dhb checkin in
sooner the better it seems, not really. Been dealing with some generator issues at my house and just kinda relaxing in the snow for a few days lately. Headed out for work tomorrow I think so I should have some time to dedicate in the evenings.
I got the gist of it all, maybe a question or two about some finer points then just practice posting threads is all I need. Im stoned as fuck right now and balls deep into some esoteric weird shit as always but wanted to be accountable for a meeting if one was in the habbenins.
Maybe we should embrace the brand, enable voice comms on private platforms, and begin an earnest and coordinated marketing campaign to defend the board's principles? Is it time to fight to take back the board? I dont know but I would probably enjoy the battle.
We could certainly spark a bit more fire in our bellies. Midnight Riders seems like an excellent flag to fight under.
If we use private comms to coordinate and work together to present and keep a cohesive front we can slowly take back qr IMO. I don't know that it is the correct choice but the strategy and fun of it all is tempting. We would only need 8-10 regulars and a few weeks to get to speed.
I was talking about qr, not here.
Fuck moving to mongolia. They ship em to you in a shipping container and you just unpack it where you want to set it up at. I figured Id get an actual mongolian one as opposed to one made by a crunchy vegan douche in oregon for 8 times the price.