Tom !!!Yjg0NmY1MWExZjk4 ID: c1e4c0 TRANSPARENCY and SECURITY going FORWARD Feb. 20, 2021, 10:10 a.m. No.60801   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0827 >>0895 >>1260 >>2005 >>2884 >>2906 >>3829 >>3848



We will be working to sure up a positive environment across both boards. It takes one side to do the thing and show that we mean business (in a good way). Our goal is to set the record straight and to implement "security" and TRANSPARENCY to allow both to boards to hopefully implement.




1.) That Board Logs are CONSTANTLY looked at. Any fuckery will be RIGHT there for all to see. Look at the logs.


2.) Any edits from here on out will be recorded in this? or another dedicated and stickied thread. If GV/BV on either board makes any changes (which you should be on your board only making changes) Us/our BV/BO here and BV's/BO at QR write down when you edited something and why, screen shot with your edit and post it with why you edited, erased, etc.


3.) GV need to go back to the way they did when RON (CodeMonkey) was in charge.. GV ONLY ERASE SPAM/CP/Gore/etc.. same thing for you faggots.. You need to take the extra step and time to post up why there was an edit made (at the board it was done on).. this is YUGE because your edits can be on either board, and you will only be needed for when a global complaint is made by GORE/CP/SPAM.. the individual boards can make their own edits.


TRANSPARENCY will allow everyone to get back to work and STOP blaming one another for shit we are not actually doing, and may just be a few "rogue" anons with creds that are doing to be cunts and hide while being a cunt.


What say you?

Tom !!!Yjg0NmY1MWExZjk4 ID: c1e4c0 Feb. 20, 2021, 10:21 a.m. No.60810   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0820 >>0827 >>0973 >>3838

PLEASE POST.. anons from either QR/MR post in this thread and lets hash this out so we can move forward and "COMMS FUCKERY" dies because NONE of us are or will be attacking any board going forward.




The lack of transparency and vacuum that was left in RON/CM wake of leaving has allowed fuckery to flourish. We, both boards are needed, we are at this point different boards.. but we should be cool with anons of all flavors (aside from spam/gore/cp/etc) to be on either board. We should be collaborating and helping one another out.


I am sick of the bullshit, and calling a truce. We have larger things to worry about and some have spent so much time and energy to fuck with one another.. its just dumb, we need a change.


Takes 1 side to call for it.. it is being calledโ€ฆ PEACE 4 BOTH BOARDS.


BUT we MUST implement a solution across both boards. Above is just a suggestion, but a good one so add what you got.



Tom ID: c1e4c0 Feb. 20, 2021, 11:24 a.m. No.60850   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1018

Any BV/GV who does not log edits, why actions were taken..WILL LOSE THEIR ABILITY TO DO SOif GORE/CP then don't screenshot the actual full image, or in some way do where you are not copying it as you are showing it, and so we know why edits were made.


Accountability is what this is all about. If a BV/GV edits something and doesn't let it be known why, then we assume fuckery and the creds get pulled


The way it should be.

Tom ID: c1e4c0 Feb. 21, 2021, 12:38 p.m. No.61315   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1362 >>1371 >>1759

FreeBaker. What were these posts edited for and WHY?


These posts all came after I made this thread. Please from this moment forward state why you feel you need to erase ANYTHING not Gore/CP on this board w screenshot. Because you have the ability to erase stuff, does not give you the right.


THIS IS A FREE SPEECH BOARD. You have other boards you can erase as much as you want on and control like a concentration camp.





Tom ID: c1e4c0 Feb. 22, 2021, 7:49 a.m. No.61589   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

With all the attacks coming in, was able to go to QR last night and ask what they were experiencing and all was good.


