Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 11, 2023, 9:14 p.m. No.155785   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Notables are NOT endorsements


@ Today's #1 Note



>>155761 FoxNews (Twatt) FLIGHT FIASCO: FAA outage leads travelers to vent frustrations, safety concerns

>>155762 RawsAlerts (Twatt) #BREAKING: All flights across US grounded due to computer system glitch

>>155763 HouseRepublicans (Twatt) The House Republican majority stands united with the crisis pregnancy centers and pro-life organizations who have been targeted by radical Far Left activists for defending the unborn.

>>155764 Rep.MikeJohnson (Twatt) 100+ @HouseGOP Members have cosponsored my resolution condemning the nationwide wave of violence, vandalism, and intimidation by pro-abortion activists in the wake of the SCOTUS opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.

>>155765 VIDEO: How Sam Bankman-Fried Gained So Much Influence and Met with the President (YouTube)

>>155766 NYPost (Twatt) Amtrak train delayed for 37 hours prompts passengers to call 911 over 'hostage' fears

>>155767 Bail denied for reality TV stars Todd and Julie Chrisley(

>>155768 FoxNews (Twatt) GOP bill says only the American flag can fly over US embassies: No more pride, BLM flags

>>155769 RepJimJordan (Twatt) First, they find classified documents at the Biden Center.

>>155770 NYPost (Twatt) Arrest warrant issued for Cowboys rookie Sam Williams after violent crash

>>155771 NYPost (Twatt) Penn Biden Center where classified papers were found is a 'dark money nightmare'

>>155772 TheHill (Twatt) WHO officials recommend mask-wearing for travel in light of XBB.1.5, stop short of endorsing travel checks

>>155773 CatTurd (Twatt) Another day, another batch of highly classified Joe Biden documents found.

>>155774 TheHill (Twatt) FAA outage may start fresh skirmish with airlines

>>155775 NYPost (Twatt) Russia to launch Soyuz capsule to ISS to bring 3 stranded astronauts home

>>155776 NYPost (Twatt) Alec and Hilaria Baldwin shave $4M off Hamptons farmhouse

>>155777 SeanHannity (Twatt) ‘Recipe For Disaster’: Manchin Responds To News Biden Admin Might Ban Gas Stoves

>>155778 TheBabBee (Twatt) Celebrity Who Travels On Private Jets And Collects Luxury Sports Cars Says You’re The Reason For Climate Change

>>155779, >>155780 NBC"news" (Twatt) Tatjana Patitz, a supermodel who graced magazine covers in the 1980s and ’90s and appeared in George Michael’s “Freedom! ’90” music video, has died at age 56, her agent said.

>>155781 Mom Allison Holthoff dies after waiting seven hours in Nova Scotia ER(

>>155782 MacKenzie Scott, Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos’ ex-wife, finalizes second divorce (

>>155784 (Twatt) Watch this until the end.

Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 11, 2023, 9:17 p.m. No.155786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864


(Twatt) 🇨🇦 Canada - Toronto [Jan 11, 2023]


Hundreds protest in support of Dr. Jordan Peterson as The Ontario College of Psychologists pushes to have Peterson's license removed in response to his political speech. 1/2

Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 11, 2023, 9:42 p.m. No.155790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5791 >>5792 >>5794 >>5805 >>5806 >>5807 >>5808 >>5809 >>5810 >>5811 >>5812 >>5816 >>5819 >>5820 >>5822 >>5823 >>5824 >>5829 >>5844 >>5864


(Twatt) Here we go…


As background, the Sussmann case identified four individuals, Rodney Joffe, David Dagon, Manos Antonakakis, and April Lorenzen.


They had alleged a secret communications channel existed between Trump and Putin by way of Alfa Bank…



Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 11, 2023, 9:51 p.m. No.155791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864



(Twatt) The data and allegations have been alleged by the CIA/FBI/prominent independent analysts to be manipulated, not technically feasible, or fraud.


