Anonymous ID: bf8050 Dec. 12, 2020, 8:43 p.m. No.22899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2903 >>2981

Notables Are Not Endorsements


Dough >>22773

Changed Balkin to #2


>>22850 , >>22853, EPIC! Army-Navy Crowd ERUPTS into Chants of “USA! USA!” as President Trump Steps on Football Field at Game (VIDEO)

>>22847 Acting Secretary of Defense’s Chief of Staff, Kash Patel, Files a $50M Defamation Lawsuit Against CNN

>>22833, >>22839, >>22842, >>22851, >>22858, >>22863, Exec. Directive 51 Overview

>>22833 CM Research "Executive Directive 51"

>>22814 Huge Cheers For President Trump at Army Navy Game (vid)

>>22799 DTJR, Congressman Eric Swalwell on the Intelligence Committee, had a relationship with a Chinese spy, why aren't the NYT reporting this fact?


>>22794, >>22722 pb, >>22817, >>22862, PF


Anonymous ID: bf8050 Dec. 13, 2020, midnight No.22930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2982

US Senate passes one-week bill to avoid government shutdown

The stopgap spending bill allows the United States to avert a government shutdown.

Erik Wasson

11 Dec 2020

The Senate passed a one-week government spending bill Friday, giving President Donald Trump just enough time to sign it and avert a government shutdown after current funding runs out at midnight.


The Senate voice vote approving the legislation came after several senators tried to hold the process up as they sought to force votes on unrelated issues. Those objections were overcome Friday, and the Senate’s approval, after the House passed it on 343-67 vote Wednesday, sends the bill to Trump’s desk.


Lawmakers are also hoping to use the omnibus bill as a vehicle for more than $900 billion in coronavirus-related aid.


The virus-relief bill has been the subject of months of fruitless negotiations, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Thursday both said they see progress toward a final solution. But there is still no agreement on provisions to shield businesses from Covid-related lawsuits and to distribute $160 billion in proposed state and local aid. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Friday again suggested leaving those provisions out of the stimulus package.


The broader spending bill appears to be more on track, even though Senate Appropriations Chairman Richard Shelby, an Alabama Republican, said it probably won’t be finished until next week. He said the main sticking point is how to handle $12.5 billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs to upgrade its health care for veterans.


Shelby has said he agrees with Democrats that the funding should be in addition to the $1.4 trillion budget cap for the year, but the White House and House Republicans oppose the move, citing deficit concerns.


“I think the obstacle right now is at least a hurdle to get over the VA,” Shelby said Friday. “And I think we could see open field after that, but maybe not”


Other points of contention involve $2 billion for Trump’s border wall, as well as funding for immigration raids and detention. Shelby said appropriators are nearing an agreement on that issue, but it’s not yet clear whether it will “satisfy everybody.”


Montana Senator Jon Tester, the top Democrat on the subcommittee overseeing the Homeland Security Department, told reporters he thinks differences on the wall and immigration can be resolved.


“I don’t anticipate that’ll be a problem,” he said. “I think we could have gotten this done by the 11th if we hadn’t gotten into the habit of settling deadlines and then never meeting them.”

Anonymous ID: bf8050 Dec. 13, 2020, 12:36 a.m. No.22936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2982

Pennsylvania Voter: It’s Time for Truth and Transparency


WASHINGTON—Thomas and Diane Chapogas from Pennsylvania traveled to Washington to attend a massive rally and march in support of President Donald Trump.


“Truth and transparency, it’s time for it,” said Diane Chapogas on Dec. 12 at the nation’s capital, where thousands had gathered to support Trump and protest election fraud.


Mr. Chapogas said that he can’t accept Joe Biden as the President, “I can’t find anybody more dishonest than Biden. I just can’t accept the fraud. With all these witnesses and affidavits, but nothing is being done about it. It’s a sad point in our country.”


Mrs. Chapogas added, “We both feel that there’s so much corruption in our government, and what world are we going to leave our children? We have two boys. Are we going to leave them with a free nation that we grew up in? I don’t think so right now. People need to wake up to the tyranny that’s going on in our politics.”


The Chapogas said America needed to establish a true election again, and put faith back into the citizens.


The media has perpetuated the problem, Mr. Chapogas said. “I get sick of listening to the lies, they cut out everything positive the President has done. They promote our country to be segregated … It’s going to destroy the country,” he said. “It seems like those extremely wealthy people owning the majority of our news networks, coordinating their efforts, also with Facebook and all, they hide relevant news or truthful news. And that’s why I’m here. I’m just very upset with the way our country is moving.”


