What's this about?
lub you
got it
the cp seems to start when i bake and i was getting direct posts from one of the cp posters saying that posting cp was to help me…?
sick shit , lucky Ive never known any of this stuff and saw cp for the first time in my life a few weeks ago. I hide it and report it immediately.
It started with mark mallock brown just mentioning his name drew an instant on slaughter of cp and flooding the catalog..
(Writing more)
Nothing too specific going on in QR at the time, but when given god a hunch, I make a joke and notable about the article and scrape any information and comments from the anons and make a little story…. then make the next bread theme a play on the information..
To be as insulting as possible.
Like when RGB died.
I put her age first
then the word dead
then RGB
The elites play a game of who can insult and embarrass each other, easy to play when there is so much information and no consequences via being ANON
my screen flickered when downloading a new meme in that time period,
made me feel heaps uncomfy, like I wanted to delete all my memes
it was very strange. and someone has been turning on my bluetooth even though i uninstalled it and had never used it, in the last 5 days.
wnb 10/11/20 (Sun) 11:06:25 75f8b9 No.34106 >>34108 >>34110 >>34111 >>34113 >>34116 >>34118 >>34133 >>34171
>>34067 (You)
Guud interpretation be. I did a post on Friday that covered this very topic.
It was regarding dissemination, aggregation, and sourcing of vital information.
No matter what, social media is king now, but is a double edged sword.
‘Alternatve’ newz (qrsearch) will be broadcasting to the world in a very specialized
Indictments, arrests, investigations… the news flood will disappear and be replaced
with real time facts and events for ww normies and anons to consume. Butterfly effect
and “we are the news”, just like Q sez
Btw, hi fam :)
the news flood will disappear and be replaced with real time facts and events for
ww normies and anons to consume. Butterfly effect and “we are the news”, just
like Q sez
mission will be to update, educate, and validate.
I haven't had to do any captcha except on tor.
I talk with him, what do you want me to ask, exactly?
they know who I am, thought it was you guise..
newsbaker is coming here
a minute
oh yeah and they keep posting the Q_ANON meme like some how it aggregates for them in every bread after 11pm EST till the morning
hello lovely
been trying to find you
how have you been?
where have you been?
you notables a the finest!
and your memes keep me coming back for more!
been okay was worried about this stuff for two days and now worked through the scared fee fees and am guud!
yesterday was a bit shit, today is great!
>knew you could do it…
ohh that you!
love it when you do that
Thank You.
I knew too fyi, no doubt at all
just took longer because the bounce is different, 😀
Where do you want it noted?
here, okay with a screen shot or a pdf of the bread or just a….
[#198] :hide
▶Tom 12/12/20 (Sat) 13:12:55112f49 (65) No.22302
Will leave this up, any time there is an OUTAGE lets note it, time, what was going on in news etc.. even QR and CIAShill over there logging our poo's.. (psycho).. kek
We get this mapped better we can even plan for the attacks a bit, or at least be ready.
I announced I was going to work and gayshill posted up. Keys are distributed so going forward they won't even have that. At QR we didn't have the "power" we do here protecting our own oven like we do..