I had Sex Links years ago, going to add at 2-4 to the coup. Nice brown eggs, friendly girls. If I can find or order Icelandic Chickens that'd be a plus, they are predators weary.. foxes, bobcats and coyotes. Haven't decided if the guinea chickens are worth it. Noisy, not sure whether they are warning the girls or calling in the predators.
Didn't think of that.. going to talk to a few neighbors and see about getting a some chick's from them if they are unavailable.
Ordering the chick's now won't guarantee that we get them. One neighbor has Rhode Island Reds, another friendly layer.
Was going to work on another chicken run today, freezing rain incoming.. ugh
Last time I slid down landing on my shoulder, thought it was dislocated, laid face first on the ground doing lamaze breathing, trying not to cry. Lol
Finally rolled over, unzipped jumpsuit, relieved I was intact.
Better get wif it, need to grab plenty of firewood and stack on the back porch.