Both Chapogas work in the healthcare system. Mr. Chapogas is a hospital administrator and Mrs. Chapogas is a chief radiation therapist. They see similar corruptions in the healthcare system as well.


Mrs. Chapogas also mentioned the Dominion machines used in Pennsylvania where they voted, where “millions of our taxpayer money went to a new voting system [Dominion] that we never wanted.”


“Our governor bought this without ever going to the House and having it voted on. He should be impeached for those actions,” she said.


Mr. Chapogas added that he wanted to see a fair election, where the same system was used in all states, and observers from both parties were present.


As for what the next step President Trump will take, Mr. Chapogas said that whatever action Trump takes, “I will follow, I am all for it.”


Mrs. Chapogas added, “I feel that because we don’t do something now nothing would ever be done, we are going to be Venezuela, we’re gonna end up like a communist country, right? If we allow this election fraud to happen and let Biden in, every election from now on will be fraudulent.”

Anonymous ID: bf8050 Dec. 13, 2020, 12:36 a.m. No.22938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2982

Pennsylvania Sen. Doug Mastriano: We’re Standing Firm With President Trump


Pennsylvania Sen. Doug Mastriano said Saturday that he’s standing firm with President Donald Trump.


He insisted that the last-minute changes to election rules that happened in Pennsylvania, bypassing the legislative branch, was unconstitutional.


“There’s something gone wrong in Pennsylvania and elsewhere, and it needs to be corrected,” he said during an interview with NTD’s Cindy Drukier.


The Keystone state senator, who has been leading the push for transparency in his home state, said the fight in 2020 for election integrity is to keep the Republic.


“Americans, we’ve been kicked so many times around by the media and by the left,” he said. “And now, Americans say, ‘No, just knock it off. We’re not going to sit down … we’re not going to stand aside.


“We have a Republic and we plan on keeping it,” he said.

Anonymous ID: bf8050 Dec. 13, 2020, 12:38 a.m. No.22939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2940 >>2982

Trump’s Photographer: ‘The Truth Will Come out Sooner or Later’

BY NTD TELEVISION December 12, 2020 Updated: December 12, 2020 Print

WASHINGTON—Gene Ho was President Donald Trump’s personal photographer in 2015 and 2016, and he says everyone is always asking him “What is President Trump really like?”


“I tell them, you know what, he is the most kind man, and he is not a racist,” Ho said. He quickly went from working for Trump to also personally supporting him.


“All these things that the media says, I didn’t see. When they say he’s a racist, I didn’t see it,” said Ho at a rally in support of Trump and his efforts to combat election fraud.


Thousands gathered to join marches and rallies in Washington on Dec. 12, 2020, petitioning the government for fair elections and transparent counting. Similar grassroots protests took place every Saturday since the general election in capitals across the 50 states.


“The truth will come out sooner or later,” Ho said. “Regardless of what happens, I can tell you this, the legacy of Donald Trump is that he has made people like me, ordinary people, into leaders ourselves. Donald Trump, when he was doing this, he was not just our leader, he made leaders out of everyday, ordinary people like me.”


“For example, I was his photographer but today I’m running for Mayor of Myrtle Beach 2021,” he said. “It just shows that ‘make America great’ starts in our own cities, and that’s what we all need to do, we all need to get out there and make sure we do our part and make America great.”


“I really feel, honestly, that God has put us in here for a reason,” he said of the election situation. “It inspires us to be brave, because for the longest part we were part of what was called the silent majority. That, we are silent no longer. Really, this is a battle between good and evil, but the thing is, it inspires people, people like us, to faith and to action.”


“The bottom line is this: we are looking for truth,” he said. “A lot of Americans think this election was riddled with fraud. But the point is we are here in America willing to stand up for what we believe, and we stand here to back our president.”


This video is part of our special series ‘What Voters Say.’ To watch more videos click here.

Anonymous ID: bf8050 Dec. 13, 2020, 12:41 a.m. No.22941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2955 >>2982

December 12, 2020

We Don't Need SCOTUS to Win

By James Arlandson


The Texas suit, later joined by other states, against Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia, was a nice try, but it was always a long shot. Of course SCOTUS would be reluctant to grab so much power by ordering state legislatures to seat the right electors. Why? Because the power is already in the hands of the legislatures to do this.