They force-fed it through multiple channels to the media, the FBI, CIA, largely with the help of Clinton operatives & Fusion GPS



Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 11, 2023, 9:52 p.m. No.155792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864



The FBI wanted to interview the alleged author of the white paper, David Dagon of


in Oct 2016 but were rebuffed by FBI leadership.


So how would you feel if some of these same cyber researchers had gone on to help SCO Mueller and did the DNC hack attribution?



Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 11, 2023, 9:54 p.m. No.155794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864



ABC"news" (Twatt) A former Ohio doctor has been convicted of overprescribing opioids despite knowing her patients were severely addicted, according to the Justice Department.

Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 11, 2023, 10:06 p.m. No.155796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864


Entire plane bursts into song as ‘drunk Karen’ booted off flight: video(

Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 11, 2023, 10:12 p.m. No.155798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864


(Twatt) It’s been a mystery why Roman concrete often lasted thousands of years, but ours decays in mere decades.


Turns out they incorporated chemicals in a process that induces self-healing; scientists at MIT just figured this all out - in 2022.



Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 11, 2023, 10:14 p.m. No.155799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864


AndyNgo (Twatt) The village of #Lüzerath in western Germany has become a magnet for leftists & climate activists for months who have built an autonomous zone to try & stop the expansion of a coal mine. They brought children there & are hurling rocks & firebombs at police.

Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 11, 2023, 10:21 p.m. No.155802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864


(Twatt) 🚨BREAKING — NEW STUDY: 48.27% Increased Probability Of Infection From 1 COVID Booster Compared To Being Unvaccinated — mRNA Vaccines Largest Fail Yet

Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 11, 2023, 10:28 p.m. No.155803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864


(Twatt) The comments on this sad effort to defend Scott Gottlieb are stunning - in the best way.


People have had ENOUGH. They have seen the mRNAs fail and will no longer accept lectures from folks who have been wrong for three years and won't begin to admit reality, much less apologize.

Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 11, 2023, 10:29 p.m. No.155804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864


(Twatt) THREAD: Stooge Report (brain cells matter) Retweeted


Laila Mickelwait



This actually happened. The child was missing for a year. She was found being raped in almost 60 videos being sold on Pornhub. Pornhub confessed they “verified” the child and were getting a cut of the profit from each rape sale.


We are still waiting for justice to be served.

Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 11, 2023, 10:31 p.m. No.155805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864



(Twatt) And how would you feel if this sketchy Alfa bank story, a sketchy Yota phone allegation, and their other work on a political smear campaign were approved and sanctioned by


as part of their OFFICIAL responsibilities?



Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 11, 2023, 11:11 p.m. No.155806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864



Because that is exactly what happened.




It was


in the spring that was first getting emails showing they had some relationship to Mueller & the DNC hack.


Somehow, DARPA was involved.



Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 11, 2023, 11:23 p.m. No.155807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864






reached out to DARPA, who denied approving any work on the DNC hack attribution or use of DARPA resources on Alfa Bank allegations.



Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 11, 2023, 11:24 p.m. No.155808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864



(Twatt) But more recently while in exile I learned that


had paid over $100,000 for the legal expenses of Manos Antonakakis. After taking an immunity deal, David Dagon's situation was complicated, he requested payment from the Attorney General's office




Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 11, 2023, 11:25 p.m. No.155809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864



(Twatt) And the Georgia AG's office, through some negotiation, offered a payment cap of $200,000. This was a bit of a problem, because Dagon's legal fees run into many hundreds of thousands of dollars. So he threatened to sue the State of Georgia.



Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 11, 2023, 11:28 p.m. No.155810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864



He and his lawyer hired a new lawyer, the FORMER Attorney General of the State of Georgia, and he arued all of this was sanctioned in their official responsibilities. But his letter(s) were quite informative:



Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 11, 2023, 11:29 p.m. No.155811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864



(Twatt) "It was for the benefit of


" he notes, that Dagon/Antonakakis did research on the DNC hack, Fancy Bear, Alfa Allegations, and Yota Phone allegations that alleged


was carrying a Yota phone, insinuating a secret communications ability to Russia.



Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 11, 2023, 11:30 p.m. No.155812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864



(Twatt) We also get some clarity on


's role, even if it's unsettling. They were sending their analysis "via DARPA" to the Department of Justice and SCO Mueller. Now, why would they do that? And why would THIS group of cyber researchers be part of all of this?



Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 11, 2023, 11:39 p.m. No.155814   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Laura, they will keep doing it till the money for the social programs dry up. As long as they can hold out for free shit, it will continue.


You look GREAT as always!

Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 11, 2023, 11:52 p.m. No.155816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864



(Twatt) Their analysis of "communications traffic" and the hack of the DNC presumably means, much of their work is sequestered as Grand Jury material in the indictment filed by Mueller against the 12 GRU agents.






will be subpoenaing that.



Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 12, 2023, 1:34 a.m. No.155819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864



(Twatt) But I also want to revisit


, who gave implicit confirmation that they approved this work by paying legal fees, but the actual documentation on their approvals is thus far elusive after roughly 40 Open Records Requests.



Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 12, 2023, 1:36 a.m. No.155820   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864



(Twatt) If anything, their initial response was lukewarm to skeptical, with


's Chief Counsel of Employment/Litigation saying "…the work was not part of his GT duties":



Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 12, 2023, 1:54 a.m. No.155822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864



(Twatt) Now I just have to go off the documents I have seen [thousands of pages], but I don't know the conversations that were had.


Seemingly, this argument from Dagon was a turning point that brought


from skeptical to supportive [support me or you lose too]:



Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 12, 2023, 2:06 a.m. No.155823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864



(Twatt) Going to end this thread here, but I have several more to do, and I'll try to do the second thread today.


I'm finally back! I'm free!!!



Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 12, 2023, 2:17 a.m. No.155825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864


(Twatt) Montecito 93108 California. Monday 9 January 2023 @ 13.00. Reminder.. Don’t buy a house in a flooded area.

Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 12, 2023, 2:20 a.m. No.155827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5844 >>5864


FoxNews (Twatt) Biden mocked over newly discovered second batch of documents: 'Regular Johnny Appleseed' with classified info

Tom ID: d036a9 Jan. 12, 2023, 3:07 a.m. No.155829   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Notables are NOT endorsements


@ Morning Note



>>155761 FoxNews (Twatt) FLIGHT FIASCO: FAA outage leads travelers to vent frustrations, safety concerns

>>155762 RawsAlerts (Twatt) #BREAKING: All flights across US grounded due to computer system glitch

>>155763 HouseRepublicans (Twatt) The House Republican majority stands united with the crisis pregnancy centers and pro-life organizations who have been targeted by radical Far Left activists for defending the unborn.

>>155764 Rep.MikeJohnson (Twatt) 100+ @HouseGOP Members have cosponsored my resolution condemning the nationwide wave of violence, vandalism, and intimidation by pro-abortion activists in the wake of the SCOTUS opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.

>>155765 VIDEO: How Sam Bankman-Fried Gained So Much Influence and Met with the President (YouTube)

>>155766 NYPost (Twatt) Amtrak train delayed for 37 hours prompts passengers to call 911 over 'hostage' fears

>>155767 Bail denied for reality TV stars Todd and Julie Chrisley(

>>155768 FoxNews (Twatt) GOP bill says only the American flag can fly over US embassies: No more pride, BLM flags

>>155769 RepJimJordan (Twatt) First, they find classified documents at the Biden Center.

>>155770 NYPost (Twatt) Arrest warrant issued for Cowboys rookie Sam Williams after violent crash

>>155771 NYPost (Twatt) Penn Biden Center where classified papers were found is a 'dark money nightmare'

>>155772 TheHill (Twatt) WHO officials recommend mask-wearing for travel in light of XBB.1.5, stop short of endorsing travel checks

>>155773 CatTurd (Twatt) Another day, another batch of highly classified Joe Biden documents found.

