Finland requests that the International Criminal Court investigate its government for exceptionally large-scale and systematic crimes against humanity
To the International Criminal Court on 30 April 2021
SUBJECT: request for investigation
The signatories request the International Criminal Court to examine the following case and to take the necessary legal action. In our opinion, the Finnish Government and various other parties operating under its auspices and with the help of it, hereinafter referred to as the parties, have in the context of measures and decisions on the covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021 for exceptionally large-scale and systematic crimes against humanity and key elements of Articles 2, 3, 5, 12, 13, 19, 20 and 28 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Articles 3, 5, 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, Against the freedoms referred to in Articles 9, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 17.
Persons subject to the request for an inquiry:
Prime Minister Sanna Marin, other competent government ministers and preparatory officials (Government); THL management: Mika Salminen, Markku Tervahauta, Anne Hyvärinen. . Other relevant regional authorities that have introduced and ordered restrictive and restrictive measures, such as competent officials and rapporteurs of regional government agencies, communicable disease physicians who have made quarantine decisions, listed below, but not limited to:
Regional government agencies: Kristiina Poikajärvi, Mikko Valkonen, Anne Hiiri, Laura Nikunen, Merja Ekqvist, Emma-Lotta Kinnunen, Soile Lahti, Tiina Reijonen, Sami Remes, Ulla Ahonen, Tarkiainen Tuula, Rautio Taina, Kuronen Marja, Ruuska Matti, Sari Kempp Post, Leena Räsänen, Kaisa Ainasoja, Tapio Kekki, Heikki Mäki, Tuomo Ollula, Mikael Luukanen, Maria Raitakari, Katja Paakkola, Heikki Mäki, Pepe Uskelin, Jutta Peltoniemi, Leena Laajala, Laura Blåfield, Pasi Maria Siurua, Terttu Savolainen and Pasi Hirvikoski.
Procedure and decisions concerned by the complaint
The action concerns measures taken by the highest institutions of the Finnish state, including the government of the country, which have caused and will continue to have unprecedented consequences for public health and the economy, as well as large-scale violations of the fundamental rights of private citizens. The country's government has decided and implemented the bans and regulations listed above, which have severely restricted citizens' fundamental rights, such as freedom of movement, freedom of assembly and the right to conduct a business. These measures have been both ineffective and misdirected in the light of scientific knowledge and completely excessive in relation to the health threat they are intended to address. At the same time from several po. the measures can reasonably be expected to cause significantly more harm than good to public health. Such a manifestly ineffective and at the same time unhealthy decision concerns in particular the use of a face mask, which has been made compulsory in many means of transport in the workplace, in addition to the general recommendation for the use of masks maintained by highly manipulative propaganda. This call for continuous use of the mask has been made contrary to well-established scientific knowledge about the detrimental effects of long-term use of the face mask and the disturbances in the brain development of young children. Similarly, the country's top government agencies, together with the authorities listed above, have put very strong pressure on the public to take experimental vaccinations against the covid-19 virus. In addition to an intimidating campaign against statistical information that is inappropriate and accumulated, the so-called the preparation of a vaccination passport project, which would result in those who refuse vaccination being deprived of a number of services in their home country and would face significant difficulties in exercising their right to free movement. Here, too, the pressure campaign has been the result of a large-scale, one-sided and false propaganda campaign, which has, among other things, almost completely silenced the use of an antibody test or other coronavirus infection certificate instead of a vaccination certificate. (1)
The above and numerous other measures relating to the same coronavirus epidemic situation can reasonably be considered to be of a planned nature and deliberate in relation to their consequences, as well as, objectively speaking, arbitrary, unfounded and contrary to well-known scientific knowledge. Because po. the highest possible information and scientific knowledge have been available to the supreme state decision-making bodies and as they are subject to the obligation under Chapter 6, Section 31 of the Administrative Code (6.6.2003 / 434) to fully resolve the matter before making a decision, the signatories consider that harmful and unlawful conduct involves at least mainly criminal intent - in principle dolus determinatus, but at least dolus directus. Decision-makers must consider that they have either expressly sought the adverse consequences described above or, at the very least, have been aware of the harmful and unlawful consequences of their decisions.
This request for an inquiry contains prima facie evidence of the enormous and partly irreversible damage referred to above caused by the actions allegedly “lawful, effective and necessary” in March 2020 to the mental, physical and economic well-being of the people. These illegal activities must be stopped immediately and those who decide on them must be held criminally liable. The evidence is requested to be supplemented on the basis of new material and information gathered during the proceedings.
In Finland, the restrictive measures imposed on the people are mainly based on the incorrect application of the Infectious Diseases Act (21.12.2016 / 1227) and the Emergency Preparedness Act (29.12.2011 / 1552) in force. The Finnish government has made unfounded recommendations and “guidelines” that are badly exaggerated in terms of the viral epidemic, the practical implementation of which has taken place on the basis of regulations issued by THL and regional authorities. The “Corona Epidemic” does not meet the criteria of the Communicable Diseases Act for general danger, the Emergency Preparedness Act criteria for exceptional circumstances or the requirement for a serious infection required by the Communicable Diseases Decree (9.3.2017 / 146, 69/2020). Established and globally comprehensive statistics show that coronavirus infection can pose a risk of serious illness and death in practice only to the oldest age groups, and that serious illnesses, such as diabetes or hypertension, are almost always present in severely ill individuals. Globally, the proportion of seriously ill people is less than half a percent of all those infected, including the risk groups referred to above. In the case of Finland, it can also be stated with certainty that the viral epidemic has not increased mortality in any part of the population. In this respect, it is clear that corona viral infection cannot meet the criteria of general danger mentioned above.