Anonymous ID: 9beeee Dec. 8, 2020, 6:46 p.m. No.20398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0491 >>0501 >>0520


>cover to get men into place.

I sure hope so. This is how I see what is going on. Still trying to sort it out.


Illegitimate World Government’s agenda desired outcome: New currency system with full control & tracking of everyone. Bio-technocratic Communism. Internet of living things. The ultimate police state. Complete monopoly.

Problem. Reaction. Solution.

Problem: Manufacture multiple crisis, political, personal, pandemic, economic, emotional, spiritual, fear, in order to leverage consent for the agenda, and to present the enemies of mankind as a savior. (Those you trust the most, the invisible enemy.)

Reaction: Subvert human rights worldwide through unelected health professionals. Close down target businesses. Create economic destruction resulting in dependence on Government. Mass covid brainwashing in all media. Separate people. Censor & taboo unfavorable communication. Dehumanize and condition people into compliance with masks (+ increase illness & reduce oxygen, symptoms labeled as covid) let criminals out of prison and use prisons for political covid dissidents, embed cognitive dissonance.

Solution: Creation and distribution of mRNA injection being called a vaccine. This will genetically modify humans and make them more manageable. Require certificate of vaccination (in various forms) in order to participate at work, school, transportation, government, buy & sell, or any other activity.


Obviously more complex, trying to keep it short. Not finished.