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Big Government Propaganda

Income Tax is Voluntary, Say IRS Chiefs Again and Again

27 Nov 2013


Income tax is voluntary in the US.


Don’t believe it? Then just listen to and read all the various quotes from IRS directors, commissioners and former agents, not to mention all the quotes from congressmen and women. The Federal Income Tax is voluntary. It’s a voluntary system that encourages, but does not mandatorily require, your participation. The IRS deliberately tries to deceive and confuse people with its overuse of the phrase voluntary compliance. This term voluntary compliance is a classic oxymoron or contradiction in terms. You don’t voluntarily comply to anything. You do something voluntarily; or you are forced to comply and to do something mandatory.

Former IRS Director Steve Miller Testifies That Income Tax is Voluntary


In the video clip above, we see not only former IRS director Steve Miller testifying in front of Congress that the Income Tax is voluntary, but we also see current congressman Xavier Becerra (D-CA) affirming it too. It’s an open secret. No one is really trying to hide the fact all that much – if you care to look. “We have to maintain the confidence in this system, because it’s a voluntary system of the payment of our taxes,” says Becerra. You could call it confidence, or you could call it blatant deception and fraud, depending on your perspective. Remember, none of the money unlawfully hoodwinked and extracted out of people by the IRS goes towards paying for essential services, as the Reagan-initiated 1984 Grace Commission concluded and reported.


The Federal Income Tax is about control, not getting money for essential governmental operations. It’s a class war. It’s about keeping the working class poor and under the heel of the rich.

Other Admissions That Income Tax is Voluntary


Former IRS commissioner, Margaret Milner Richardson, admitted that the public bashing of the IRS may “ultimately … may have some impact on our self-assessment system” (i.e. our voluntary system).