Anonymous ID: d50408 Dec. 14, 2020, 8:38 a.m. No.23682   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Maria Bartiromo


McCarthy: Pelosi wanted to 'hurt' Trump by withholding stimulus


Anonymous ID: d50408 Dec. 14, 2020, 9:45 a.m. No.23707   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3709 >>3715 >>3751 >>3815 >>3828 >>3830


Antrim Michigan Forensics Report 121320 [PRELIMINARY]

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Anonymous ID: d50408 Dec. 14, 2020, 10:41 a.m. No.23728   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3751 >>3815 >>3828 >>3830


Democrats Coming After President Trump’s Efforts To Advance Religious Freedoms


FAKE President-elect Joe Biden (AKA Mr Defect), right, and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, left, share a laugh during an event to announce several choices for positions in the Biden administration at The Queen theater in Wilmington, Del., Friday, Dec. 11, 2020. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 8:29 AM PT – Monday, December 14, 2020

Secular Democrats are urging Joe Biden to fight what they have described as a “national security threat,” “Christian nationalism” and the “Trump administration’s actions to advance religious freedom.”


Last month, the Secular Democrats of America PAC presented Biden with a 28 page agenda of their recommendations, including eliminating the country’s officials motto of “in God we trust.” The group argues the current motto is not “inclusive” of non-religious people or a secular political ideology.


In public addresses, President Trump has claimed he does not serve political organizations, but rather the people and God.


“For the last four years the depraved swamp has tried everything to stop me because they know I don’t answer to them, I answer to you,” he stated. “Together we will defeat the corrupt establishment, we will dethrone the failed political class, and we will drain the Washington swamp and we will save the American Dream.”


Over the next 4 years, we will teach our children to love our Country, honor our history, and always respect our great American Flag—and with God’s help, we will defend the right to life, religious liberty, and the right to KEEP AND BEAR ARMS!


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 3, 2020


Further, their agenda criticizes the Trump administration’s depiction of the U.S. as a Christian nation based on faith oriented values, which is an idea that has been central to American identity for generations. Presidents have long included God in his addresses.


The secular Democrats called for the U.S. to be re-branded as a “secularist nation based in revolutionary democratic ideas.” One of the policies recommended is the withholding of federal funds from any faith-based organization that is perceived as discriminatory on the basis of one’s religion and the repeal of non-medical exemptions on religious grounds.


Further, the group recommended Biden discourage politicians from using the words God and country while speaking, but mandate including non-religious advisors attend all faith-based gatherings at the White House.


Throughout his campaign, President Trump has warned traditional values and religious freedom would be under attack if a potential Biden administration ever stepped into the White House. The Biden campaign has not commented on the recommendations.

Anonymous ID: d50408 Dec. 14, 2020, 11:07 a.m. No.23736   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3739


I would be arrested, charged with a federal offence and likely jailed, if I ordered that and sent it to my country…

Angry that others think they can dictate to me, what I can and cant take.


Anonymous ID: d50408 Dec. 14, 2020, 11:17 a.m. No.23738   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3746 >>3747 >>3751 >>3815 >>3826 >>3828 >>3830

Stacey Abrams Brags She Has 1.2 Million Absentee Ballots for Ga. Runoff


Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams (Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Monday, 14 December 2020 08:56 AM


Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, now the founder of the voting rights organization Fair Fight, said that Democrats are prepared to win the Senate runoff race in January, and that 1.2 million absentee ballots have already been requested.


"We know from the numbers that we’re in a good place; 1.2 million absentee ballots have been requested thus far," Abrams told CNN’s Jake Tapper on "State of the Union." "Just to put that into context, 1.3 million were requested for all of the general election."


Further, Abrams said, "85,000 of those applications are from voters who did not vote in the general election, and they are disproportionately between the ages of 18 and 29 and disproportionately people of color."


Abrams' claim speaks directly to Republican fears about the Georgia vote. President Donald Trump warned at a large rally in Valdosta, Georgia, earlier this month that Democrats are "going to try to rig this election too."


He urged Republicans must "go vote and vote early starting Dec. 14 – you have to do it – they cheated and they rigged this presidential election, but we will still win.


Georgia's House Majority Leader Jon Burns earlier this month submitted a letter signed by more than 100 current and newly elected House Republicansto Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and the State Election Board to review the state's absentee ballot verification process.


In the letter, Burns said that many Georgians, including his colleagues, have "serious concerns" about the state's elections and must have confidence in the progress for the Senate runoffs and future elections.


The House members want Raffensperger to implement a more "robust verification process" for reviewing signatures on absentee ballot applications and mail-in ballot envelopes that will include independent observers. ​


The runoff, set for Jan. 5, pits incumbent GOP Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, against Democrat challengers Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock, respectively.


Democrats are prepared to win the races, Abrams added, because "this is the first run-off where we have the level of investment and engagement that it takes to win."


Meanwhile, Abrams said she refuses to give Gov. Brian Kemp, who has come under fire from Trump for refusing to overturn the November presidential election results, any credit for standing up to the president.


"You shouldn't have to get credit for doing your job," said Abrams, who ran and lost against Kemp in 2018. "The reality is that (Secretary of State) Brad Raffensperger and Brian Kemp are doing the jobs they were elected to do, and they're following the laws of the land."


Abrams also claimed that Georgia's Republican senators have said that they intend to restrain and to repeal "so many of the pieces of voter suppression mitigation that we have been able to achieve."


"They want to make it harder to vote by absentee ballot," she said. "They want to make it harder for people to access the right to vote. And so I'm going to judge Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger by what they do in January. Do they stand up not only for the rule of law, but for the five million voters who made their voices heard in the general election?"