Though we are non-lawyers, let's read these laws together, interpreting them minimally and plainly (something lawyers seem incapable of doing). The first federal law for our purposes, titled "Determination of controversy as to appointment of electors," says:


If any State shall have provided, by laws enacted prior to the day fixed for the appointment of the electors, for its final determination of any controversy or contest concerning the appointment of all or any of the electors of such State, by judicial or other methods or procedures, and such determination shall have been made at least six days before the time fixed for the meeting of the electors, such determination made pursuant to such law so existing on said day, and made at least six days prior to said time of meeting of the electors, shall be conclusive, and shall govern in the counting of the electoral votes as provided in the Constitution, and as hereinafter regulated, so far as the ascertainment of the electors appointed by such State is concerned.


So this provision, if I understand it correctly, says that states may appoint electors after a controversy ("controversy or contest"). Now, what happens when fraud and illegalities are so egregious that they help one candidate exclusively and harm only one candidate in such a way that it is unclear which electors shall be appointed? That definitely qualifies to become a "controversy or contest." The provision opens the door to each state legislature having the right to determine how the state can appoint electors ("appointment of electors" and "ascertainment of electors"). (This is already clear in the Twelfth Amendment, but here this provision gives more clarity after a controversy.) Bottom line: The electors for Biden, the "fake winner," can be set aside if that is what each individual state law allows.


What does each state law say? It's up to them to tell us, because researching each state's law is too burdensome for average citizens. But it is safe to assume that the states have "plenary power" to appoint the electors of their choosing, particularly when the Constitution actually says the state legislatures determine things. The Electors Clause — Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution — provides that "[e]ach state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress." (Hat tip.)


However, what about the "six days" in the election law provision? The next federal law, in a section titled "failure to make a choice before prescribed day," says:


Whenever any State has held an election for the purpose of choosing electors, and has failed to make a choice on the day prescribed by law, the electors may be appointed on a subsequent day in such a manner as the legislature of such State may direct.


The states can determine when they appoint the electors "on a subsequent day" (not the next day). The phrase "In such a manner as the legislature of such State may direct" gives the states much leeway to select the right electors, which agrees with the Electors Clause, cited above. And if the controversy in selecting electors, caused by fraud and illegalities, persists past Dec. 14, then the states can ignore the date and follow their need to further investigate fraud and illegalities.


The whole thing can work out like this, apart from the Texas lawsuit before SCOTUS.

Anonymous ID: bf8050 Dec. 13, 2020, 12:41 a.m. No.22942   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The undisputed states vote electorally on Dec. 14, and neither Biden nor Trump reaches 270, so neither one is the winner. The five GOP state legislatures (Arizona, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania) of the six disputed states (minus Nevada) say they need to postpone their electoral votes because they are investigating fraud and illegalities. The legislatures perform due diligence (they have been holding hearings to collect the evidence) and conclude that fraud and illegalities unilaterally hurt Trump and helped only Biden. Assuming that the Democrat Legislature in Nevada says everything was legitimate, each disputed GOP state may reach this conclusion on any day after Dec. 14 — say, on Dec. 27 or even Jan. 15. Then they appoint electors who vote for the rightful winner: Trump (provided the GOP-selected electors do not suffer from TDS). These votes are added in to the votes cast on Dec. 14. Trump goes past 270 electoral votes. He wins!


However, what happens if the disputed states cannot select the electors, and neither Trump or Biden reaches 270? Then it goes to the House of Representatives, and each state has one vote, and this one vote is determined by the political makeup of the state legislatures. The GOP controls 29 state legislatures, and the Democrats have 19 (two are split). Trump wins again.


Therefore, we don't need SCOTUS to win, and we never needed it.


So what happen next, and what can regular folks do now?


First, we can keep up the pressure on the legislators of those five GOP states to select electors who will vote for the rightful winner, who is obviously Trump. Some of the members in these legislatures may suffer from TDS, so the message must be sent that they have to set aside their irrational opposition and do the right thing.


Second, Sidney Powell's legal team can continue with their lawsuits, so they can expose and uproot Dominion Voting Systems. Now the goal will not be to overturn elections, but to get rid of the flawed, rigged system. This goal is much more realistic and easier to accomplish. The court cases will take a long time. But that's okay, because they keep in the public view the "fake president" and 2024, if Biden (unjustly) prevails.


