Ask yourself, Why would God say, "Let US make man in OUR image." Wouldn't he be the all powerful being to do it all. You may have heard the argument that He and his angels is who he is referring too. This is error due to God saying, "I am a jealous God. No one is before me." If he were the only one, there would be no need to be jealous. And there would be no need to ask for help to make man in their image. Why would that same God ask, "Where are you?" While he was looking for Adam after the tree of knowledge. Wouldn't an all knowing God know?
I'm not saying these things happened in some shape of form. It is meaningless to what lies ahead for you lot. These questions merely jog your memory to remember who you are. You're not monkeys and you're not fish. You are men and women both created to serve. You were freed and now you were tricked throughout a long course of history. It matters not who you place this freedoms thanks for. I guarantee you that the person that freed you, doesn't want your praise and worship.
These steps will transition you to not be distracted.
These Questions will help guide you during the evils final stand.
The righteous do not need to fight the wicked.
The wicked will eat there own and destroy themselves.
LEaving you pure and untouched.
Do not fear.
Principalities are not hooman
And neither are the Authorities
The wicked do sacrifices for numerous reasons.
(food, joy and transfers)
They can't transfer anymore due to reasons that will later be discussed.
Enjoy your Saturday. Corn MAsh is ripe and headed to the mountains to pump that pure corn liquer. Jesus made water into Wine. I turn Corn in to liquer lol. Good role model. Learn alot.