Sup bakerfam lil buddi checkin in
Thanks guise Im working on the next edition now hopefully keep developing it and evolving it. Lil nervous about the power grid but I know Q's got it all under control as much as they can. You can count on me to finish the job with you when the time is right thanks again for all your teaching me. I was really a spiritual person before Q I spent 20 years traveling the World reading course in miracles watching it work in real time. Then that grand conjunction happened in 2017 and Q appeared that night I came to Q and since then it took it to the net level thanks again guys honored to be here and I will ALWAYS fight for you and Q..
FREEDOM of speech is the word of God.
Q and this board are the medium
Cool I'd like to hear your story someday too I know here in public
Unreal I was sitting on a park bench in Shady Hills Florida and I had read the book maybe 200 times at that point. I remeber this vividly I got to a part in what's called "the manual for teaches" that I had never read really and it said. You are done reading this book you did enough preparation it's time to go do the work. Something to that effect and I closed the book and left. Within a few weeks Q arrived and off to the races to finish the task we were sent here to do yes, help Q save the innocent people and the World from evil scum ! URDOINITQ!
I meant to say "I know here in public is not east to talk" My screen is so tiny sorry
We're gonna need a bigger slogan
DoitQ is obsolete shits done doin !
thqt cat loves that kid ! kek
KEK on buddi ! we ridin tonite !'
Kek funny yea I like that one here is the other one I saved from that day kek on brothers
Let him go !!!!!!
Greatest shop job in the history of photoshop rite here. It's gonna be Biblical ! I been tellin my peeps to keep the heart attack meds handy.!!
1st Cavalry Division
Enjoy the rare Central Texas snow everyone! Stay warm in your homes and off the roads if you can. #BeTheLegend #HCD
C before D??…
it's a digit checker ..Duh I see it now.
Somebody send them a dubs of get guy meme for me I am blocked from twitter kek
U.S. Navy
Integrated Maritime Forces = an #Advantageatsea.
#USNavy expeditionary security forces complete underway replenishment with @USCG
Cutter Oliver Henry in Agat Bay, Guam. Maritime Expeditionary Security Squadron 2 is deployed to @US7thFleet
. #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific
there is that thing again on th ship looks like a white gumdrop
gonna be the relief batter for pres Trump when his 5 terms are over !! 40 MOAR YEARS!
Wat does it all mean ?
From all I can calculate if all is as appears JFK will be 46 when POTUS GEOTUS wants to and handoff the dough
Flynn will be 47 then after that then moar Trump Boys !!! Cowboy Curtis confirms! Ok enough out of me I posted way too much.
Oho is the heart of it all. Plus Aliens !
heads up from Watcher GLOP
Warning about power grid going down tomorrow - Monday 1/11/21
My husband just received an urgent text from one of his clients. The text said that someone "in the know" informed them that our power grid would be taken down tomorrow. Assumes this will have an effect on cell phones and internet as well.
We are in Western North Carolina. Not sure if this will happen or only affect our area or wider. That is all he was told.
Just to be safe, fill your gas tanks and bath tubs (for drinking/flushing water). If nothing happens, at least you will have gas and can always just drain your tubs.
Stay safe out there and I pray this information does not come to pass. I picked a bad day to put 50 eggs in my incubator.