I have some ideas regarding the Q boards on this site. I am clearly naive about all of the politics here and I do not participate on discord so please be patient and hear me out. Critique as desired.
It is common knowledge on QR that OSS is now running the show. He also runs a discord server that he does most of his organization from. This group is clearly anti-jewish and from what I can tell anti Q. I saw a meme where there was a large letter Q with a "jewish nose" behind it. This is perfectly ok on this board now, 0 complaints. There are also a bunch of lackeys there that fawn over everything OSS does. If you complain about him, you get the ban-hammer. It appears to me that the goal is to subvert the board and get it working towards another nefarious purpose. The media lately has been saying anons are upset that Q has done nothing and will soon get violent. I get the succinct feeling from the way OSS operates that he has a huge vested interest in the board. He seemingly takes out competitors at every opportunity. I also get the feeling he is operating out of an extremist ideology of some kind. Pro white, anti jew / black. I have heard storm front thrown around quite a bit. I don't think he is storm front, but rather operating from the ideology. They knocked out / shut up all the anons who say muh joo shill, which goes counter to the narrative.
My suspicion is that OSS is an operative, cognizant or not, to keep the board with a white supremacist bend. This flows right along with the MSM narrative that anyone who goes counter to the DS narrative is racist and that white supremacy is a problem. The shills have changed as well it seems. They are no longer ESL third tier shills.
Now… I went to QRB to see what is going on there, as it seems to be picking up steam. The same anti-jew/black narrative is going on there. I believe that QRB is nothing more than controlled opposition. On both QR and QRB if you go counter to the racist talk they claim you are anti free speech, and that people on average genuinely speak/think the way they do, you just don't see it online because boards are moderated.
As of right now I think the goal is not to take down the boards but to generate the narrative that the Q movement is inherently radically racist. Followed by generating another associated false narrative that anons are now disenfranchised with Q and are becoming violent. Equating Q / anons with violent radical white supremacy.
The MSM keeps writing news stories about Q and likely needs their "QAnon" stories to keep their narrative/viewership/revenue streams going. They have had huge losses since Trump left office both in terms of viewership and revenue. They need bogeymen to keep their white supremacy narrative alive.