mornin wakes
the world back on it's axis
praise Jesus
couldn't post without log in
can add sign in as BV, post, open new page, sign out, all is right with the world
go figure, talk bout a dance
shows how much I know about ip addy
I got a bunch of those too
they all gone now, I can get on but that was cray
I found one of those see this vid's in bot thread here and I deleted it
just bullshit all the way round
not worth getting banned over
damn bots
grassley was saying d2l
as long as you hold the road it's all guud
wipe out like that could be painful
thinkin scrapes cafe racin, minus the power, just momentum
gotta shower for appt
back soon enough, mabbe nabbenin in muh future today, makin up for missing the national yesterday, cause nabbenin!