>>4933 (pb) can you expand on the "he is toast" comment?
What should somebody expect for standing up to shill bakers? Should patriots sit around and allow them to control our house change our imagery and symbols like they have in all other aspects of our society? Mislead and corrupt the minds of new eyes into turning against those that fight daily for peace and justice?? Because that's what I see is going on. They attack, split breads and corrupt our system and patriots are supposed to just stay silent? Didnt realize what I did Sunday morning would have been such a big deal… Thought I was standing for what was right..
Thanks for the words. Im just confused on what proper course of action is to remove the shill bakers when they play their circular handoff game. What really made me question the whole thing was the BV shutting it down… Are we actually comped or are we being tested? Recruited? Just a thought I had