I understand a GV made the post… but why wasn't it logged who made the post? Does a GV, who Jim doesn't even know, have the ability to post what they want, wherever they want… with out it being recorded/registered?
>I assume it was Sgt B who posted as B. We are frens and did work together to influence QR between 4/20 and 5/5 2020.
>I will not tell who Sgt B is so don't ask…
First I want to thank you for these links. Second this "admisson" is completely retarded and answers nothing. So this Sgt. B, a guy Babyfist claims to have worked with a year ago on QR… and I guess implies doesn't work with any more… some how logs in to Babyfists acct and makes the "B" post from Babyfists IP.
How is anyone buying this story?
So what did you do?! Because you admit to being laughing_man. Are you saying Sgt B some how found your login credentials the year before in your home, then came over again logged into your wifi and made the infamous b post? Do you understand how ridiculous that sounds?
Clearly the ingersoll lockwood site, MJ12 on telegram and this B drop are all related, it's way too obvious, and it's not a coincidence. If someone can blow the theory apart go ahead. But just to take you at your word, and that you did not do anything is a complete joke.
So you gave your "frens" access to your networks… they in turn stole your GV creds and made the infamous B post with it. I don't buy it, especially if you had fore knowledge of coming events.
The Ingersoll Lockwood, MJ12, and B post op reeks in its entirely. Remember the pathway to hell is paved in good intentions. I cannot verify everything you are saying unfortunately. I hope you are telling the truth, but right now your name is mudd.