 3, 2022, 2:21 a.m. No.153435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3709

>>153434 The Library ( The reality is, Bowdich’s & Wray’s continued use of the FBI in the same manner in which Peter Strzok abused his power is undeniable evidence the FBI is unsalvageable & must be dismantled, defunded, disbanded.


The American people can never trust the people that make up the Bureau ever again.



The reality is, there will NEVER be Trust in the FBI or DOJ again. They have repeatedly shown there is no reforming them. FBI Agent Friend’s recent public disclosures showing FBI & DOJ discrimination against & purges of employees not of the Leftwing political ideology proves these two Agencies have metastasized into a single Malignant, Deadly Cancer threatening America’s very Survival.


Strzok is an exceptionally good example of why everybody needs to be able to identify a psychopath early in the piece not later


Read this letter, & remember this the next time self-proclaimed super agent ‘hero’ peter strzok struts in front of a camera to act like a decorated federal agent working tirelessly to save America.


Remember what an incompetent, narcissistic, criminal fucking reject & Liar he actually was, & is.

Anon ID: 256b94 Oct. 3, 2022, 2:26 a.m. No.153436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3709

Brian Cates ( When Durham drops Big ones what can they say now?


Nobody…and I mean this…NOBODY…will be able to say Durham is pulling any of this out of his ass.


It's already official court record at trial. It's established, if you will.


Hillary Clinton paid private spies who abused their cybersecurity contractor access to federal data systems to steal classified information and fashion the classified info they stole into two specific Trump/Russia hoaxes.


And then the FBI - eyes wide open, mind you, to the fact this fake stolen shit was coming to them straight from Clinton's political dirty tricksters - used the Steele Dossier to get a spy warrant on Donald Trump's campaign.


And they kept spying on Trump and his top administration people and his family after he took the oath office.


Durham isn't speculating and he wont' be connecting dots. There won't be any gaps.


HE'LL HAVE ALREADY PROVED THIS IS WHAT THEY DID by the time he drops the first espionage/treason indictments.


What are they gonna do?


Deny all the evidence already submitted in court that's now open public record that anybody can see?


Deny Clinton's private spies were given her enemies list and they trawled federal servers looking for stuff they could steal about them and use to build Trump/Russia hoaxes?


How could they deny that? Durham already has the evidence and the testimony on the record that all of this happened.


Absolutely nothing prevents him from charging all the people involved with espionage, theft of classified info, and treason.


Sussmann and Danchenko were charged with false statements to federal agents. Whether they get convicted of those minor charges or not isn't the issue. That's not what Durham's strategy centers around.


The good news is, by the end of October, I don't think I'll have to continue explaining the obvious strategy that Durham is implementing.

Anon ID: 256b94 Oct. 3, 2022, 2:33 a.m. No.153437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3709

Just My Opinion ( This story has the potential to be massive.

China owns a massive amount of US dollars.


Their currency is in free fall and Xi told Chinese banks to prepare for a “dollar dump”.


What does that mean?


The dollar has strengthened over the last year big time as the entire world because of worldwide debt and out of control inflation has fled to safety.

The Fed raising rates aggressively has strengthened the dollar.

It’s still the reserve currency for the world.


But here’s the problem.


We are at war with a global cabal who own and control all central banks on the planet and control all currencies.




Trump rolled the Fed into the Treasury.

He’s controlling it now, not the Rothschilds.




Putin controls his currency, not the Rothschilds.


The Ruble has strengthened during this war amidst all the sanctions.


Russia is a huge energy producer and is demanding payment in Rubles or gold.


Nothing the Rothschilds can do about it.


So here’s my guess as to what’s about to happen.


Xi is working with Trump and Putin to finally end the Rothschilds global debt system of slavery.


The combination of Powell at the Fed rapidly raising rates has popped the bubble in the US market and had a ripple effect across the globe.


Now, Xi is about to dump a lot of dollars which will weaken it big time and spike inflation.


BRICS was made for this.


We are watching the Central Banks globally about to go bankrupt so we can move out of this worldwide debt system and back into a system of real currencies backed by gold and controlled by individual countries not an evil global cabal.


Gold is about to kill the FED


Foreign Exchange Department (commercial banking)

Through foreign exchange in commercial banks connected globally, that’s how the Rothschilds have controlled all global currencies.


I think it’s about to be blown up while Trump is completely off the stage politically.


I believe Trump will not only ride in to rescue the world from the brink of nuclear war and negotiate a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine but will also ride in to the rescue to remove us from the debt system and into sound money backed by gold that we control.


