Tom ID: 0b2e4a Dec. 12, 2022, 5:23 p.m. No.154768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4795

Notables are NOT endorsements


@ Bacon



>>154700 MattTaibbi (Twatt) FBI/DHS/DNI cooperation, and other takeaways from the The Twitter Files, Part 3 “Nothingburger”

>>154702 KashPatel (TruSoc) Guess theres no point in waiting, here you go Elon: perkins Coie on the money line for twitter

>>154704, >>154705' >>154706, >>154707, >>154708, >>154709, >>154710, >>154711, >>154712, >>154713, >>154714, >>154715, >>154716, >>154717, >>154719, >>154720 MichaelShellenberger (Twatt) 1. TWITTER FILES, PART 4 (Thread)

>>154718 VIDEO: Bumblebees Play … And it's Adorable (YouTube)

>>154721, >>154722 NYPost (Twatt) Tina Turner mourns son's tragic death: 'You left the world far too early'

>>154723 (Twatt) Shot of mush

>>154724 (Twatt) 1. @elonmusk, Your new company @Twitter has many ex FBI/CIA agents in high ranks. Should probably do a little housecleaning. Thread

>>154725 AndyNgo/ElonMusk/Eliza (Twatt) WOW. Looks like Yoel is arguing in favor of children being able to access adult Internet services in his PhD thesis:

>>154726 AndyNgo (Twatt) Disgraced former head of Twitter Trust & Safety @yoyoel appeared to have argued for adult gay hookup apps to be able to extend services to minors. #TwitterFiles also revealed the extent to which his left-wing political bias guided his censorship decisions.

>>154727 NYPost (Twatt) DEA agent who put Viktor Bout in prison blasts Brittney Griner swap

>>154728 AndyNgo (Twatt) "[Asians] don't want black people to live in black people neighborhoods. Because it's not they neighborhood, 'cause they from China, Hong Kong." At an NYC city hall event on civil & human rights on Dec. 8, a black man engaged in a racist rant.

>>154729 NewsMax (Twatt) Twitter owner Elon Musk Saturday, as the company rolled out new rules concerning language on the site and before another thread of Twitter files were to be released Saturday night, announced that the company is a "crime scene."

>>154730 NewYorkPost (Twatt) Heavy rain, wind, snow blows through California into Sierra

>>154731 NewsMax (Twatt) WATCH: Did Brittney Griner shake 'Merchant of Death's' hand?!

>>154732 AndyNgo (Twatt) Disgusting behavior from a @KING5Seattle photographer. He wouldn't call police or allow robbery victim @KatieDaviscourt to use his phone to call police.

>>154734 TheHill (TWATS) Ocasio-Cortez blasts Sinema over party switch: "People deserve more"

>>154735 DanScavino (Twatt) Don't Stop me Now

>>154736 DanScavino (Twatt) Ministry of Tweet

>>154737 Power cut plunges central Paris into darkness (

>>154738 CharlieKirk (Twatt) Yoel Roth had more power over public discourse and opinion shaping than any person in elected office in 2020. An unelected boy-king behind a computer screen had the power to remove a US President and orchestrate a digital coup.

>>154739 (Twatt) I regret to inform you that the MSM is still at it with the anti-Elon Musk narrative. Rather than cover the Twitter Files, which would of course require actual journalism.

>>154740 JohnRatcliffe (Twatt) What I said as the DNI in October 2020 was proven true. The IC had zero intelligence supporting a false narrative that the the Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. Nobody in the IC had authority to say otherwise.

>>154741 FoxNewsLatest (Twatt) ‘Twitter Files’ bombshell leaves liberals in denial as they dismiss revelations: ‘Conspiracy kooks’

>>154742 ElonMusk (Twatt) Latest ‘Twitter Files’ bombshell leaves liberals in denial as they dismiss revelations: ‘Conspiracy kooks’

>>154743 (Twatt) Eliza: How do you sleep at night..??

>>154744 Diamond&Silk (Twatt) Mike Lindell has spent millions of his own money exposing the fraud. How much have the other candidates spent? Mike Lindell has also said he will give his paycheck back to the RNC; will the other candidates be willing to do the same?

>>154746 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) STOP IT!!!


>>154749 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) Michele says she is a woman

>>154750 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) WHO DID THIS??

>>154751 Elon/DrJBhattacharya (Twatt) Thank you for your rigorous adherence to science (talking about being black listed from day 1)

>>154752 KANSAS (Twatt) "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:8

>>154753 USACEHQ (Twatt) @USACESacramento photos of a footbridge being set over the service spillway at the Isabella Lake #DamSafety Modification Project. The bridge will help the team observe the spillway in action, helping to identify any issues in the water flow that could be a problem down the line.

>>154754 LOOP ( My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci

>>154755 (Twatt) The RNC hasn't had a leadership contest in 12 years. If you're a Republican, do you think it's time for change?

>>154756 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) BOOOOOOOM!!!

>>154757 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) Elon was right

>>154758 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) Fauci lying

>>154759 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) Elon gettting medal pinned on by Pappi

>>154760 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) Enjoy your beautiful blessed sunday!!!

>>154761 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) LOVE THE BOSS!!!

>>154762 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) DAILY REMINDER!!!

>>154763 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) WITH GOD BY OUR SIDE, WE WILL WIN!!!

>>154764 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) One message to hold: never give up


>>154766 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) BOOOOOOOM!!!