Anonymous ID: 03240a Jan. 18, 2021, 3:17 a.m. No.44150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4172 >>4190 >>4241 >>4273 >>4303

Letter to the President - It's Now or Never


By J.B. Williams|January 16th, 2021


Dear President Donald J. Trump,


First and foremost, I want to thank you for setting your entire personal and professional life aside to enter national leadership in an effort to “Make America Great Again” by putting America first for the first time in decades. You made many promises in seeking the Presidency and you worked around the clock to keep all of them. You brought to bear, the incredible talents of your entire family in pursuit of an honorable goal, on behalf of all Americans and I thank you and your family for the many sacrifices you have made.


That said, I want you to know that more than 80-million patriotic Americans stand the ready to fight for you and our Constitutional Republic. Every American knows that the 2020 elections were rotten with fraud all across the country. Many won’t admit it and others boldly support the fraud, as the end justifies any means for the enemies of America.


Every American also knows that if this fraudulent election is allowed to stand, and Biden and Harris are inaugurated on January 20, 2021, elections and political party functions are entirely irrelevant to our future. We know that the Department of Justice has hidden massive evidence of political crime and corruption in the DNC and RNC ranks. We know that the FBI has done the same, as has the mainstream media, making it impossible for the voting population to have any idea who or what they voted for.


You cannot surrender to this evil cabal. If you do, you will not just be surrendering yourself and your family, but over 80-million Americans, our Constitution and Bill of Rights and the entire American way of life. You will be surrendering everything, for all of us. You simply cannot do that!


I write this open letter just five days before the worst presidential candidates in 244-years of American history are scheduled to be inaugurated and seated in the Oval Office, as hardcore socialists control the People’s House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, with zero checks and balances. Your surrender at this moment in history, will be the end of our Constitutional Republic and every American will live under Marxist boot in less than 100-days from January 20th.


Further, this evil cabal will never allow you and your family to simply ride off into the sunset peacefully. If you have learned nothing else over the past five years, you should have learned these two things with absolute certainty…


Our enemies will not be satisfied with simply removing you from office by fraudulent elections. They want to crush you and your family permanently and make an example for the world to see what happens when anyone steps forward in an effort to right the American ship.

Our enemies will stop at nothing to accomplish that!


As I see it on your behalf, you, your family, and our country, have no chance of survival if you do not drop the hammer on our enemies before January 20th. The only chance any of us has is to fight with everything we have. This evil cabal simply cannot be allowed to win, not now, not ever.


Last, you cannot drop the hammer after noon on January 20, 2021. If you drop the hammer before that hour, you will do so with the power and weight of the Presidency and the office of Commander-in-Chief. At 12:01 PM January 20th, you will become a citizen just like the 80-million ready to fight for you, with no more power or authority than any of the rest of us. You MUST “drain the swamp” before noon on January 20th, or it’s too little too late for America.


So, I ask and plead with you to NOT surrender all of us and the future of freedom and liberty. I know that you have the evidence to take down most if not all evildoers in our country. I can see that you have positioned to do that as peacefully and safely as possible. The hour has arrived when you must make the most difficult decision of your life…Yet…is there really any choice in the matter?


This is the hour, you have the ball, it’s your call, and the clock is rapidly running down. It’s now or never Mr. President… now or never.


Thank you again and may God bless you and this nation in this most dangerous hour.


JB Williams



Anonymous ID: 03240a Jan. 18, 2021, 4:15 a.m. No.44173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4174 >>4180



If you are trying to d'load a video from twitter, get your link (click upper right in the tweet "embed…" to get it; you may have to scroll back up a tad in what appears to copy it.)


Once you have the link, use and the format you choose will display in your video player. Save it.'

Anonymous ID: 03240a Jan. 18, 2021, 4:52 a.m. No.44181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4186


>it's not a good look.


I hear you (not a good look for this board, right?)


I think it was close to the edge, but not over.


Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small.


I spent decades being paid as a teacher. I saw an important part of the work as making students think. Another part was planting little seeds that might prove of value to them later ('warn them first').