Gold to the moon soon in my opinion

Anon ID: 256b94 Oct. 3, 2022, 2:42 a.m. No.153438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3709

Police frequency ( Over 700 Catholics marched through Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, to pray for persecuted Christians throughout the United States, and abroad.



Anonymous ID: 256b94 Oct. 3, 2022, 2:47 a.m. No.153439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3709

CIG ( Land, naval and aerial weapons will reinforce the already 40,000 troops based on the island in response to Washington’s lifting of defense trade restrictions in the south, President Tayyip Erdogan told CNN Turk, calling the US move “inexplicable in terms of content and timing”.


The move threatens peace and stability in the area, he said - before predicting it will spark “an armament race on the island”.


“Will we stand by? We cannot,” he continued - “every precaution will be taken for the security of the Turkish Cypriots”.

Anonymous ID: 256b94 Oct. 3, 2022, 2:49 a.m. No.153440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3709

CIG ( Even the Eccopnomist magazine have little faith in Truss, these covers are three weeks apart

Anonymous ID: 256b94 Oct. 3, 2022, 2:53 a.m. No.153441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3442 >>3443 >>3709

CIG ( El País: Mexico delivers latest blow against Lev Tahor, the ‘Jewish Taliban’


— "The ultra-Orthodox religious group Lev Tahor is once again in the eye of the storm after a raid by Mexican authorities resulted in the arrest of 26 members of the sect and two followers who stand accused of people trafficking and sexual abuse.


The operation was carried out with the cooperation of the Israeli government to rescue a group of people who had been illegally taken to Mexico and were being held in a Lev Tahor camp in the jungle in the state of Chiapas.


The Mexican press has dubbed the extremist religious sect, which has an estimated membership of between 200 and 500 people, the “Jewish Taliban” due to their beliefs and practices.


The raid was carried out by Mexican and Israeli operatives last Friday but was not made public until this week, via diplomatic sources with knowledge of the case."

Anonymous ID: 256b94 Oct. 3, 2022, 2:56 a.m. No.153442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3709

>>153441 CIG( Children removed from Jewish sect's jungle compound in Mexico


Lev Tahor was formed in Israel in 1988 by Rabbi Shlomo Helbrans, who later moved to the US. He served two years in prison after being convicted of kidnapping in 1994 and drowned in Mexico in 2017.


Numbering up to about 350 members, Lev Tahor has been forced to move from country to country in recent years after coming under scrutiny from local authorities. It is currently spread between Israel, the US, North Macedonia, Morocco, Mexico and Guatemala. Between 70 and 80 members are still in Guatemala.

Anonymous ID: 256b94 Oct. 3, 2022, 2:57 a.m. No.153443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3709

>>153441 CIG ( Jerusalem Post: Lev Tahor cult members escape detention - was the raid for nothing?


The 20 Lev Tahor cult members who were arrested last week managed to escape the detention facility they were being held in on Thursday after using extreme violence against enforcement officials.


"They wouldn't let us leave", said David Rosales, a member of the cult, after the escape. "This is a violation of freedom and religious rights."

Anonymous ID: 256b94 Oct. 3, 2022, 2:59 a.m. No.153444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3445 >>3709

CIG ( While the Biden Administration's policy is to defer resources to colored communities in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian, Patriot Front is aiding neglected White Americans that bore the brunt of the storm.


📸 Patriot Front back in 2017 also helped with the cleanup of Hurricane Harvey.

Anon ID: 256b94 Oct. 3, 2022, 3:02 a.m. No.153445   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3709

>>153444 Bellum Acta ( Anti-White Apartheid in US? US Vice-President Kamala Harris, when asked about the Hurricane Ian's damage to US Southern States and personal properties belonging to local populations, said the Biden administration will be giving hurricane resources “based on equity” by directing funds to only “communities of color” primarily

Anon ID: 256b94 Oct. 3, 2022, 3:04 a.m. No.153446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3709

Bellum Acta ( As news the Palace Coup reached the local population, within 1 hour after the successful overthrow of the Lieutenant colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba, Pro-Russia & Anti-France protests appeared on the streets of the Ouagadougou, the Capital of Burkina Faso


The protesters called on Russia to aid them win the war against Terrorists that plague the Northern areas of the country, just like the Eurasian country does with their neighbor, Mali, where Russian PMC Groups openly train and cooperate with the Malian Armed Forces

Anon ID: 256b94 Oct. 3, 2022, 3:07 a.m. No.153447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3709

CIG ( After hours of armed clashes outside the Capital of Burkina Faso, it was announced that a New Military Coup deposed the Provisional Military Government that also took the power earlier this year


Lieutenant colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba that was the Interim President of Burkina Faso since January 2022 and head of Patriotic Movement for Safeguard and Restoration was deposed by Putschists!


