tyb - yr tx passed along.
Newsmax Host Greg Kelly Tells Audience He Spent Weekend in Florida - Golfed with President Trump
“I Can Tell You This, His Spirits Are High – He’s on Top of Everything” – Newsmax Host Greg Kelly
Here's the vid from GP.
Part about DJT was GREAT!!
He really couldn't say much but seemed like he wanted to really get across the idea that the president was really in a good mood.
Kelly also mentioned he was greeted by a dozen Nat'l Guard along with rest of the plane when returning to NY. By order of the GOVERNOR - not so great. Gotta fill out forms to come into the state re Covid. Nat'l Guard enforcing thisat the gate.
Soldier got belligerent when thinking that Kelly was snapping a photo (since when is that illegal?). Kelly replied, "It's not your business." Said things got a little ugly - apologized to soldier on-air (prolly was told to by Newsmax mgmt).
when will the insanity end?
Arizona Senate Fails to Hold Maricopa Board of Supervisors in Contempt Over Election Fraud Audit
An attempt by Republican state senators to hold the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors in contempt failed on Monday as lawmakers seek to conduct their own audit of the presidential election results.
Breaking with the GOP caucus and casting the crucial vote against the measure, which could have led to the supervisors’ arrests, Sen. Paul Boyer said he wanted to give the county and Senate more time to work out their ongoing legal dispute over the Legislature’s proposed audit….
One thing is for sure. The good old boys’ networks around the country in politics are killing this country and allowing crimes to go unpunished.
This is very disappointing based on the many actions the Board has taken to prevent a transparent and valid review of their votes knowing there is so much potential for issues in the County’s election results.
Narrative Warfare on Carl Benjamin's analysis of Time Magazine article
Probably won't last long on YT, also available here:
Narrative Reframes:
It’s “fortifying” not cheating
The Time “confession” that dropped over the weekend is trying to frame an excuse to interfere with an election as “fortifying” an election.
TIME magazine just came out and said a Cabal of elites rigged the election.
YouTube (https://youtu.be/h8oyTBzROhE)
[Sargon of Akkad]
>doubtfags out with baseball bats
they are out.
have friends who've been in danger of physical attack as the result of entering stores wo masks, even w/med conditions. The crazies don't care, attack first ask questions later. haven't gone into a retail store since november.
be cautious but never afraid
i do not put myself in what i know are dangerous situations
but also affirm that darkness has no power
other than that which we give it
Always liked Okeefe's advice: "Be brave"
Only God can win in the end, there is nothing else - & we are all a part of it
Contacts, Websites, Other Info
just gonna list the Key Resources below.
see bins for 8 chan info & miscellany
Key Resources
ADS-B Planefaggin'- https://www.adsbexchange.com/
American Greatness - https://amgreatness.com/
American Thinker - https://www.americanthinker.com
America's Frontline Doctors - https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.com/ (pro-HCQ, etc)
andweknow - https://andweknow.com
Anonfiles.com - for uploading anonymous files to 20gb.
Bannon aggregator - https://Bannonswarroom.com
Big League Politics - https://bigleaguepolitics.com/
Black Vault - https://theblackvault.com
Breitbart - https://www.breitbart.com
Citizen Free Press aggregator - https://www.citizenfreepress.com/
codemonkeyz (Ron Watkins): https://gab.com/codemonkey, https://t.me/codemonkeyz
Corey's Diggs - https://www.coreysdigs.com/
Corona virus opera. Must listen. Good comic relief.- https://greatawakening.win/?from=11QlP4negG
DCpatriot (Matt Couch) - https://www.patreon.com/AFMG
DLive patriots [from M3thods] - https://gab.com/M2Madness]: Woke Societies, RP78, 412anon, QuiteFrankly, Spaceshot76….
