Anonymous ID: b3b170 Feb. 1, 2021, 9:40 p.m. No.51739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1740 >>1750 >>1754

Enemies Of The State Vs. Enemies Of The People


by Tyler Durden - Tuesday, Feb 02, 2021 - 0:00


Authored by Frank Miele via,


I didn’t declare war on the establishment; it declared war on me.


It declared war on me when it supported energy policies that could enrich Saudi Arabia and Russia and would cost me more money at the gas pump or on my power bill.


It declared war on me when it told me my ideas weren’t worthy of debate and discussion or that they were even so dangerous they couldn’t be shared publicly.


It declared war on me when it used the police powers of the FBI and CIA to first spy on a presidential candidate and then worked to undermine the administration of that candidate after he was elected.


It declared war on me when it told me my religious beliefs did not deserve the protection of the First Amendment.


It declared war on me when it told me boys could compete against girls in high school sports and that they could shower together afterwards.


It declared war on me when it offered citizenship to illegal aliens and shipped American jobs to China.


It declared war on me when it mocked the usefulness of a wall on the Mexican border and simultaneously put up a razor-wire fence around the Capitol.


It declared war on me when it tried to defund the police so that millions of Americans would be left defenseless against mobs from antifa and Black Lives Matter.


It declared war on me when it said America was never great.


It declared war on me when it told my children they are not good enough because they are white.


It declared war on me when it said that defending the Constitution’s rules on federal elections is sedition.


It declared war on me when it told me that I was a domestic terrorist if I didn’t believe the government’s official pronouncements about elections, about free speech, and about right and wrong.


Let’s just say it plainly: ''The establishment declared war on me and on all conservative Americans when it decided that leftist orthodoxy was more important than the Constitution.''


Don’t believe me? Fine, why should you believe a Trump supporter? You’ve been indoctrinated by the national media, Big Tech oligarchs, the Democratic Party, and academic elites to believe without questioning that people like me can’t be trusted. But you don’t have to take my word for it.


Anonymous ID: b3b170 Feb. 1, 2021, 9:40 p.m. No.51740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1750 >>1754



Listen instead to John Brennan, the former CIA director under President Obama, who speaks authoritatively for the Deep State:


''He said on MSNBC that “the members of the Biden team who have been nominated or have been appointed, are now moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements that we've seen overseas, where they germinate in different parts of the country and they gain strength and it brings together an unholy alliance frequently of religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians.”''


This “guilt by labeling” is the antithesis of fair play or justice. It is a convenient mechanism for the ruling class to herd people into identity clusters so that individual rights can be supplanted by group responsibility. If this reminds you of China’s Cultural Revolution, you are not wrong. The ruling class wants you to conform, confirm and comply. If you step outside the lines, be prepared to be shamed, silenced and ostracized.


A shocking example was provided Wednesday when Douglass Mackey of Delray Beach, Fla., was arrested for creating memes that allegedly misled voters ''in 2016'' to think they could vote by texting instead of by actually going to the polls. This is the equivalent of arresting Sacha Baron Cohen for exposing the gullibility of the rich and famous. The FBI offered no evidence that Mackey actually convinced anyone not to vote, but even if it did, so what? Would you rather live in a country where the FBI is hunting down pranksters — four years after the supposed transgression — or a country where voters are expected to be able to recognize a joke when they see one?


But nothing can be taken for granted any more. The people — and even their representatives and senators — are considered enemies of the state because they hold opinions that don’t meet the standards of Joe Biden or (this is even scarier!) Jake Tapper.


No wonder the people are starting to rise up and rebel against the plutocracy.


It’s not “We the Oligarchs” who are the source of power in the Constitution, but “We the People,” yet the ruling establishment has forgotten that.


If people like Donald Trump and Douglass Mackey are deemed to be “enemies of the state,” then those who would suppress them and their freedoms must be considered “enemies of the people.”


A house divided against itself cannot long stand, but if there is to be a truce it will not come from submission, but from a recognition that all people are created equal, that they all have certain inalienable rights, and that among those are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Those words were worth fighting for once. Are they worth fighting for today?


I don’t know, but I do know this: If Americans can’t have liberty, we can’t have America either - at least not one that is distinguishable from China. The time has come to make a choice.

Anonymous ID: b3b170 Feb. 1, 2021, 9:45 p.m. No.51742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1750 >>1754

Thousands Of Maskless Orthodox Jews Ignore Israeli Lockdown To Attend Funerals


by Tyler Durden - Monday, Feb 01, 2021 - 23:40


Thousands of Orthodox Israelis poured into Jerusalem's streets to attend two separate funerals Sunday despite the country's ban on large public gatherings, according to AP News.


The first funeral procession was for Rabbi Meshulam Dovid Soloveitchik, who died at the age of 99 after contracting COVID-19 three months ago.


Photographs from Soloveitchik's funeral procession showed a large group of ultra-Orthodox Israelis' winding down city streets without face masks nor properly social distancing.


Many of the Orthodox Jews in attendance defied the country's third coronavirus lockdown. Local media reported police set up roadblocks and were able to turn away twenty tour busses heading to the ceremony.


… but still, thousands of Orthodox Jews flooded the streets of Jerusalem.


עכשיו בירושלים: אלפי בני אדם משתתפים בהלוויה המונית של ראש ישיבה

— החדשות - N12 (@N12News) January 31, 2021


Deputy Health Minister Yoav Kisch tweeted that the gathering was "very bad in every way."


On Sunday evening, thousands of mourners attended a second funeral for rabbi, Yitzhok Scheiner, 98, who died from virus-related complications.


Thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews flout #lockdown restrictions to attend funeral of Rabbi Yitzchok Scheiner in #Jerusalem#Israel

— Ruptly (@Ruptly) February 1, 2021


Alon Halfon, a Jerusalem police official, told Channel 13 TV that police were overwhelmed by the crowd size and that health violations were issued.


