lol am idiot just posted this in pb
;) Been a long day already.
POTUS is touched by God. IDK how the man could do it otherwise. Adding on the last couple years of digital soldiering and my clock is about unwound. I took off three weeks for christmas this year. I want a front seat for this shit.
Gonna recharge and relax and hopefully not annoy you folks too much with my shitposting.
fucking kek
got like 4 more hours of driving today. blah
see ya later
yay Q
just got done workfaggin and drivin what a nice treat at the end of the day.
9 states joined texas
working slowly on sausage.
kek the school or the degree thing? Last I heard that place was pretty much just an antifa training camp.
oh hey anons i saw a boris johnson speech mashup while driving today and it zoomed in on a pin that looked like a q pin. Im absolutely beat and in shitposting mode. Any of you see that?
mhyes I did say, good sir! Indeed, upon further investigation I have found the video in question and it turns out it was a wreath. Yes, just a very common wreath with no special qualities about it, you see. Average joe as it were. Carry on. Carry on
it was eaten by communists.