OK, can someone take a look at:
and tell this old War Horse how illegal aliens become productive Union members? Seems to me cheap labor pouring in mean Union jobs are not needed. Hire the illegal, wait a few weeks, call OCE for a raid, the illegals get hauled off before getting paid, get new illegals, repeat. Who needs any Union contracts? Who is paying any Union dues?
Sorry, the weirdest math I've done is Laplace Transformations for electronics so anyone with Common Core skills please explain.
All I can see is Union = High Pay, massive Benefits, hard to fire, under Contract, paying Union Dues versus Illegal Immigrant = Low Pay, NO Benefits, fire or have hauled off by ICE anytime, Union Dues paid?
Sadly the Illegal Immigrant would work harder with far less absent time and provide a better quality of product. All of which moot when robots can do it, then only repair techs are needed.