Anonymous ID: 63056a Nov. 8, 2020, 10:08 p.m. No.8308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8318 >>8322 >>8328 >>8329 >>8332 >>8347 >>8385



Fraction Magic: Dividing whole votes into fractions.

A real-time demo of the most devastating election theft mechanism yet found.


This demonstration uses a real voting system and real vote databases and takes place in seconds across multiple jurisdictions. Over 5000 subcontractors and middlemen have the access to perform this for any or all clients. It can give contract signing authority to whoever the user chooses. All political power can be converted into the hands of a few anonymous subcontractors. It's a product. It's scaleable. It learns its environment and can adjust to any political environment, any demographic. It runs silently, invisibly, and can produce plausible results that really pass for the real thing.

Anonymous ID: 63056a Nov. 8, 2020, 11:14 p.m. No.8322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8328 >>8329 >>8332 >>8347 >>8385




Fraction Magic: A proof of concept application


What happens when a financial analytics manager applies his skills to how we determine the winners of elections?

In this episode of WhoWhatWhy’s Scrutineers Series, Emily Levy interviews Bennie Smith, an election commissioner in Memphis, TN. When losers of a local election came to him claiming their races had been stolen, he set out to prove them wrong.

Instead, he discovered a high-risk tampering mechanism built into US election systems.

Smith explains what he found, its implications, and how election officials and members of the public can detect this “feature” of our voting systems that belies the principle of “one person, one vote.”

In this episode, Levy and Smith also discuss Shelby County’s selection of a new voting system, and how Smith’s was the only Election Commission vote against adoption of unauditable ballot marking devices for all voters. At the time of the airing of this episode, funding for this purchase remains in question.

Anonymous ID: 63056a Nov. 9, 2020, 12:16 a.m. No.8328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8330 >>8332 >>8347 >>8385




Regarding dividing whole votes, there is one variable that can not be predicted and that is voter turnout. In order to make a prediction on what value to give the whole vote they need a general idea of the count. This may be why the 3am dump - the numbers came in so they were able to do the calculations. It looks like they played it safe and overshot their calculations. Apparently, it didn't really matter if they were stealth.

This makes sense why Biden didn't campaign, he didn't need to.

Also the Republicans are real quiet, are they in on this also?

Twitter had election polls frequently, were they looking for numbers?