Orthodox Jews have been in strong opposition to face masks and pandemic restrictions. Many of them have refused to abide by the rules in Israel and also in New York City.


Israel's Health Ministry recorded 640,000 infections and nearly 5,000 deaths since the start of the pandemic. The country has been averaging around 6,000 infections per day, one of the highest in the world.


Time will tell, it could take weeks for infections to flare up following the mass gathering events this weekend.

Anonymous ID: b3b170 Feb. 1, 2021, 10:02 p.m. No.51748   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1749 >>1750 >>1754

How the Washington Administration Responded to an “Insurrection”


By: TJ Martinell - Monday, Feb 01, 2021 - 23:20 |Categories: George Washington, History


The recent protests and storming of the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6 produced a hysterical reaction from both pundits and the federal government. This contrasts wildly with the response to an actual rebellion during the Republic’s early days.


The new federal government didn’t respond to the so-called Whiskey Rebellion with crackdowns on civil liberties to “prevent another rebellion” as many seem to want to do today.


In 1794 Kentucky and Pennsylvania farmers took up arms in opposition to a federal whiskey excise tax. The Whiskey Rebellion concluded with President George Washington calling up the militia to suppress the rebels, who dispersed before any real fighting occurred.


Interpretations of the rebellion vary. Some view Washington’s decision as a vital move to preserve the then-fledgling federal government’s legitimacy after Shay’s Rebellion eight years prior had prompted the founders to replace the Articles of Confederation in favor of a stronger central government. However, others consider the rebels as patriots resisting an unjust tax on whiskey, which was frequently used as a means of exchange in frontier areas where coinage was scarce.


To be sure, Washington reacted initially in a manner utterly restrained compared to what we could expect today. Even after invoking the Militia Act of 1792 allowing him to call up state militiamen, he sent state officials to the rebels and tried to reach a peaceful resolution, without success.


However, a separate issue to look at is the aftermath of the rebellion. Roughly 150 men were arrested and tried for treason. Yet only two men were found guilty, and they were later pardoned by Washington himself.


In his seventh state of the union address Washington defended his decision:


For though I shall always think it a sacred duty to exercise with firmness and energy the constitutional powers with which I am vested, yet it appears to me no less consistent with the public good than it is with my personal feelings to mingle in the operations of Government every degree of moderation and tenderness which the national justice, dignity, and safety may permit.


As historian Carol Berkin noted in a 2017 lecture, “not a single person really ever served a jail term. Everybody was given amnesty. Nobody was cruelly beaten or destroyed. But the power, the authority of the federal government was upheld.”


Perhaps Washington and other Founders holding office realized the appearance of hypocrisy for condemning men as traitors who acted as they had just a few decades earlier.


At the same time, it’s not so much what Washington and Congress did as what they didn’t do or even propose to do. Reading through diaries, letters, and correspondence from founders ranging from George Washington and Alexander Hamilton to Thomas Jefferson written during the rebellion, there is no instance I could find in which they advocated or suggested the civil rights restrictions such as firearms ownership or freedom of speech and assembly. There was no call for a permanent standing army. This is on top of the fact that nothing was actually proposed and then enacted.


Anonymous ID: b3b170 Feb. 1, 2021, 10:02 p.m. No.51749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1750 >>1754



In fact, Jefferson wrote sympathetically of the rebellion in a Dec. 28, 1794 letter to John Adams, calling the whiskey tax “an infernal one. The first error was to admit it by the Constitution.”


He wrote further that hatred of the law in those states was “universal, and has now associated to it a detestation of the government; & that separation which perhaps was a very distant & problematical event, is now near, & certain, & determined in the mind of every man.”


Not surprisingly, Jefferson would later repeal the excise tax when elected president.


Even federalists like Alexander Hamilton in ways sought to avoid violence that might have demonstrated the power of the new government, albeit he did advocate hanging some of the rebel leaders. In an Aug. 29, 1794 letter to Maryland Governor Thomas Lee, he wrote of avoiding “the necessity of using force now & at future periods” by keeping the militia deployed in good morale.


In all the correspondence Hamilton had with George Washington, not one advocated for the confiscation of firearms from the regions where the rebellion had occurred. Nor was there a call to restrict firearm ownership of any type among the general population to prevent similar rebellions in the future. The federal government didn’t use the “crisis” as an excuse to enlarge itself, as some sought with the Alien and Sedition Act passed four years later


While Washington’s best opportunity to make himself a military dictator occurred just after the War of Independence ended with him still in charge of the continental army, the Whiskey Rebellion theoretically could have afforded him another chance – one that he likely never even contemplated.


The comparatively restrained response by Washington to the rebellion demonstrated that it is not necessary to take away liberties to maintain civil order or “keep us safe.”


Writing in reaction to Shay’s Rebellion, Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to James Madison saying rebellions were a “medecine necessary for the sound health of government” and that “honest republican governors” should be “so mild in their punishment of rebellions, as not to discourage them too much.”


What many people fail to grasp is that rebellions and insurrections aren’t always found in physical confrontations, and the “medicine necessary for the sound health of government” can be applied just as effectively through the nullification of unconstitutional federal acts. Incidentally, Jefferson referred to nullification as the “rightful remedy.”


The histrionic and totalitarian rhetoric coming from the federal government today over a handful of people storming the U.S. Capitol demonstrates how fragile its perceived legitimacy is today. It is a government that overreacts to minor incidents because deep down its members are terrified of any meaningful defiance or resistance to their rule.


They realize how easily D.C. tyranny could end if the American people were united in common opposition to unconstitutional actions in a manner that reduced their power, rather than give the largest government in the world the further pretext to expand it.