All I want is dialog with the other board, and to do so we have to lead by example. Was not trying to be a dick, got to understand I am looking past this board to the whole thing, both boards and to the entire operation as a whole.. and need someone to make the first step to peace outside of SHILL control. Shills want both boards fucked, so we have to play on a site wide level. We eliminate the back and forth from boards, and any fuckery associated with the shills trying to divide us, we win, movement wins..


Does that make sense? kek


So transparency is key and sure as shit we were trying to get things ironed out we get attacked.. prolly going to be nightly going forward so buckle up.


All is well, we just have to be as transparent as we can, and yes right now is turbulent so we will deal best we can.



Tom ID: c1e4c0 Feb. 26, 2021, 12:45 p.m. No.63611   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

This thread is for both boards to discuss issues.


The big issue is the "power structure" over 8kun as a whole.


We honestly need GV's. Each board needs BV's..


The problem comes in that there are no RULES that govern the what any of the admins do. Its a 'problem' but not a 'problem' like Freedom of speech is NOT A PROBLEM.. but.. in certain instances it IS a problem because those who are able to do what they will either do, and it is the problem of them doing.. or do not.. and that is a problem.


Why I said we need to record down all the edits/nukes/etc.. so that we all know what is going on.. TRANSPARENCY. We need the powers, no I don't like being a Board Owner and having other's that can fuck with my board, why I also call for being Transparent.


Full disclosure after I realized the issue, and yes I did realize the issue a LONG time ago.. I requested for GV creds myself.. I was never gotten back to, as I think the powers that be decided to skip out on that shit show, and let us come up with a working solution.. THAT IS WHY THIS THREAD WAS STARTED.. to WORK OUT ISSUES.


So things are being done, and no-one is owning up to them correct? Is that the issue we are having then?


So chime in.. want to hear, want to see what we can do to get trust on both boards back. We fight among ourselves, they [THEY] win. Why are we still fighting among ourselves?!


Lets figure this out.


So.. a registry of edits/nukes etc would be key to starting the transparency..


What about a thread at both boards dedicated to doing that? Should a GV have to do something, they would be required to note what they did and why. I said screen grab the offensive material (if gore/cp then of course don't show the actual stuff, but maybe head shot grabbing post # and timestamp) so we know nefarious shit is not being blamed on CP all the time..




1.)We need a working set of rules (PROTOCOLS) for GV's when working.


2.)Both boards need "housekeeping" thread where mods/BV/BO/GV go to list what they have done, edits wise. (yes it sucks to have to do this, but what else can we do to be transparent??)


Open for any suggestions.



Tom !!!Yjg0NmY1MWExZjk4 ID: c1e4c0 Feb. 26, 2021, 10:30 p.m. No.63821   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

So here I am trying to be cool, try to squash the bullshit and someone (BV/BO/GV) decides to keep banning my IPs.


QR, you faggits need to grow up. Want to know what is worse than the enemy? A snake who says they are patriots, but then stabs patriots in the back.

Tom ID: c1e4c0 April 28, 2021, 6:51 p.m. No.77796   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

BV's were deleted, but one that wasn't was FreeBaker's AEI.


He was actively baking both boards, but also changing/erasing things at QR.


I didn't want to just come out and say it because I knew it would start a huge shit show, but its true.


Some that paid attention at QR knew this and brought it up, and it was always denied.. but yeah..


I still think I did the right thing by trying to be as transparent as I could but also let anons/bakers/bv know there was more to it than what was being said in the open.


I did not want to hurt anyone's standing in the community. I didn't want to continue the war between boards, why I went as far as I did to be on QR and let anons know what was going on and set this thread and give them a chance to be here and have us hash it out.


That never took place, but the attacks DID stop.

Tom ID: c1e4c0 April 28, 2021, 7:36 p.m. No.77798   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

There was a LOT of backstabbing going on.


Case in point. W and their scrapping of the breds for notables, for some reason we were thrown off. Just so habbens that FreeBaker had access to many boards at the time, and oh look.. his board he got from 8bit back when 8 was down is the only one to be scrapped..