Supposedly this is Juan O'Savin's website ""
It very well could be, I just heard about it from anons that say he mentioned it in a video, if I watched that video, I missed that part.
Was about to sign up for it but actually read the terms of service and thought WTF is this? Maybe they just haven't completed the website jet and somebody was messin' around.
Terms of service: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed tempor and vitality, so that the labor and sorrow, some important things to do eiusmod. Over the years, I will come, who will sdnostrud aliquip out of her the advantage of exercise, so that stimulus efforts if the school district and longevity. Want to be a pain in the cupidatat cillum has been criticized in the Duis et dolore magna flee produces no resultant pleasure. Excepteur cupidatat blacks are not excepteur, is soothing to the soul, that is, they deserted the general duties of those who are to blame for your troubles.
If anyone could translate this (apparently English) into something that makes sense, or explain it better, that'd be great.