Now, Captain Ibrahim Traoré is the new commander of the country!


Another Coup 🤔

Anon ID: 256b94 Oct. 3, 2022, 3:09 a.m. No.153448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3709

Battlefield Insights ( Italian Newspaper La Repubblica reports that NATO has sent an intelligence warning to its allies which states the Russian K329 Belgorod nuclear submarine has been mobilized, located somewhere in the arctic sea, fearing the Submarine is looking to test the Status-6 “doomsday” nuclear superweapon.


The K329 is armed with the “superweapon” Status 6 - Poseidon oceanic multi-purpose system— also known as the “doomsday weapon”, The nuclear torpedos have an unlimited range and are impossible to track according to available information. The K329 also carries another “midget” submarine on its belly.

Anon ID: 256b94 Oct. 3, 2022, 3:12 a.m. No.153449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3450 >>3451 >>3709

Battlefield Insights ( Ukrainian forces see success in Lyman (aka Krasny Liman) —


According to latest reports and visual evidence presented by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Ukrainian troops have entered Lyman.


After fierce battles that stretched over several days, the numerically-superior forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces managed to throw the Russian Armed Forces units into an encirclement. This was done via a well calculated strategy from the Ukrainian side and systematic advance from all sides; a similar approach Russian Armed Forces used throughout the war in Ukraine.


Russian Armed Forces were forced to push back into the outskirts of the settlement in order to avoid encirclement by Ukrainian Armed Forces.


There’s widespread critique amongst Pro-Russian channels about the Kremlin’s incompetence on “inability to provide reinforcements to Russian groups facing a numerically superior enemy”


The Russian MOD had weeks to reinforce their forces in Lyman (Krasny Lyman) but they have failed to do so. The reasoning is unclear, but it seems like pure incompetence.


At the moment, the settlement in question is still contested according to Ukrainian sources, but it is inevitability going to fall to the Ukrainian Armed Forces in coming hours/days

Anonymous ID: 256b94 Oct. 3, 2022, 3:13 a.m. No.153450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3709

>>153449 Battlefield Insights ( Russian authorities confirm withdrawal from Lyman / Krasny Lyman “to avoid operational encirclement”, — here’s a quote from Russian State media RT:


“Due to the emerging threat of encirclement, the allied troops have withdrawn from the settlement of Krasny Liman and deployed to more advantageous positions,” the ministry said in a statement. The Ukrainian forces lost more than 200 soldiers as well as five tanks and five infantry fighting vehicles during the attack on Krasny Liman, the military added.

Despite the losses, the Ukrainian command sent in reserves and reached “considerable superiority in men and material” in the direction of the attack, the Russian ministry said.



It is worth noting that Russia views this city as a part of the Russian Federation since yesterday’s “accession” or “annexation” of 4 Ukrainian territories into the Russian Federation.


The Western powers continue to view these territories as parts of Ukraine, calling the referenda “illegal and illegitimate”, adding they will continue to provide Ukraine with weaponry to “liberate all of their territory” —


We expect the Russian Military to attempt to recapture Lyman / Krasny Lyman in the near future.

Anonymous ID: 256b94 Oct. 3, 2022, 3:14 a.m. No.153451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3709

>>153449 Battlefield Insights ( It is reported that only 500 Lugansk Cossacks and Cuban Cossacks (volunteers from Russia) were defending Lyman / Krasny Liman for around 2 weeks.


Russian Armed Forces 20th Guards Combined Arms Army were providing long range artillery support without any frontline presence, according to Russian reports over the weeks.


Ukrainian forces attacking the settlement were numbering 6 to 9 thousand troops.


Lyman / Krasny Lyman has received a disproportionate amount of attention. We have never focused on this settlement, not in May, not in September. We never reported on it in depth. In our opinion, there’s one far more important battle taking place, and that is the battle for Bakhmut.


Lyman is another Snake Island. At the moment, it is the only place where the Ukrainian armed forces offensive succeeded: so it is being reported on extensively. The offensive has failed everywhere else along the entire frontline; especially in Kherson. This can always change, but factually, the only party at the moment capturing strategically important territory is the Russian side in the southern direction, specifically in Bakhmut.


That is not to minimize the tactics employed by the Ukrainians, they displayed an excellent strategy around Lyman / Krasny Lyman and there was little the small number of militia fighters could do to counter it; they just focused their tactics on the wrong place. Holding Lyman will not give the Ukrainian Armed Forces any strategic advantage. In fact, it’s highly likely that Lyman is in range of Russian artillery crews who will almost certainly level it with the ground.


For now, we’ll leave Lyman / Krasny Lyman alone and report on the situation in a few days — if there are any changes.