I knew it, MJ12 and Ingersol conspiring to abduct NoSAuz and eat all the tacos! Damn you, Greys!
I knew it, MJ12 and Ingersol conspiring to abduct NoSAuz and eat all the tacos! Damn you, Greys!
what's the regexp or equivalent of your scrapper?
this is not the real Gen Flynn account
real Gen Flynn account is:
I was just replying to the anon that posted what seemed to be a Gen Flynn post about "the storm is coming", telling him it was not from the real Gen Flynn telegram account
I attached 2 screenshots to give sauce, but then they appeared blank, for some reason
I'm going to listen to the Rudy video as well
I have the impression Team Patriot is getting ahead of what could be a giant DS UFO slide, neutering their narrative
my guess is that UFOs are some sort of advanced drones, "unidentified aerial objects" caught spying over military targets, and thus classified as UFOs, because they weren't sure what they were (unidentified)
but I keep an open mind
although Rudy is starting his video telling "we really started to get interested in UFOs in 1947", which matches the research of Cooper
>I will note up when we have a lil more meat to throw on the Bar-B
I don't have much time today to bring about some research, or to look for relevant news
I'm very dubious about the non-hoomans
for instance, there was a 'Gimbal' video that was 'released', that showed an object that was behaving in 'unexplained' ways, 'massive explanations', etc.
and then, some people did a careful analysis of the perspective changes, did some motion tracking, etc., and found out that the 'unexplained' movements were easily explained by the changes of perspective caused by refocusing what is called a gimble (I think that's the correct spelling), which is a very sophisticated stabilized camera found on planes
I have researched and debunked so much of the alien stuff
at the moment, I'm siding with Cooper's research: they have very sophisticated scenarios and advanced tech non-released to the public, that they would use to create an alien scare, as a last resort attempt to bring people to accept a one world governement
they could even fake it with completely made-up footage, a-la-CNN
they would probably align that scenario with a mix of plot parts from the many alien movies
in the same way many 'pandemic' movies were eerily similar to some aspects of the COVID narrative
all the 'super secrecy' regarding aliens and UFOs would just be used to make it 'more believable'
I seem also to recall that the Tom Delonge guy who released a few videos a couple years ago was connected to Podesta (but don't take my word for it, I'd have to verify)
the gimble/gimbal (?) video, is the one that is shown in the Rudy video at around 24:00
I should try to recover the research that was done about it
you mean this one?
well, that drop is why I keep my mind open
>yes, but no.. more. A few breds from that. Its really worth your time if you want to look from then forward.
a few /qr/ breads from that Q drop, or a few breads ago on /mnr/?
but note that Q is not saying they are here on earth
we might have been able to capture some signal coming from far away
signal can travel at approximately the speed of light in the space vaccuum
but as far as I know, it is not possible to transport matter in non-astromical time to even the neighboring galaxies
the mass of matter is what makes it impossible
electromagnetic signal/radiation is massless
but, hey, who knows
I have been through all the alien stuff many times in the past since this Q drop
right now, I decided I'm done guessing, and I will just wait for what's actually going to be released
I also have an alternative theory (just a theory):
Cabal wanted to keep a UFO invasion scenario as last resort
Q team decided to force their hand by making those drops, drawing the attention of everyone
POTUS made a law saying the UFO stuff should be declassified this month
Biden is not saying maybe not right away
Team Patriots are going full on on the UFO stuff, in order to have the public really wanting to see it, and thus pressuring Biden to release the stuff
just a theory
in a more 5D game theory way
ok, I'll check out the previous breads (not tonight, too tired)
for keks
"Scientific consensus for life on mars"
forgot this one!
alien coming from mars scenario seems to have started at the beginning of the 20th century
how dare you question the fact that global warming on Mars wiped out the Martians!