Thank you Borker much bread
4 moar years until 4 moar years DoitQ+Q!!
hope we winnin
Ok well OSS faggot is not going to like to hear this if he is really a bad guy and not a red state shill. So I do calculations in my mind for a living and seem to be right many of those times. I spent today calculating every single thing I have seen since Q's first drop and I am going to say there is no way Q+ loses. If there was even a slight chance of him losing all the huge drops would have gone down and the MOAB info and arrests would have happened including TV newscasters who need maximum punishment . Q was /is on cushion mode because he can be . Rig for red means we are using their weapons against them this time and there is no way Q can lose no matter what demorat scams are goin on right now we will not lose. Amirite, I'm rite.
Tick tock for the black hat clowns .
pls win Q
prayin for you and us all