Anonymous ID: 8f16b1 Dec. 16, 2020, 7:03 p.m. No.25114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5120 >>5123


It's not hard.

Either Q+ is what he claims to be or he is not.

If he is, everything will be fine.

We are just doing what is needed to defeat the enemy.

It's been a long and hard trip for anons because we can't know anything without the enemy knowing it.

The lack of understanding game theory and 5d chess leaves anons more and more frustrated .

If he is not, Plan Z is on.

It'll be French Revolution V2.

The blood will run the streets as patriots stand to "throw off such government."

As it stands, I believe the majority of the populace and military would be with us.


It is my belief that trump is with us and is a very patient and strategic genius.

Trap after trap after trap has been set and we've caught them.

Lying, cheating, stealing and murdering.

We are near the day of reckoning.

The light will shine and will do so in all it's glory.

Trump has told us over and over again that he would not mandate the vaccine.

We still have no reason to believe he will.

If your local authorities or your boss order it,

It is your right to tell them to go fuck themselves.

I will not be taking it unless some very very interesting information comes to light about it.

I still trust the plan. More than ever, actually.

I think ya'll about to be pleasantly surprised.

Anonymous ID: 8f16b1 Dec. 16, 2020, 9:35 p.m. No.25212   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5213 >>5215

This may mean something to some of you.

I posted early this morning that I woke from a dead sleep to the sound of a mail voice urgently calling my name.

I've been through many deeply mystical things in my life.

I know for a fact that it was meaningful.

People argue over names and titles but I just call it Dad.

Only twice in my life have I heard his audible voice.

Some of you may know what witching hour is.

Dark dark things happen when the dark side knows it's on the line.

I was stirred awake right at the moment they commit their dark atrocities.

It is absolutely show time.