Okay I will let the idea of the future out.
So not only do we scavenge the news, post it up, and get it out to aggregators (super important).. What Jim Walkins showed me this last week by posting our bred, that we have the ability to be the news.
Signing everyone up with credentials (BV and REPORTERS).. it all kinda came together, well the "reporter" aspect of it. With PDJT being taken down again by twatt.. and the fact we can get anything out to anyone anywhere.. Why not start to report the news ourselves?
We should have everyone having a reporters cred. Those who are "reporters" please try it out. Should be able to tweak own threads (need to try this all out, but crazy that is what this platform gives you as far as "staff" goes). We could start our large digs and all reports in threads, once done can be added to notables. Those threads would be the bombskie to drop links to on twatter and Gab and FB etc. sure they may block QR, hopefully not 8kun, but what I am saying is we could literally be the news.
There is a YUGE gap out there right now. Something, anything.. reports w compare and contrast like maxine waters now saying she never said to be violent before.. Yes she did! So that right there, the hypocrisy.. Who’s doing it?!
We were given a gift. We MUST USE IT. We have a World Wide stage.. We can get the news out.
If we started digging, and compiling, and reporting, and getting it out.. WE ARE THE NEWS