Per rec of board frens, watched close encounters of fifth kind. Fascinating. Total quantum theory. But I took away an understanding of WHY we need to wake people up. We are questing to wake people up to become conscious and our only battle equipment is truth. Airing out the stink and rot that perpetually seeks and acts to keep all unconscious. We have to reach critical mass. This is much harder when we are identified as terrorists (Brennan literally gave an interview yesterday calling half of Americans domestic terrorists), nazis, white supremicists, fascists, conspiracy theorists, etc… They know we are not violent. But we are exposing their lies and deceptions so, to them, this is an all or nothing event. To us, we’ve already won. We are awake. We have no reason to actually fight them…or desire. Keep your thoughts on the positive-helping others see. Negative energy in revenge is a waste. Truth is divinely good and we have to create that energy space for it to grow. Hope this makes some sense to someone. But awesome quote from movie below.
Anybody find this one yet? 2018 MI primary elections. Wayne County used ElectionSource for public reporting. ElectionSource had a glitch and shutoff and didn’t report results timely or accurately. Delongchamp said the problem has been fixed and will never happen again.
Delongchamp/ElectionSource: 2019
ES sells Dominion machines!!
Delongchamp “ The equipment that is out there now are some of the best that’s ever been made — none of it ever touches the internet. There’s no way to access the equipment itself, it all has military-grade encryption,”
DeLongchamp says hackers are also out of luck: The company’s servers are not connected to the internet and everything gets scrubbed before it touches voting equipment.
“Literally nothing from the outside world touches our election system here inside,” he said.
Covering their tracks and feeding the narrative a year before the election.
Found out what happened to other ELK owners. I’m getting the impression this was NOT amicable. Husband/wife team founded it and named it after their initials but then, all of a sudden they decide it’stoo successful and needs to be managed by Delongchamp…yet they can’t be reached for comment. Meanwhile, about 20 other people are listed as shareholders on public records and Delongchamp is questioned about it - he says “I’m the sole owner.” Kinda weird and I don’t think this was a happy transaction.
Delongchamp endorsing Smartmatic 6 years ago during Ecuador election pilot.
Ok. Dig is working, guys. In the article I posted from the 2018 primary when ElectionSource went down, Delongchamp explained that new data and old data were crossing paths and “giving each other a high five”…kinda sounds like a synonym for combining data?? Meanwhile, he also said they fixed it for Nov 2018 cycle and won’t ever happen again.
And how about the fact that ElectionSource sells Dominion machines and that he endorsed Smartmatic 6 years ago. Beginning to smell the possibility of collusion.
Worth mentioning, he also owned GRNow but not sure if he still does. Also looking into some potential info that he is a movie producer.
Please delete. This is duplicate.