Third, we must counter the left-wing pressure, including their threats of violence, that will be thrust on these little known state politicians. Without threats of violence on our side, we can still stand firm to support and defend them.


The battle is not over. It was always going to boil down to the legislatures without SCOTUS. If we keep up the fight, we shall win with knowledge and the law on our side.

Anonymous ID: bf8050 Dec. 13, 2020, 12:49 a.m. No.22945   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2982

Dick Morris to Newsmax TV: Dems Preemptively 'Intimidated' SCOTUS on Packing


By Eric Mack | Saturday, 12 December 2020 09:22 PM


All the campaign talk about packing the Supreme Court, if not term limits on justices, was by design in the Democrats' election playbook to "intimidate," according presidential strategist Dick Morris on Newsmax TV.


"The Supreme Court is after justice, of course, but primarily they are after making sure the Supreme Court survives – that's their institution and that's their duty," Morris told Saturday's "The Count." "I believe the Supreme Court was sent a message by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party during the election.


"And the message was: 'If you overturn this election, we will pack you, and make your Court basically meaningless."


Morris made the bold statement as his explanation for why the SCOTUS refused to hear an "original jurisdiction" case put forth by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in Texas v. Pennsylvania. The Court rejected the case on "standing," but there is no place to hear a state versus state case other than SCOTUS, Paxton lamented to host Tom Basile earlier in the show.


"They knew they were committing this fraud," Morris adding, referring to the Democrats' mass mail-in ballot election to defeat President Donald Trump. "They knew what was going around this country."


The SCOTUS talk before the election was effectively a "shot across the bow," Morris added, saying the SCOTUS justice decided "discretion is the better part of valor" in deciding to not hear Paxton's case and "getting out of the way of his bullet."


The Democrat playbook continued after the election, too, Morris said, including the hastily formed Cabinet in "record time."


"All of that was to create momentum so the Court would not overturn the election," Morris said. "Then confronting this wall of opposition from everybody, including the media, the justices blinked.


"And just ask yourself: Who raised the issue of Court packing? We didn't. Why would the Democrats raise an issue that was hurting them? We would never bring it up; we never thought of packing the Court. They did."


Morris concluded, "it was a systemic effort, that succeeded, to intimidate the U.S. Supreme Court."

Anonymous ID: bf8050 Dec. 13, 2020, 12:51 a.m. No.22948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2982

Lara Trump to Newsmax TV:


President Is 'Made for This Time'


By Eric Mack | Saturday, 12 December 2020 10:53 AM


Echoing Rudy Giuliani's warning the fight is not over, Trump campaign senior adviser Lara Trump on Newsmax TV said President Donald Trump was made for this moment in American history.


"He was made for this time right now in American history," Lara Trump, the wife of President Trump's middle son Eric, said Saturday during an appearance on "Saturday Report."


"Because any other person would have laid down, would have conceded, would have given up, and said, 'Ah, it's not worth the fight; I'm not even going to bother with this.'


"Not President Donald Trump. He fights to the very end and he is the person we need for this time in American history."


Lara Trump's call out is a juxtaposition to Michelle Obama's Democratic National Committee Convention speech that claimed Trump "cannot meet this moment" amid the global coronavirus pandemic.


"I am proud of him," Lara Trump told host Carl Higbie. "Any other person would have given up a long time ago, but he knows we have to get this one right and it's too important to the future of America."


Democrats are projecting in smearing the president, Lara Trump added, all while Democrats like Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., are legitimately investigated for being compromised by Chinese spies.


"This is their strategy, and it's always been their strategy: It's to trying and project what the Democrats actually do onto the president and onto conservatives," she said. "So, you want to talk about a coup, what about the nonsensical issue with trying to impeach the president over a perfectly acceptable phone call with the president of Ukraine? What about the Russia collusion hoax?


"It's why Newsmax has such great ratings right now," she concluded. "People want to turn to hear the truth, and you guys are doing that."


As for her pending decision on running for Senate in North Carolina, Lara Trump maintained "no news to break right now," as she continues to "focus on this election" and the pair of Georgia Senate runoffs Jan. 5.

Anonymous ID: bf8050 Dec. 13, 2020, 12:55 a.m. No.22950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2951 >>2955


I don't care about them because MSM and giant tech run a self serving FAKE agenda. FUCK EM!


We are making a difference here.

We are moving this one article and one tweet at a time.

That is called evidence.

