Hot fresh bread on the table even under stress.
I salute you.
>>39927 PB
YW. Well deserved. We could work on getting it out there more, once you decide you're ready. And put it in the dough if everybody agrees (sure they would).
Lin Wood Fireside Chat #7
Attorney Lin Wood shares what is inside Hunter Bidenโs laptop while asking why the CDC is Calling for Nazi-Style concentration camps and what is your personal boiling point? Lin Wood also shares why believes that it is 1776 all over again.
Lin Wood last night -
Posted a link to a livestream of The Vatican
It was in total darkness. See lb's notes for pics.
Posted an article about the nationwide power outage in Pakistan
And that POTUS would be using the EMS.
He's saying in >>39933 that we may lose our electricity and cell services.
Apple is going to do an update on all phones to shut off the emergency broadcast system
Turn your auto update toggle off
It's happenin'
lookin' cozy anon
How to communicate when there's an internet shutdown?
FireChat, Bridgefy, Signal Offline, Vojer and Briar will help you connect offline
Lin Wood - The blackout may last a few days.
Twitter's purge doesn't seem to be working.
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ll roads in the center of Rome reported closed last night-
All these roads are closed in #rome and the times are all recent!
Plus with the #Vatican blackout on the live feedโฆ
Spreading like wildfire over SM right now. Sketchy source. Rumor.
VATICAN BLACKOUT: Pope arrested on 80 count indictment for Child Trafficking, Fraud
We are getting resumes from senior level employees at Big Tech companies.
Hearing that many people are putting in their two weeks too. Internal civil war among staff and executives.
Panic in Silicon Valley.
The house of cards falls.
The exodus has begun.
Shots apparently heard at The Vatican last night
Tanks bakes
Anon -
I have a question: The 10 days, darkness.. when?
Q -
GridAnon, thanks for offering your expertise and intel. That's really appreciated. Thanks.
For the fear pron, twas me who posted what was happening on the ground this and lb, reporting just the facts.
Vatican was blacked out last night and the roads in central Rome were all closed (sourced)
Pakistan natianal power outage (sourced)
Lin Wood's tweets on a possible shutdown and that POTUS will be using the EMS (his opinion)
They were just the facts, w/o any additional opinions or fear from this side.
Q's said there will be a shutdown (of the Internet/SM), and has mentioned 'darkness' and 'shutdown' in the same post. >>40058
Also that POTUS will use the EMS. So again, just the facts there.
Thanks again for your service and updates. They'll help a lot if something does happen. Godspeed.
>t. oldfag also
Personal opinion is that the blackouts in Pakistan and The Vatican are possible operations, and that we'll possibly see an Internet blackout and not power. Q has said the grid is protected by a 'Black Eye'.
The Internet / SM blackout is happening rn.
Spotify nuked it? I've found another. Will post.
New Lin Wood post -
Pope arrested on 80 count indictment for Child Trafficking, Fraud
Lin Wood -
Over the next 10-14 days, you will learn shocking information about many of our government officials & wealthy elite.
Child sex trafficking and pedophilia are the worldwide pandemic.
Revelations will relate to Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Chief Justice John Roberts, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Mike Pence, Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates, and thousands more.
I have seen the evidence. It is conclusive.
This truly is the battle between good & evil.
Lin Wood -
A great deal of evidence deals with pedophilia & child sex trafficking. Laws prohibit it from being transmitted online. So the evidence can only be brought to light in court.
You will also be shown evidence at the proper time and through proper channels about the conclusive evidence of election fraud & acts of treason by many against our country.
Perhaps most shocking will be the masterful actions of President Trump in ridding our country of debtor-state status. Our financial system is a paper fraud. Time for bankruptcy & a fresh start. Just think - no income taxes!
Good time to own gold, silver, land, etc. Real assets v. paper.
It is 1776 again. Stay tuned.
New Ben Garrison
New Capitol Protest Lego
New Lin Wood - alleged leaked letter from Pelosi to Ted Wheeler in Aug 2020
The letter asks Wheeler to come out as publicly against POTUS - "The press will support you"
More on this coming from SM.
Matt Couch
Sources telling me that they just shut down the Airspace around Reagan International Airport, Thousands of Troops on the ground in D.Cโฆ.
My sources are those that do private asset protection and are on the ground sitting on the runway, they were about to takeoff when it was announced that they had shut down the Airspace. this isn't an anonymous source.
Light Within
Replying to
large area around DMV with no airliners, they seem to be diverting around the area.