Tom ID: 61d6a4 Oct. 13, 2022, 10:17 p.m. No.153699   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3734

Well okay, I don't have the time tonight to bake or anything like that, but checking in was important cause I get to know how all this works… $600 cell phone later…


Here you go Greg..


VIDEO: Gutfeld! 10/13/22 FULL HD | FOX BREAKING NEWS TRUMP october 13, 2022


Tom ID: 61d6a4 Oct. 13, 2022, 10:22 p.m. No.153700   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3734


"I Lied": Clinton Associate Testifies He Fabricated Claim That Made Its Way Into Dossier(


Authored by John Haughey and Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),


A longtime associate of the Clinton family admitted under oath on Oct. 13 that he lied when he said he spoke to a Republican friend about GOP drama.


“I lied. I got it off cable news,” Charles Dolan, the associate, testified during Igor Danchenko’s criminal trial in U.S. court in Virginia.



Dolan provided information to Danchenko, a key source for the anti-Donald Trump dossier that Hillary Clinton helped fund.


Danchenko is on trial for allegedly lying to FBI agents when he said he had not communicated with Dolan about any of the allegations in the dossier, according to charging documents. Danchenko actually sourced from Dolan at least one of the allegations he provided to dossier author Christopher Steele, a Clinton supporter who harbored animus against Trump.


On Aug. 20, 2016, Dolan messaged Danchenko, relaying what he portrayed as inside information about Trump campaign officials Corey Lewandowski and Paul Manafort.


“I had a drink with a GOP friend of mine who knows some of the players and got some of what is in this article, which provides even more detail. She also told me that Corey Lewandowski, who hates Manafort and still speaks to Trump, regularly played a role. He is said to be doing a happy dance over it,” Dolan said, including a link to a news article. “I think the bottom line is that in addition to the Ukraine revelations, a number of people wanted Manafort gone. It is a very sharp elbows crowd.”


Dolan admitted on Thursday he fabricated the “GOP friend.”


“Mr. Danchenko had brought me some business. I wanted to tell him that his sources were good. The woman was on cable news,” Dolan said on the stand. “Lewandowski hating Manafort, it was pretty common knowledge and all over the news at the time.”


Dolan’s information eventually made its way into the dossier, which included numerous allegations that have since been discredited.


“An American political figure associated with Donald Trump and his campaign outlined the reasons behind Manafort’s recent demise. S/he said it was true that the Ukraine corruption revelations had played a part in this but also, several senior players close to Trump had wanted Manafort out, primarily to loosen his control on strategy and policy formulation,” a report dated two days after Dolan’s email stated.


Read more here…

Tom ID: 61d6a4 Oct. 13, 2022, 10:24 p.m. No.153701   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3734

Massive Bean Piles Spotted Up And Down Mississippi River As Barges Can't Meet Harvest Demand(


Bean and other farm goods are piling up at farms up and down the Mississippi River as barges can't be fully loaded due to dangerously low water levels. Barges have reduced weight to improve the draft, which means less availability and unable to meet harvest demand.


Due to a barge shortage, some farmers have no choice but to store beans and other farm goods outside in massive piles. Twitter user "Will Nicholson" captured footage of an enormous bean pile west of Memphis, Tennessee.

Tom ID: 61d6a4 Oct. 14, 2022, 6:49 a.m. No.153702   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3734

Morning all, and see you later.


USNavalInstitute (Twatt) Today is National Dessert Day! This is CDR Joseph "Jumpin' Joe" Clifton enjoying some well-earned ice cream in the cockpit of his F6F Hellcat on USS Saratoga after a successful raid in 1944. #NationalDessertDay

Tom ID: 61d6a4 Oct. 14, 2022, 7:29 p.m. No.153712   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Ohhhh… so can get get rid of multiple posts (Say.. spam/shill poasts) easier.. NOooice..


ALL CAUGHT UP.. doughs, and notables caught up past breads. Need to bacon for this one yet.. need to note before, plus lots of deltas to do.


I could do that to catch up, then its prob bed tonight.

Tom ID: 61d6a4 Oct. 15, 2022, 7:42 p.m. No.153734   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3765

Notables are NOT endorsements





>>153627 DanScavino (TruSoc) NEW YORKMAR-A-LAGO…

>>153659, >>153661, >>153667, >>153668, >>153669, >>153670, >>153671, >>153672, >>153673, >>153674, >>153675 ANON: The conspirators of the Uranium 1 were actually all in on the planning and kept up on what was going on by "active" members of DOJ/FBI.

>>153677 ( Alright fam, if you are still on Twitter, feel free to tag some big accounts (that will share this article), and give this a like and a retweet!!

>>153679 ( Virginia's Fairfax County Office of Elections has stopped using Konnech’s PollChief election officer management software, said director and general registrar of the county’s electoral board, Eric Spicer.

>>153680 The Epoch Times ( What Is Money Maturity and How Does It Impact Your Finances .

>>153681 Brian Cates ( Danchenko trial starts on Tuesday.

>>153682 Brian Cates ( Remember, remember, this 6th of November

>>153683 Brian Cates ( Russia has announced that road traffic will start on the Crimean Bridge one lane each way today within the hour and trains will start tomorrow.

>>153684 RogerStone ( MSNBC is so dishonest! Why would they edit out my comments renouncing violence in this manipulated video ? # RogerStoneStillDidNothingWrong

>>153685 ( Here’s What The Average American Can Afford In 2022

>>153686 ( Iranian Police Beat On Woman For Protesting

>>153687 ( George Soros Has His Hands Around The Throat Of Ukraine

>>153688 ( A final proposal on a maritime deal between Israel and Lebanon will be sent to Beirut in the coming hours, Lebanon’s president said Sunday after speaking by phone with the US envoy mediating the high-stakes talks.

>>153689 ( Meanwhile in Haiti

>>153691 ( Hey FBI, if you aren't too busy raiding your political opponents, lying to FISA courts, or framing @realDonaldTrump for a second time with the same discredited agents — can you check out why the website for China's premier voting technology company was registered to❓

>>153692 ( FBI Conceals Chinese Infiltration of U.S. Election Software

>>153693 ( NEW - Florida State Surgeon General found an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination.

>>153694 ( “Macron, we don’t need you!”

>>153699 VIDEO: Gutfeld! 10/13/22 FULL HD | FOX BREAKING NEWS TRUMP october 13, 2022 (YouTube)

>>153700 "I Lied": Clinton Associate Testifies He Fabricated Claim That Made Its Way Into Dossier(

>>153701 Massive Bean Piles Spotted Up And Down Mississippi River As Barges Can't Meet Harvest Demand(

>>153702 USNavalInstitute (Twatt) Today is National Dessert Day! This is CDR Joseph "Jumpin' Joe" Clifton enjoying some well-earned ice cream in the cockpit of his F6F Hellcat on USS Saratoga after a successful raid in 1944. #NationalDessertDay

>>153704 ( âť—Turkish Forces now spotted inside Afrin city.

>>153705 ( âť— Turkish Forces moving into Afrin now

>>153706 ( “On Friday, a Los Angeles Superior Court judge ordered Yu to remain in home confinement in LA and post a bond of $500,000.

>>153707 ( Tech billionaire Chamath says Europe is in an energy crisis because they listened to Greta Thunberg instead of Donald Trump.