Old habits hard to change; that's where I was coming from.


I do not advocate violence except as a last resort in defense of self or innocents.

Anonymous ID: 03240a Jan. 18, 2021, 6:55 a.m. No.44213   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I've only listened through once, but in this video report itself, the Benghazi event seems to get conflated with the later loss of Seal Team 6 who had carried out the raid in Islamabad. I missed hearing about evidence that Killary et al were behind the loss of ST6.


I don't doubt it, but (with only one listen) it seems this video report is lacking in that respect.


A timeline walkthrough, with a sort of "do you have evidence for this one?" might be more clear to prevent jumping around from one event to the other.


Benghazi selling arms


Benghazi our men killed, (but they were not ST6) - Killary et al for sure were behind this


Raid on BinLaden compound in Islamabad by ST6, none of our men killed.


Disposal of BinLaden (or his double)'s body


All ST6 lost when sent on a mission that is full of suspicious aspects. THIS IS WHAT TITLE OF VIDEO IS ABOUT, right? But they hardly seem to mention it at all in this report.


Billion$ to Iran.


Anyone see what I'm saying?


Yes, ST6, who carried out the Islamabad raid, knew stuff that Brennan, Obama, Killary wanted kept secret. But does part of the pile of evidence support their (or Killary's) execution of ST6?


The answer may well be "Yes," but i didn't hear it in this report.

Anonymous ID: 03240a Jan. 18, 2021, 7:05 a.m. No.44218   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> in front of the WH. Interdesting construction happening on the grass now


Am I remembering right? Isn't that the location where the rally on the 6th gathered (and they later marched to Congress)?


Who chose the location for this construction?


Why is it so low key with (I assume) no mention in the press/media?


location, location, location …

Anonymous ID: 03240a Jan. 18, 2021, 7:59 a.m. No.44230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4232 >>4235 >>4241 >>4273 >>4303



I saw this in October


"SpaceShot76 – Drops 10/11: Absolutely Huge Coverup, Seal Team 6 Benghazi

Tuesday, October 13, 2020"


YT has since zapped the video.


But I saved it. I have it -

27min webm 68,9MB


I have to sit through it again to see re evidence re Hillary execute Seal Team 6.


Interestingly, anna's tweet (see cap) is in the vid - @annakhiat was on the story then as now.


That's it so far. I'll try to rewatch the vid.


Anyone wants it, tell me where to put it so you can get it.

Anonymous ID: 03240a Jan. 18, 2021, 8:02 a.m. No.44232   🗄️.is 🔗kun



oops, forgot link to "SpaceShot76 – Drops 10/11: Absolutely Huge Coverup, Seal Team 6 Benghazi



Anonymous ID: 03240a Jan. 18, 2021, 9:26 a.m. No.44284   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4303 >>4304



This is a copy-paste of my post at endchan.


(The video is well within their size limit. I think endchan doesn't like the format.)


Anonymous 01/18/2021 (Mon) 17:11:59 Id: 275f3c (1) [Preview] No.6229 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

(70.58 KB 906x618 fail.png)

RE post No, No.44120 in midnightriders, here:


You may have to read the reply chain too.


I saw no referring of direct EVIDENCE of Hillary et al ordering the murder of Seal Team 6. I went to digging.


Found that today's lady was also on this story in october 2020, saying the same things. Also found a video I had saved at that time. (Embedded with this post I hope.)


In the video, this topic starts about 6:14 and ends before 9:05. How it cuts off just where EVIDENCE we are looking for seems interesting.


About 21:10, the host mentions Seal team 6, reenforcing the illusion it had been well-covered before, but it wasn't.


Maybe Gary Franchy is rerunning an October show (seems the most likely), or this is a rabbit hole distraction, or (unlikely, it now seems to me) this is a hot true story.


I just checked and she doesn't have a pinned tweet on this. She puts LOTs up in a day and Im tired of looking back through for a mention of this bombshell breaking story. I someone want to look, go for it. It's midnight here and I'm tired and hungry and cold.


I'll try to embed the video here now.


Merde! It failed.
