Anonymous ID: d01dcd Dec. 20, 2020, 3:22 p.m. No.27023   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Lakes and trees make a good combination. Lake country means resorts, tiny cabins, rv's etc are permissible. Trees hide anything you might want to do from prying neighbors. Minimal impact (footprint) will also give you freedom-My shit isnt attached so no permits required. Tiny house, bath house, and 3 yurts-none attached and taxes under a hundred per year. Lakes and trees.




out in bumfuck nowhere with the tweakers and the wind and the poor soil. kek DO NOT BUY LAND ONLINE—I bought mine on a handshake from a local on a plot I found drivin around looking for "for sale" signs. Cost 20k cash for 2 acres.