Gabbard on House Gender-Neutral Language: Those Claiming to Champion Women ‘Deny the Very Biological Existence of Women’
Host Tucker Carlson asked, “So, how does it empower women to ban the acknowledgment that women exist?”
Gabbard responded, “It absolutely does the very opposite of that. And it’s the height of hypocrisy for people who claim to be the champions of rights for women to deny the very biological existence of women.”
She later added, “When you look at why Title IX was created, it was created out of this recognition that there is a biological distinction between men and women and boys and girls. And it recognized that, because of that, there needs to be a level playing field for girls and women to be able to compete and play in sports. … [T]here are people who are trying to undermine the very reason why Title IX was put in place by denying my existence, denying the existence of biological women. It’s — it defies common sense. It defies basic, established science.”