Discover the Networks - https://www.discoverthenetworks.org/ (David Horowitz)
Ed Watch - http://edwatch.blogspot.com/
Election fraud (interactive by state): https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud/#choose-a-state
Endchan (bu imageboard for Q patriots if 8 goes down) - https://endchan.net/qrbunker/catalog.html
Epik (patriot domain registrar) - www.epik.com
Epoch Times - https://www.theepochtimes.com/
FBI fault - https://fault.fbi.gov
Federal Reserve NY track what the real arm of the fed does - https://www.newyorkfed.org/markets
Finviz (tracking stock sales) - https://www.finviz.com/insidertrading.ashx
Inspector General Reports - https://www.oversight.gov/reports
FOIA: https://www.archives.gov/foia, https://foiamapper.com/, https://www.foia.gov/search.html, https://foia.state.gov/search/Search.aspx
Federalist - https://thefederalist.com
Free Beacon - https://freebeacon.com/
FREE MOVIES - https://www.actvid.com/
Frontline doctors - Frontlinemds.com
Full Measure News (Sharyl Attkisson) - https://twitter.com/FullMeasureNews @FullMeasureNews
Gab - https://Gab.com/home
Gab news - aggregator https://gab.com/news
Gatewaypundit - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/, https://t.me/gatewaypunditofficial
Godspeak Calvary Chapel - (talks by Judy Mikovits) http://godspeak.com/ https://vimeo.com/godspeakccto yt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luhq4hOTsdM
Gnews.org - Chinese freedom movement, Miles Guo (Hunter pics pub) - https://gnews.com
Glenn Beck - https://www.theblaze.com
Glass Door (employee reports) - https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/CoventBridge-Group-Reviews-E1284130.htm
Global Research (Centre for Research on Globalization) - https://www.globalresearch.ca/
gnews.org - aggregator (Miles Guo - "let's take down the CCP")
page 1
Influence Watch - https://www.influencewatch.org/
IRS tax exempt orgs - https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/
Jim Watkins' newsnetwork - https://tora3.com/newsnetwork
Just the News (John Solomon) https://justthenews.com/
Kraken-wood.com aggregator Lin & Sydney news service.
Legiscan.com - allows tracking of bills in US states
Lin Wood (@Telegram) - https://t.me/linwoodspeakstruth,
Louder with Crowder - https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/
M3thods: https://linktr.ee/M3thods, https://rumble.com/c/M3thods
Major Patriot - Gab@majorpatriot
Marshall Report - https://themarshallreport.wordpress.com/
Mike Lindell - https://gab.com/roaringelephant
Newsblast (ENoCH): https://youtu.be/r6CLGdizPYs
Newsmax - https://www.newsmax.com/
Narrative Reframes - https://t.me/NarrativeReframes
National Pulse (Raheem Kassam) - https://thenationalpulse.com/
NIH - https://search.nih.gov/search?
OAN - https://www.oann.com
Open Secrets - https://www.opensecrets.org/revolving/rev_summary.php?id=78401
P J Media - https://pjmedia.com/
pioy/pioy on Telegram - https://t.me/PioyPioyPioy_BACKUP
Plandemic video - https://plandemicvideo.com/plandemic-part-2-indoctrination-2/
[Q drops][8bakes][crumbs][covfefe] - https://t.me/q_anon8
qrbunker on endchan bu board: https://endchan.net/qrbunker/catalog.html
RON / codemonkeyz: https://gab.com/codemonkey
Real Clear Politics - https://www.realclearpolitics.com/
Redpill78 (Zak) - https://t.me/redpill78channel, https://redpill78news.com
Rudy Giuliani - https://rumble.com
Reclaim the Net - https://reclaimthenet.org/
Red State - https://redstate.com/
(The) Remnant aggregator https://the-remnant.proboards.com/posts/recent
ResignationAnon - https://t.me/Resignation_Anon
Rex (Imperator Rex) - https://social.quodverum.com/@REX
Rex research - http://www.rexresearch.com/invnindx.htm, http://www.rexresearch.com
Rudy G.: https://rumble.com/vded9x-if-americas-not-first-where-is-it-government-by-emperor-rudy-giuliani-ep.-1.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=2
page 2
Sargon of Akkad / Carl Benjamin - https://www.lotuseaters.com/
Scott Baio on Gab: @realScottBaio
Scott McKey - https://rumble.com, https://patriots.mobilequickconnect.co/, PatriotsStreetFighter.com
Sidney Powell / Lin Wood - https://kraken-wood.com/
Sidney Powell - https://defendingtherepublic.org
Steve Bannon's War Room - https://pandemic.warroom.org/ see also Bannonswarroom.com
Sundance - https://theconservativetreehouse.com/
TechnoFog - https://technofog.substack.com/
Thomas Wictor - https://social.quodverum.com/@ThomasWic
(The) True Reporter (Enric Huff) - aggregator https://thetruereporter.com/
Trump archive - https://thetrumparchive.com
(The) Trumpist - https://t.me/TheTrumpist
US gov't spending - https://www.usaspending.gov/ (>>23576 - how to search)
US Justice Dept - https://www.justice.gov/, https://www.justice.gov/criminal/
US Treasury Resource Ctr - https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/Pages/default.aspx
VOA: https://www.voanews.com/voa-broadcast-frequency-schedules
WND - https://www.wnd.com
World View Report - https://worldviewreport.com (aggregator from wvwtv.com - McInerney, Kirk Wiebe, Mary Fanning)
X22 Report - https://x22report.com
Uncoverdc (alt media) - https://uncoverdc.com/
UN Watch (watches what UN is up to) - https://unwatch.org
Wilileaks - https://wikileaks.com
Zelenko, Zev - https://twitter.com/zev_dr (Covid protocol)
Zerohedge - www.zerohedge.com
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search "poodle" in qresear.ch