Anonymous ID: 89edb7 Jan. 6, 2021, 12:24 a.m. No.36151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6301 >>6303 >>6317 >>6347 >>6370


Reminder 2018 Joe Rosati digg


This article suggests that Burkman's whistleblower is Joseph Rosati, former partner of Carl Force, DEA. Rosati is accusing Carl Force & Shaun Bridges, Secret Service in the murder of #SethRich.


Carl Force & Shaun Bridges worked on the multi-agency 'Marco Polo' team investigating the Silk Road drug market. They extorted money from Silk Road owner, Ross Ulbricht in the course of the investigation but have plea deals.


@RealMattCouch The DEA agent was sentenced in 2015 for 6.5 years. The SS agent was sentenced to 71 months in 2015 & 2 more yrs in 2017. Are they still officially in prison? #SethRich

Anonymous ID: 89edb7 Jan. 6, 2021, 2:48 a.m. No.36241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6301 >>6303 >>6317 >>6347 >>6370



Memorandum on Inadmissibility of Persons Affiliated with Antifa Based on Organized Criminal Activity




Issued on: January 5, 2021


"In particular, reliable reporting suggests that the movement known as Antifa is directly or indirectly responsible for some of the recent lawlessness in our communities, and has exploited tragedies to advance a radical, leftist, anarchist, and often violent agenda.  In fact, Antifa has long used otherwise permissible demonstrations to engage in lawless, criminal behavior to further its radical agenda."


"(b)  The Secretary of State shall take all appropriate steps, in consultation with the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security, to consider listing Antifa in 9 FAM 302.5-4(B)(2)(U) Aliens Who Are Members of an Identified Criminal Organization."