Anonymous ID: d5b292 Jan. 16, 2021, 3:35 a.m. No.43210   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3229

Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADs) are executive orders, proclamations, and messages to Congress that are prepared in anticipation of a range of emergency scenarios.


Through these documents, we know that there were 56 PEADs in effect as of 2018, up from 48 a couple of decades earlier. PEADs undergo periodic revision; although we do not know what PEADs contain today, we know that PEADs in past years—


authorized detention of “alien enemies” and other “dangerous persons” within the United States;


suspended the writ of habeas corpus by presidential order;


provided for various forms of martial law;


issued a general warrant permitting search and seizure of persons and property;


established military areas such as those created during World War II;


suspended production of the Federal Register;

declared a State of War; and

authorized censorship of news reports.