>>155774 TheHill (Twatt) FAA outage may start fresh skirmish with airlines

>>155775 NYPost (Twatt) Russia to launch Soyuz capsule to ISS to bring 3 stranded astronauts home

>>155776 NYPost (Twatt) Alec and Hilaria Baldwin shave $4M off Hamptons farmhouse

>>155777 SeanHannity (Twatt) ‘Recipe For Disaster’: Manchin Responds To News Biden Admin Might Ban Gas Stoves

>>155778 TheBabBee (Twatt) Celebrity Who Travels On Private Jets And Collects Luxury Sports Cars Says You’re The Reason For Climate Change

>>155779, >>155780 NBC"news" (Twatt) Tatjana Patitz, a supermodel who graced magazine covers in the 1980s and ’90s and appeared in George Michael’s “Freedom! ’90” music video, has died at age 56, her agent said.

>>155781 Mom Allison Holthoff dies after waiting seven hours in Nova Scotia ER(

>>155782 MacKenzie Scott, Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos’ ex-wife, finalizes second divorce (

>>155784 (Twatt) Watch this until the end.

>>155786 (Twatt) 🇨🇦 Canada - Toronto [Jan 11, 2023]

>>155787 TheHill (Twatt) Two former employees sue ESPN over COVID vaccine mandate

>>155788, >>155815 VIDEO: Gutfeld: Here's what Republicans have learned from Trump (YouTube)

>>155789 TheHill (Twatt) Jill Biden has cancerous lesions removed

>>155790, >>155791, >>155792, >>155794, >>155805, >>155806, >>155807, >>155808, >>155809, >>155810, >>155811, >>155812, >>155816, >>155819, >>155820, >>155822, >>155823, (Twatt) Here we go… As background, the Sussmann case identified four individuals, Rodney Joffe, David Dagon, Manos Antonakakis, and April Lorenzen.

>>155793 VIDEO: Jesse Watters: There's a problem when these people appear on camera (YouTube)

>>155794 ABC"news" (Twatt) A former Ohio doctor has been convicted of overprescribing opioids despite knowing her patients were severely addicted, according to the Justice Department.

>>155795 Reuters (Twatt) Mexico's buck-toothed cartoon president ruled 'electoral violation'

>>155796 Entire plane bursts into song as ‘drunk Karen’ booted off flight: video(

>>155798 (Twatt) It’s been a mystery why Roman concrete often lasted thousands of years, but ours decays in mere decades.

>>155799 AndyNgo (Twatt) The village of #Lüzerath in western Germany has become a magnet for leftists & climate activists for months who have built an autonomous zone to try & stop the expansion of a coal mine. They brought children there & are hurling rocks & firebombs at police.

>>155800 (Twatt) mRNA Vaccines in Livestock and Companion Animals are here now.

>>155801 ABC"news" (Twatt) Black Lives Matter co-founder blames LAPD for cousin’s death.

>>155802 (Twatt) 🚨BREAKING — NEW STUDY: 48.27% Increased Probability Of Infection From 1 COVID Booster Compared To Being Unvaccinated — mRNA Vaccines Largest Fail Yet

>>155803 (Twatt) The comments on this sad effort to defend Scott Gottlieb are stunning - in the best way.

>>155804 (Twatt) THREAD: Stooge Report (brain cells matter) Retweeted

>>155813 VIDEO: Ingraham: Life is getting worse under Biden (YouTube)

>>155815 VIDEO: Gutfeld! 1/11/23 | FOX BREAKING NEWS TRUMP January 11, 2023 (YouTube)

>>155817 VIDEO: Andrew Tate REKTS FRAUD Sam Bankman-Fried (YouTubeShorts)

>>155821 VIDEO: Mexican Cartel trying to down Plane ✈️ #joerogan #podcast (YouTubeShorts)

>>155825 (Twatt) Montecito 93108 California. Monday 9 January 2023 @ 13.00. Reminder.. Don’t buy a house in a flooded area.

>>155826 TheHill (Twatt) Divisive influencer Tate loses appeal against asset seizures

>>155827 FoxNews (Twatt) Biden mocked over newly discovered second batch of documents: 'Regular Johnny Appleseed' with classified info

>>155828 (Twatt) Mick Jagger, Rod Stewart lead tributes to Jeff Beck: 'One of the greatest guitar players'