Tom ID: 8fc206 Oct. 6, 2022, 7:02 a.m. No.153591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3711

Notables are NOT endorsements


@ bacon




>>153465 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) WE STARTED IT ONE YEAR AGO, AND IT'S STILL GOING STRONG!!! #LetsGoBrandon #FJB

>>153470 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) LMAO

>>153471 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) Please stop calling him brandon..

>>153472 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) CLASSIC!!!

>>153498 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) LOVE THOSE BEAUTIFUL FLAGS!!!

>>153499 TomFitton (Twatt) China Is Rerouting U.S. Liquefied Natural Gas to Europe at a Big Profit

>>153500 FoxNews (Twatt) @LisaMarieBoothe argues Biden's student loan handout is 'a heist'

>>153501 NewsMax (Twatt) The Supreme Court announced it will not hear a case that challenged the Trump-era regulation classifying "bump stocks" as machine guns.

>>153502 Benny (Twatt) Jim Jordan promises to DRAG top DOJ, FBI officials in front of Congress after Regime targets Trump, Parents

>>153503 Breitbart (Twatt) Cartel gunmen clashed in a fierce battle where one man died and several others were injured.

>>153504 TheHill (Twatt) "The Biden administration has had plenty of time to rethink its National Security Strategy. Will it" (@TheHillOpinion)

>>153505 Benny (Twatt) Joe Biden CAUGHT thanking US Serviceman who he's FIRING for refusing vaccine

>>153506 NYPost (Twatt) Norwegian Cruise Line eliminating COVID-19 testing, masking, vaccination requirements

>>153507 Benny (Twatt) Latino NBC reporter ADMITS Democrats are doomed among Latinos in 2022

>>153508 FoxNews (Twatt) OPINION: Deadly fentanyl puts our kids on the front lines of Biden’s border crisis

>>153512 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) BOOOM!!!

>>153517 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) I LOVE MY HOBBY LOBBY WARRIORS!!!

>>153518 BREAKING911 (Twatt) Trump sues CNN claiming defamation, seeks $475 million in punitive damages - Reuters

>>153519 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) BOOOOOOOM!!!

>>153520 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) CAN SLEEPY JOE DO THIS??

>>153521 NBC"news" (TWATS) Five years after “Rent” star Anthony Rapp publicly accused Kevin Spacey of sexual assault, a jury will hear the case in federal court in New York.

>>153524 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) message from PDJT

>>153525 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) BRANDON SUCKS!!!

>>153526 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) LESKO Brandon!!!


>>153529 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) Who did this to José Biden??

>>153530 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) CLASSIC

>>153531 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) Daily Reminder

>>153532 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) WE'RE COMING HOME!!!

>>153533 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) Buenas Noches, my Beautiful Patriotos!!! Make sure Your Beautiful Familia Knows You Love Them!!! I❤️U!!!

>>153535, >>153536, >>153537 Even the damn fishing contests are rigged..

>>153538 (Twatt) The main story out of Puerto Rico was the storm.

>>153552 EpochTimes (Twatt) The @FBI’s termination letter to #PeterStrzok, the official who led 2 high-profile investigations, has been published, revealing that #FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich made the choice to fire Strzok because of “repeated, sustained errors of judgement.”

>>153555, >>153562, (Twatt) Chris Hayes and Madcow hanging out, a Nazis book on the counter

>>153575 DanScavino (TruSoc) Who would save you?

>>153576 BioClandestine ( Why would Trump PUBLICLY congratulate Bolsonaro on a runoff?

>>153577 BioClandestine ( When analyzing the Twitter/Elon situation, you cannot look at it from a purely business/monetary perspective. Nothing will make sense.

>>153578 BioClandestine ( Putin’s speech today was LOADED with valuable information. If you haven’t read the full transcript, you need to do so immediately.

>>153579 Gateway Pundit ( FLASHBACK: CIA Sabotaged Soviet Pipeline to Europe in 1982 - US Software Caused Massive Explosion in Siberian Pipeline Seen From Space

>>153580 Gateway Pundit ( Here We Go: Moderna and Pfizer Start Phase 3 Trial of mRNA Flu Vaccine