Anonymous ID: b7b5d6 Dec. 12, 2020, 5:33 p.m. No.22807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2810 >>2811 >>2821 >>2836


Is picking our notez up now?

newsbaker was at the meet the other night and said it needed work. Awesome if he's set it up. (resignation anon), has been picking us up since the first few weeks. It's awesome and gives us all a responsibility to be gathering the best.

It's an honor for us all to be listed there (and if that's habbenin').

Anonymous ID: b7b5d6 Dec. 12, 2020, 10:31 p.m. No.22915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2982

"Hillary Hates Him & Biden Calls Him A Terrorist" - Aussie MP Urges Trump To Pardon Assange


Nationals MP George Christensen has joined the growing chorus of activists calling for President Trump to pardon WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange before he leaves the White House.


Assange is currently being held in London's Belmarsh prison, awaiting a decision on his extradition case to the US.


On Saturday, in an interview with Sky News Australia, Christensen told Sky News host Brent O'Halloran that Assange "has been a target of the Democrats, adding that "Hillary Clinton hates his guts, obviously, for exposing who the real Hillary was, and you've had a war on Assange by the Democrats and the deep state."


He told O'Halloran that president-elect Joe Biden has called Assange a criminal and a "hi-tech terrorist."


Christensen argues that a pardon for the WikiLeaks founder "is one way which he can stand up for free speech." He said it would irritate the Democratic establishment and would "poke the deep state in the eye."


Christensen concluded by calling the US "one of the greatest nations in the democratic world" and that "great document of democracy that is the United States Constitution is free speech and freedom of the press."


"So I'm hoping that he will pardon Julian Assange. It's the right thing to do."


Watch the three-minute interview here:


In addition to Christensen, filmmaker Oliver Stone recently called for the president to pardon Assange and Edward Snowden without whom we wouldn't know about intrusive government surveillance programs, the US' aggressive drone strike program, or that Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign manager.


Even longtime Assange friend and previously rumored ex-girlfriend Pamela Anderson has become creative in her direct appeals to Trump, tagging the president in a Twitter post featuring a stripped-down bikini photoshoot of herself holding a sign that reads "Bring Julian Assange home."

Anonymous ID: b7b5d6 Dec. 12, 2020, 10:52 p.m. No.22919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2935 >>2982

Gavin Newsom’s Team ‘Increasingly Concerned’ as Recall Efforts Gain Traction


A recall is currently under way to boot hypocrite California Governor Gavin Newsom (D).


Newsom’s Chief of Staff Ann O’Leary said: “As Newsom begins his third full year in office, the governor’s team is increasingly concerned with a long-shot conservative recall that could mushroom into a major threat in 2021 if it attracts significant financial support.”


Recall organizers have until March 17th to collect 1,495,709 signatures and they already have more than 800,000.


SFGate reported:


California Gov. Gavin Newsom has already survived five long-shot recall attempts in his two years in office, but those close to him are reportedly worried that the current recall effort amidst frustration over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic could prove successful.


The report also states, “Sources close to Newsom said the governor’s office has been disorganized over the past month and has not responded effectively to damaging headlines” including his French Laundry trip, controversial new stay-at-home order and delay in naming Vice President-elect Kamala Harris’ replacement in the United States Senate. In addition, most of the state’s public schools remain closed while they are open in other deep blue states such as New York and Massachusetts, and small business owners were particularly irate over the lack of evidence presented to support certain business closures.


Californians are fed up with Newsom’s authoritarian Covid lockdown orders that have destroyed thousands of small businesses.


Newsom came under fire after he ordered businesses to close while keeping his own winery, Plumpjack Winery open.


Governor Newsom was also caught dining at The French Laundry in Napa Valley at $800 per person while telling Californians they couldn’t gather for Thanksgiving.


After getting caught having dinner at The French Laundry, Newsom came out with new regional stay-at-home orders and imposed a 10PM to 5AM curfew.


California recalled Democrat Governor Gray Davis in 2003 over the energy crisis and statewide, planned rolling blackouts.


It is time for California to give Newsom the boot.


CA Voters can download and sign petitions and mail them in.