>Oh caps. Yeah. Thanks!
I TOTALLY forgot that they were using aliases as they were talking back and forth. Not sure on the "wendy" debbie wasserman schultz deal but Bob Ama, and the rest are point on… Elizabeth Carlisle..
I TOTALLY FORGOT about this!
So basically just waiting for story to be known, given to public, then Declass, everything is dropped on the public "everything" then public arrests.. show trials?
Getting timeline "done".. or as much as it can be, the picture it paints, everything was being done, and we did know, but may not have known (cause you would have to put the entire thing together..) cause needed to take the time to do the work, but fugg.. we are just about done.
WE DID indeedy win.
The "SHOW" is to show everyone what their plan was for us all (in part & controlled)..
Yeah. Wow.
InsiderPaper (T.me) BREAKING 🚨 Ukraine interior minister among 16 dead in helicopter crash
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2017 is back and better than ever. LOT added, and holy shit the picture is coming into focus.
I feel retarded as fuck knowing that it is all over, we knew it but man.. what a deal.
>>156182 (last poast of 2017 so far).. lots of good and sauzed.