WE are the trustworthy and reliable producers of clean information.

Anonymous ID: bf8050 Dec. 13, 2020, 1:15 a.m. No.22963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2982

White House Bill Announcement


Issued on: December 12, 2020


On Friday, December 11, 2020, the President signed into law:


S. 4054, the “United States Grain Standards Reauthorization Act of 2020,” which reauthorizes certain authorities of the United States Grain Standards Act.

Anonymous ID: bf8050 Dec. 13, 2020, 1:52 a.m. No.22972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2974 >>2976

>>22962, >>22959, >>22957, >>22960, >>22962, >>22967, >>22968


It's always the last 10% of something that feels like its going to kill you, to have waited decades and with everything that you had to let happen… I have done the same thing on a very small scale, walking a trail sounds like the most natural action to take because that gives you planning room, not to make a mistake. Its a good thing to have that space.


Cant even begin to put my self in your shoes.


Our society has been hoodwinked on multiple levels, waking up from this is a process. A painful process that requires time and investigation.


Its not peoples fault that we have been forced to work two jobs just to raise a family, while keeping up with the Jones while paying off Uni fees that indoctrinate us further. No one has the time and MSM is a major criminal perpetrator to human kind.


I'm still trying to wake up. I want to be aware and awake. If there was a phone call, or knock on my door or email, smoke signal, carrier Pidgeon or helicopter rope dangling, I will turn my back on everything and march with QQ.


We keep going. The others will follow.

Anonymous ID: bf8050 Dec. 13, 2020, 2:14 a.m. No.22980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2984


Having a voice and something to say is natural and normal.


I like it when you tell me what your thinking. It shows me that you feel comfortable enough to let me know what's happening, inside you in that given snapshot.


We are fam, and you are my favorite! (don't tell the others kek)


Okay, throwing down a notables list and then baking…

back with a frsh bread soonish,,

Anonymous ID: bf8050 Dec. 13, 2020, 2:14 a.m. No.22982   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dough >>22773

>>22967 GEORGE NEWS Today !

>>22963 White House Bill Announcement LAND & AGRICULTURE Issued on: December 12, 2020

>>22948 President Is 'Made for This Time'

>>22946 Jon Robberson Oh. By the way, here’s the plan (Dec 18th)

>>22945 Dick Morris to Newsmax TV: Dems Preemptively 'Intimidated' SCOTUS on Packing

>>22941 We Don't Need SCOTUS to Win

>>22939 Trump’s Photographer: ‘The Truth Will Come out Sooner or Later’

>>22938 Pennsylvania Sen. Doug Mastriano: We’re Standing Firm With President Trump

>>22937 1st Cavalry Division Happy Birthday, Armor Branch! 12 December 1776

>>22936 Pennsylvania Voter: It’s Time for Truth and Transparency

>>22934 U.S. Army Armor branch traces its origin to the Cavalry back when the drafted the Continental Congress Resolve of 12 December 1776

>>22933 White House Advent calendar 13th December 2020

>>22932 Zuckerberg face morphing, When evil gets ahold of you….

>>22930 US Senate passes one-week bill to avoid government shutdown

>>22928 Alberta government launch's FFAKE campaign 'COVID-19 loves more than house parties and family gathering'

>>22919 Gavin Newsom’s Team ‘Increasingly Concerned’ as Recall Efforts Gain Traction

>>22916 , >>22917, Consent Withdrawn, Entire Town of Mossyrock Washington Defies Governor Inslee’s Latest Set of COVID-19 Restrictions

>>22915 "Hillary Hates Him & Biden Calls Him A Terrorist" - Aussie MP Urges Trump To Pardon Assange

>>22850 , >>22853, EPIC! Army-Navy Crowd ERUPTS into Chants of “USA! USA!” as President Trump Steps on Football Field at Game (VIDEO)

>>22847 Acting Secretary of Defense’s Chief of Staff, Kash Patel, Files a $50M Defamation Lawsuit Against CNN

>>22833 , >>22839, >>22842, >>22851, >>22858, >>22863, >>22923, Exec. Directive 51 Overview

>>22833 CM Research "Executive Directive 51"

>>22814 Huge Cheers For President Trump at Army Navy Game (vid)

>>22799 DTJR, Congressman Eric Swalwell on the Intelligence Committee, had a relationship with a Chinese spy, why aren't the NYT reporting this fact?


>>22794 , >>22722 pb, >>22817, >>22862, PF
