Seems to me the catalog has had a self-borking feature for over a year
Thought it was that Wu Mao dude?
First one breaks out to some building at Camp Peary, VA
Camp Peary is an approximately 9,000 acre military reservation in York County near Williamsburg, Virginia. Officially referred to as an Armed Forces Experimental Training Activity (AFETA) under the auspices of the Department of Defense, Camp Peary is rumored to host a covert CIA training facility known as "The Farm". Camp Peary has a sister facility, "The Point", located in Hertford, North Carolina.
Second coords break out as Sysco Baugh Northeast, Front Royal va
Baugh Northeast Co-Op is a subsidiary of SYSCO Corporation, which sells, markets and distributes food products to restaurants, health care and educational facilities, lodging establishments and other customers who prepare meals away from home. The company s family of products also includes equipment and supplies for the food service and hospitality industries. In addition, the company provides food products under the brands SYSCO Supreme, SYSCO Imperial, SYSCO Classic, SYSCO Reliance and SYSCO Natural. SYSCO operates from more than 160 locations throughout the contiguous United States and portions of Alaska, Hawaii and Canada. The company has sales and service relationships with more than 380,000 customers and employs more than 47,000 people. Baugh Northeast Co-Op is located in Front Royal, Va
The PTSD Dam Neck has me intrigued. Dam Neck, Virginia is where Fleet Combat Training Center, Atlantic has been for many years. Operations
Specialist "A" School is there. There's a 5"/54 gun turret at the beach used for Gunner's Mate training. There was also some kind of schooling for submariners there when I was going through OS "A" in the late 1980s
Found this Marine Intelligence school at Dam Neck:
Marines Charging Corporal with Attempted Murder; Family Says she Has PTSD After Sexual Assault
29 Oct 2020
The Virginian-Pilot | By Katherine Hafner
The Marine Corps is pressing charges, including attempted murder, against a Virginia Beach corporal who has been locked up in a Chesapeake brig for months while her family publicly pleads for her to get mental health treatment.
Cpl. Thae Ohu, 27, has struggled with PTSD and other conditions following a sexual assault by a fellow Marine years ago – trauma that led to a psychological break this spring, her family contends.
Military prosecutors say that's when she attacked her boyfriend, and have now formally referred nine violations of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice including aggravated assault on an intimate partner, burglary and communicating a threat. She will face a general court-martial in March.
The victim, Ohu's boyfriend of the time who's also a Marine, previously asked officials not to pursue the charges, telling them he believed everything that happened could be tied to her service-related trauma.
Meanwhile, following her family's push and The Virginian-Pilot's reporting in July, Ohu's story has been shared widely online and in advocacy circles as emblematic of larger structural issues with how the military treats sexual assault victims.
A Facebook page called Justice For Thae Ohu has more than 6,700 followers and an online fundraiser set up for her legal and medical fees has raised nearly $14,000. A group in Fort Wayne, Indiana, where Ohu grew up, held a rally for her in August, holding signs demanding justice.
Sherman Gillums Jr., a Marine veteran and chief advocacy officer for AMVETS, wrote about her case for the Military Times in August, saying it enmeshes issues of the military justice and health systems.
"The co-occurring legal and medical problems she faced made it hard to determine whether she broke the law or the system broke her first," he wrote.
Ohu, an administrative specialist with the Marine Corps Intelligence Schools aboard Dam Neck Naval Base, was born in a Burmese refugee camp in Thailand, according to her sister Pan Phyu, who's a Navy sailor in San Diego. The family later settled in Fort Wayne and both sisters eventually joined the military.